Activities in Japan


Below are the examples of social contribution activities Fujitsu conducts in Japan.

Examples of our activities

Tsushima, one of the most plastic contaminated islands

Although many of the participants were already familiar with the issues on plastic waste, they were shocked to see the actual reality.This report introduces the activities the Fujitsu team participated in.

Blakiston's Fish Owl Voice Recognition Project

We provide the voice recognition software for conducting a habitat survey for the endangered species, the Blakiston's Fish Owl. This is useful in automatically extracting the owl call, dramatically reducing analysis time and enabling efficient surveying.

Investigation Project Using Mobile Photo System and Cloud Services

As part of our sustainability activities, we provide mobile phone photo system and cloud services to a survey project conducting biodiversity preservation activities, to cooperate in promoting surveys for preservation of biodiversity.

Support for Grape Cultivation Using a Multi-Sensing Network

At the Okunota Winery in Koshu, Yamanashi Prefecture, which cooperates with the Fujitsu Group in providing opportunities for our employees to experience agriculture, we have provided a multi-sensing network that automatically collects data on temperature, rainfall, and humidity at the vinery since FY 2011, to help contribute to high quality wine production.

Greenery and Satoyama Conservation, Fujitsu Group Forest

In order to promote conservation and regeneration of biodiversity and to protect the nature around us, Fujitsu Group has been conducting greenery and Satoyama conservation activities at various bases.

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