Stakeholder Engagement


To promote sustainability management that reflects the changes and needs of society, the Fujitsu Group understands the importance of creating regular opportunities to engage in dialogue with a diverse range of stakeholders and building solid trust-based relationships.

We carefully consider the opinions and issues arising from the dialogue sessions, share them with all concerned parties, and work toward internal reforms and problem resolution.

StakeholdersKey ESG IssuesMeans of Engagement (Frequency)
  • Provide products and services that address customer challenges
  • Contribute to resolving societal challenges by collaborating creatively with customers
  • Ensure information security
  • Protect data privacy
  • Sales activities, promotion/advertising
  • Publications
  • Websites
  • Customer contact center
  • Survey of Net Promoter Score
  • In its supply chain, the Fujitsu Group will achieve responsible procurement that embraces diversity and gives full consideration to human rights, the environment and health & safety.
  • Briefings to partners
  • CSR Survey
  • Information exchange meetings
Shareholders and investors
  • Timely and appropriate information disclosure
  • Enhance corporate value
  • Response to concerns about key ESG issues
  • Annual Shareholders’ Meeting (annual)
  • Investor Relations website
  • Integrated Report 
  • Financial Results Announcements (quarterly)
  • ESG Briefing (annual)
  • Individual consultations (as required)
  • Protect human rights
  • Ensure thorough compliance
  • Nurture and retain talent
  • Improve the workplace environment
  • Intranet websites
  • Employee Engagement Surveys (semiannual)
  • Labor union consultations
  • Exchange of views with senior management
Communities (global and local)
  • Coexist with communities
  • Provide value to society
  • Websites
  • Publications
  • Social contribution activities
Government authorities and public organizations (*1)
  • Comply with laws and regulations
  • Policy recommendations
  • Reports and submissions to government and public organizations
  • Public-related committees and study groups
  • (*1)
    Fujitsu conducts political donations properly in accordance with the Political Funds Control Act.
    Our total domestic political donations in FY2023 amounted to 20.4 million yen.

Stakeholder Dialogue Sessions

Enhancing Business Management through Dialogue with Outside Experts

Aiming to reflect the opinions of diverse stakeholders in business management, the Fujitsu Group regularly invites outside experts to participate in dialogues with its senior management team. We host lively discussions about how best to use technology to contribute to sustainable development and ensure the Company’s continued growth.

Stakeholder dialogue sessions held to date

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