Sustainability at Fujitsu Group
- Sustainability Management in the Fujitsu Group
- GRB(Global Responsible Business)Goals and Achievments for FY2022
- GRB(Global Responsible Business)Goals for FY2025
- Fujitsu's accessibility
- Stakeholder Engagement
- United Nations Global Compact
- SDG-related Activities in Fujitsu
- External Recognition and Awards
Global Responsible Business
- Environment
- Environmental Management
- The Fujitsu Group Environmental Vision on Climate Change
- Living in Harmony with Nature (Conservation of Biodiversity)
- Environmental Action Plan
- Environmental Data
- Environmental Communication
- Environmental Social Activities
- Disposal and Recycling of ICT products
- Environmental Considerations in ICT Products
- Governance
Data and Documents
- Fujitsu Group Sustainability Data Book 2024
- Social, Governance and Environmental data
- Independent Assurance Report
- GRI Standards / United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) principles Comparison Table
- SASB Standards Comparison Table
- Sustainability Information Disclosure Framework
- Link to regions responsible business reports
- Contact
- Sitemap
Environmental Training and Awareness Activities for Employees
The Fujitsu Group conducts various environmental education and awareness activities based on the belief that “Greater environmental awareness and proactive efforts among all employees are essential for pursuing environmental management.”
Comprehensive Environmental Training
We offer environmental e-Learning opportunities for all employees through programs in our company-wide training system to promote a basic understanding of environmental management. Training is also conducted on a per-division basis. Specialized trainings such as internal auditor training and training for those in charge of waste practices are also conducted for employees who are in charge of environment-related tasks.
Fujitsu's Environmental Training Scheme
Environmental e-Learning
We offer educational opportunities for employees to comprehensively learn about global trends relating to the environment, the environmental management of the Fujitsu Group, and the role played by each employee, based on the theme of “Environmental Management of the Fujitsu Group and Role of Each Individual Employee“ This education is positioned as providing fundamental knowledge that all Fujitsu employees should have under the company-wide employee training system.
<Images of Environmental e-Learning material>