Reduction of CO2 Emissions by Reducing Power Consumption When Using Products


Our Approach

As ICT grows more and more common, we expect there to be an increase in energy demand in proportion to the higher performance and higher-density integration of servers and other ICT products. Various countries and regions are also expanding their energy-related regulations for ICT products, and energy efficiency is taking on increasing social importance as a factor in energy label conformance and green procurement requirements.

Here at the Fujitsu Group, we believe that we should work to improve the energy performance of our products during their use, in order to reduce GHG emissions. As such, we will actively implement energy-saving technologies and continue working to further improve the energy efficiency of products. Through these efforts, we will work to promote the development of products that contribute to reduced power consumption when in use.

FY 2022 Performance

Targets under the Fujitsu Group Environmental Action Plan (Stage X)FY2022 result
Reduce CO2 emissions due to product power consumption by 17% or more in comparison to FY 2013.Reduced by 25%

Change in CO2 Emissions Due to Product Power Consumption

Fujitsu Group Environmental Action Plan (Stage X) Initiatives

Based on the Fujitsu Group’s medium-term environmental goal of “reducing CO2 emissions due to product power consumption in FY 2030 by 30% or more in comparison to FY 2013,” we set a target in the Fujitsu Group Environmental Action Plan (Stage X) to reduce CO2 emissions due to product power consumption by 17% or more in comparison to FY 2013 in FY 2022, as a transitional year. To achieve this target, each business unit goals to improve the energy efficiency of products that were expected to be developed in FY 2021 and FY 2022, then worked to meet them. Applications of energy-saving technologies include new, high-efficiency microprocessors and power supplies, energy-saving displays, optimized energy-saving controls, and the strengthening of power management features. In addition to these, we are actively pushing for the aggregation of LSIs, reductions in the numbers of components, and the implementation of eco-friendly devices.

Attained a 25% Reduction in CO2 Emissions in Comparison to FY 2013

In FY 2022, as a result of applying and expanding energy-saving technologies in our servers, storage, PCs, and network devices, we were able to attain a 25% reduction in CO2 emissions in comparison to FY 2013.

Working Toward Our Targets

In order to achieve the Fujitsu Group’s medium-term environmental goal, each unit will work to further develop products with improved energy efficiency. We will also implement advanced energy-saving technologies and expand their application to our products, as part of our cross-Group policy to improve energy efficiency.

Looking toward the future, we aim to push the development of advanced eco-friendly devices, which will contribute to revolutionary improvements in energy efficiency, and aim for the products to be applied at an early stage.

Initiatives in FY 2022

FACT-X functions as a new ATM that conserves energy


FACT-X is a next-generation ATM for a cashless era. It works as a bank teller in addition to serving as a full-service ATM. Developed under the concept of “accessible to all,” the ATM has many thoughtful features with all users in mind, including simple operation and accessibility, security design, and ease of use for those unfamiliar with ATMs or in a wheelchair. We also provide operational support services to the companies that operate ATMs, including remote functions and remote maintenance services. In addition, we will continue to provide functions that meet customer needs, including features to reduce teller operations.

In terms of environmental considerations, we have revised the function and parts of the new model to include complete transition from paper journals to electronic journals and adoption of SSD, in addition to offering the Super Eco Mode which turns the power off when no users are present in existing models. This update reduced power consumption by 15% when in use compared to conventional models*. (*Compared to FACT-V X200)We strive to help customers achieve sustainability and transformation through enhanced customer services and provision of channel reform through FACT-X as a new contact point.

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