Environmental Performance Data Calculation Standards


Applicable Period: April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023

Fujitsu Group Environmental Action Plan (Stage X)

Boundary: For details, refer to Fujitsu Group Environmental Action Plan

Target ItemIndicatorUnitCalculation Method
Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from business sites each year by 4.2% or more, compared with the base year of FY2013.GHG emissionsTons
  • Amount of CO2 emissions:
    ① Fuel, gas and heat supplied
    Σ [(Annual consumption of fuel oil, gas and heat supplied) x CO2 conversion factor for each type of energy*]
    *CO2 conversion factor: Conversion factor for power, based on the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures
    ② Electricity
    Annual electricity consumption x CO2 conversion factor (for location and market calculations)
    • Location-based:
      • Japan: Usage of 0.436 tons-CO2/MWh in FY 2021 (Source: Adjusted emission factors published on February 13, 2023 from the Electric Power Council for a Low Carbon Society)
      • Overseas: Latest IEA value (IEA Emissions Factors 2022)
    • Market-based:
      • Japan: FY 2021 emission factors for each power producer are used (adjusted emission factors) (Source: GHG Emissions Accounting, Reporting, and Disclosure System List of Emission Factors by Power Producer)
      • Overseas: Value of the power company or the latest IEA value (IEA Emissions Factors 2022)
  • Greenhouse gas emissions other than energy-derived CO2:
    Annual emissions of greenhouse gases (Non-energy source CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3) other than energy-derived CO2 at Atsugi Research Laboratories of FUJITSU LIMITED and SHINKO ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES CO., LTD..
    Σ[Annual emissions for each type of gas*1 x Global warming potential for each gas*2]
    *1 Based on the calculation method used by the appliances and electronics industries: Amount of each gas used (or purchased) x Reactant consumption rate x Removal efficiency, etc.
    *2 Global Warming Potential (GWP): IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Fourth Assessment Report “Climate Change 2007”
Rate of reduction of GHG due to voluntary efforts(Total amount of GHG reductions due to voluntary efforts / total amount of GHG emissions in the previous fiscal year) × 100
Improve PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) of our data centers by 3%, compared with FY 2017.Rate of PUE improvements
  • PUE = Σ (Total DC energy consumption) ÷ Σ (Total IT device energy consumption)
    Σ: Combined total energy of the 23 main DCs
  • Rate of improvement (%) = (Base fiscal year PUE - PUE for the current fiscal year) ÷ Base fiscal year PUE x 100
    Base fiscal year: FY 2017
Increase renewable energy usage to 16% of total electricity.Ratio of renewable energy useRatio of the total amount of electricity generated by the company and purchased from outside using renewable energy (Solar, wind, hydro, biomass, geothermal, etc.) used in the fiscal year to the amount of electricity used in the fiscal year
Reduce CO2 emissions due to power consumption during product usage by 17% or more, compared with FY2013.Rate of reduction in CO2 emissions when products are usedRate of reduction in GHG emissions based on FY 2013 emissions, as calculated under Scope 3: Use of products sold downstream
Promote eco design for resource saving and circulation and increase resource efficiency of newly developed products by 10% or more, compared with FY 2019.Rate of improvement of resource efficiency of new products
  • The average rate of improvement of resource efficiency (versus FY 2019) of products*.
    *Hardware products under the Fujitsu Brand, newly developed between FY 2021 and FY 2022. Excludes products not designed by Fujitsu (OEM products) and products designed under customer specifications.
    *Refer to “Improving resource efficiency of products” for the resource efficiency calculation method.
Reduce water usage by 30,000 kiloliters or more by implementing water resource conservation measures.Amount of water usage reductionm3Take the accumulated impact (actual or estimated) of water use reduction measures implemented at each business site, and calculate the amount of reduction for the relevant fiscal year

GHG Emissions Amount Report based on GHG Protocol

IndicatorUnitCalculation Method
(Scope 3)
Purchased goods and servicesTonsComponents purchased during the fiscal year x Emissions per unit of purchase
(Source: Embodied Energy and Emissions Intensity Data (3EID) published by the National Institute for Environmental Studies Center for Global Environmental Research)
The procurement volume is for the Fujitsu Group's centralized purchasing and does not include voluntary procurement by each Group company.
Capital goodsTonsTotal amount of acceptance inspection of construction objects in the fiscal year × emission intensity
(Source: Database for calculating an organization's greenhouse gas emissions through its supply chain ver. 3.2 published by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Fuel-and-energy-related activities (not included in Scope 1 or 2)TonsAnnual amounts of fuel oil and gas, electricity and heat purchased (consumed) mainly at business sites owned by Fujitsu x Emissions per unit
(Source: Database for calculating an organization's greenhouse gas emissions through its supply chain ver. 3.1 published by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Based on the Japanese emissions intensity database, IDEA v2.3 (For calculating greenhouse gas emissions in the supply chain)
Transportation and distribution (upstream)TonsTransportation of goods within Japan: CO2 emissions related to the transportation of goods within Japan by the Fujitsu Group
* CO2 emissions related to domestic transportation by the Fujitsu Group, based on the Act on the Rational Use of Energy as a source
The fuel economy method (for some vehicles) or the improved ton-kilometer method (vehicle, rail, air)
TonsInternational transport/overseas local transport: transportation ton-kilometer x Emission per unit
(Source: GHG protocol emissions coefficient database)
Waste generated in operationsTonsAnnual amounts of waste (discharged mainly by business sites owned by Fujitsu) processed or recycled, by type and processing method x Emissions per unit of annual amount of waste processed or recycled
(Source: Database for calculating an organization's greenhouse gas emissions through its supply chain ver. 3.2 published by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Based on the Japanese emissions intensity database, IDEA v2.3 (For calculating greenhouse gas emissions in the supply chain)
Business travelTons(By means of transport) Σ(Transportation expense payment x Emissions per unit)
(Source: Basic Guidelines for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions Via Supply Chains Ver. 2.3 and Emissions per Unit Database Ver. 3.1 published by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Employee commutingTonsFor portions of commute by public transportation: (By means of transport) Σ(Transportation expense payment x Emissions per unit)
(Source: Same as above)
For portions of commute by private automobile: Σ(Transported persons-kilometer x Emissions per unit)
(Source: Same as above)
Transported persons-kilometer: Calculated from transportation expense payment, price of gasoline, and fuel efficiency
Leased assets (Upstream)TonsAnnual amounts of fuel oil, gas, electricity, and heat consumed mainly at leased business sites x Emissions per unit of fuel oil, gas, electricity, and heat consumed
(Sources – Japan: Act on Promotion of Global Warning Countermeasures – GHG Emissions Accounting, Reporting, and Disclosure System; Overseas: IEA CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion Highlights 2021)
Reporting company
(Scope 1, 2)
Direct emissionsTonsAmount of CO2 emissions from the consumption of fuel oil and gas (burning of fuel) and GHG emissions other than CO2, mainly at business sites owned by Fujitsu
* For the calculation method, see “Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from business sites each year by 4.2% or more” in the Environmental Action Plan (Stage X)
Indirect emissions from energy sourcesTonsCO2 emissions from the consumption (purchase) of electricity and heat mainly at business sites owned by Fujitsu
* For the calculation method, see “Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from business sites each year by 4.2% or more” in the Environmental Action Plan (Stage X)
(Scope 3)
Processing of sold productsTonsIntermediate product sales volume*1 x Emissions per unit of processing volume*2
*1 Intermediate product sales volume: Fujitsu’s device solution sales
*2 Emissions per unit of processing volume: Calculated from Fujitsu’s FY 2015 assembly plant data
Use of sold productsTonsElectricity consumption during product use*3 x Emissions per unit electricity*4
*3 Electricity consumption during product use: Calculated as power consumption per unit of each major product shipped in the fiscal year*1 during the estimated time of use x Units shipped for the subject fiscal year. Electricity usage for the anticipated usage time per product unit is calculated as electricity consumed (kW) x Time used (h / Days) x Number of days used / Year x Number of years used. Time used (h), number of days used per year, and number of years used are set according to Fujitsu’s internal scenarios
*4 Emissions intensity:
  • Japan: Usage of 0.436 tons-CO2/MWh in FY 2021 (Source: Adjusted emission factors published on February 13, 2023 from the Electric Power Council for a Low Carbon Society)
  • Overseas: Latest IEA value (IEA Emissions Factors 2022)
End-of-life treatment of sold productsTonsΣ (Weight of major products sold during the fiscal year*1 by type (t) x Percentage of waste by type and treatment method (%)*5 x Emissions intensity by type and treatment method (tCO2e/t))
(Source: Database for calculating an organization's greenhouse gas emissions through its supply chain ver. 3.3 published by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry . The emission intensity includes the transportation stage of waste.)
*5 The percentage by type of waste and disposal method is calculated based on the waste disposal results of our company Recycling Center in the previous fiscal year for products sold, and based on the waste disposal results of the PC3R Promotion Association for the current fiscal year for other products collected.

Response to Environmental Risks: Environmental Liabilities

IndicatorUnitCalculation Method
Cost of environmental liabilitiesYen
  1. Asset retirement obligation (Only asbestos removal cost related to facility disposal)
  2. Cost for soil contamination countermeasures
  3. Disposal processing cost for waste with high concentration of PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl)

Response to Environmental Risks: Preventing Soil and Groundwater Pollution

IndicatorUnitCalculation Method
Measured value of groundwater pollutionmg/LThe highest value in the fiscal year for substances detected at levels exceeding regulated levels set in the Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act, etc., at monitoring wells at the boundaries of sites where past business activities have resulted in soil contamination

Material Balance: Environmental Load in Our Operating Activities

Boundary: Fujitsu and the Fujitsu Group (For details, refer to List of Companies Covered by the Report on Environmental Activities)

* Calorific value conversion factor (unit heat generation): in accordance with the "Law Concerning the Rational Use of Energy.".
IndicatorUnitCalculation Method
Raw MaterialsTonsMaterial inputs to our major products (*1) shipped from plants in the fiscal year (raw materials per unit for each product x The number of units shipped in the fiscal year)
Chemical SubstancesVolume of substances subject to VOC emissions restrictionsTonsOf the 20 VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) specified in the environmental voluntary action plans of the four electrical and electronic industry associations (*2), total amounts handled are provided for those substances handled in quantities exceeding 100 kg annually per substance at individual business sites, including overseas sites
Substances subject to VOC emissions controls that are also covered by the PRTR law are included in the section on substances subject to VOC emissions controls
Volume of PRTR-targeted substancesTonsOf the substances covered by the PRTR law (Act on Confirmation, etc. of Release Amounts of Specific Chemical Substances in the Environmental and Promotion of Improvements to the Management Thereof), totals are provided for those substances handled in quantities exceeding 100 kg annually per substance per business site, including overseas sites
Amount of water usedm3Annual use of clean water, industrial water and groundwater (not including groundwater used for melting snow or extracted for purification.)
Amount of Recycled waterm3Annual amount of water used for manufacturing and other purposes once, then recovered, processed, and used again for manufacturing and other processes.
Energy consumption (calorie basis)GJΣ[Purchased electricity, Local Heat Supply, Annual consumption of fuel oil and gas) x Thermal conversion factor for each type of energy*]
* Thermal conversion factor (Heating value unit): Except for electricity, it is subject to the Act on the Rational Use of Energy. City gas is used for each supplier or 44.8 GJ/1000m3. The physical calorimetric conversion factor (3.6 MJ/kWh) is used for electric power.
 Purchased electricityMWhAnnual electricity purchases
Bunker A, fuel oil, light oil, benzine, gasolinekLAnnual fuel oil usage (or purchases)
Natural gasm3Annual natural gas usage (or purchases)
Town gasm3Annual town gas usage (or purchases)
LPGTonsAnnual LPG usage (or purchases)
LNGTonsAnnual LNG usage (or purchases)
District heating and coolingGJAnnual district heating and cooling (cold and hot water for cooling and heating) usage (or purchases)
Distribution / SalesEnergy consumed for transportGJTotal value of transport energy consumption for Fujitsu*1 and Fujitsu Group companies*2
*1 Fujitsu (domestic transport): Energy consumption related to domestic transport by the Fujitsu Group, based on the Act on the Rational Use of Energy “Logistics.”
*2 Fujitsu Group Companies: Calculated from the transport CO2 emissions from OUTPUT (distribution and sales) using the ratio of Fujitsu (domestic transport) transport energy consumption to transport CO2 emissions.
Use of sold ProductsEnergyElectricityGWhElectricity consumed in connection with major products (*1) shipped from plants during the fiscal year (Amount of electricity used for time estimated per product unit x Units shipped in the fiscal year)
* Unit conversion factor : Physical quantity is used for energy conversion of electric power quantity (3.6MJ/kWh).
Recycling of resourcesResource recycling rateBased on the calculation method provided by JEITA, recycled components and resources are calculated as a percentage of the weight of used products processed in Japan. Excludes collected waste other than used electronic products.
Processed volumeTons
Raw MaterialsCO2 emissionsTons
CO2 emissions related to all stages from resource extraction through processing into raw materials (CO2 emissions equivalent for raw materials used per product unit x Units shipped in the fiscal year) for the raw materials used in major products (*1) shipped from plants in the fiscal year
Chemical SubstancesVolume of substances subject to VOC emissions restrictionsTonsOf the 20 VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) specified in the environmental voluntary action plans of the four electrical and electronic industry associations (*2), total amounts released are provided for those substances handled in quantities exceeding 100 kg annually per substance at individual business sites, including overseas sites.
Substances subject to VOC emissions controls that are also covered by the PRTR law are included in the section on substances subject to VOC emissions controls.
Volume of PRTR-targeted substances releasedTonsOf the substances covered by the PRTR law (Act on Confirmation, etc. of Release Amounts of Specific Chemical Substances in the Environment and Promotion of Improvements to the Management Thereof), released totals are provided for those substances handled in quantities exceeding 100 kg annually per substance per business site, including overseas sites. It is the sum of air emissions and water emissions.
Atmospheric pollutionCO2 emissionsTons
* For the calculation method, see “Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 emissions) from business sites” in the Environmental Action Plan (Stage X).
GHG emissions other than CO2Tons* For the calculation method, see “Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG emissions other than CO2) from business sites” in the Environmental Action Plan (Stage X).
NOx emissionsTonsNOx concentration (ppm) x 10-6 x Dry gas emissions (m3N/hr) x Operating time (hr/yr) x 46/22.4 x 10-3
Sox emissionsTonsSOx concentration (ppm) x 10-6 x Dry gas emissions (m3N/hr) x Operating time (hr/yr) x 64/22.4 x 10-3
Water DischargeWastewater dischargesm3Annual water discharge into public waterways and sewers (not including groundwater used for melting snow, but including groundwater extracted for purification when the amount of water is known)
BOD emissionsTonsBOD concentration (mg/l) x Water discharges (m3/yr) x 10-6
COD emissionsTonsCOD concentration (mg/l) x Water discharges (m3/yr) x 10-6
WasteAmount of waste generatedTonsTotal value obtained by adding the total amount of effective utilization (thermal recycling, material recycling) and the amount of waste processed
Thermal recycling volumeTonsAmong all types of waste put to effective use, the total volume used in thermal recycling
* Thermal recycling: Recovery and use of the heat energy generated by incinerating waste
Material recycling volumeTonsAmong all types of waste put to effective use, the total volume used in material recycling
* Material recycling: Processing of waste to facilitate its reuse, and re-use of processed waste as material or raw materials for new products
Disposal volumeTonsVolume of industrial and general waste processed by, for example, landfilling or simple incineration
Distribution / SalesAtmospheric ReleaseTons
For the calculation method, see “Transportation and distribution (upstream)” in the GHG Emissions Amount Report based on GHG Protocol.
UsageAtmospheric ReleaseTons
For the calculation method, see “Use of sold products” in the GHG Emissions Amount Report based on GHG Protocol.
  • (*1)
    Major products:
    Personal computers, servers, workstations, storage systems, printers, financial terminals, retail terminals, routers, LAN access equipment, access network products and mobile phone base stations.
  • (*2)
    Four electrical and electronic industry associations:
    The Japan Electrical Manufactures’ Association (JEMA), Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA), Communications and Information Network Association of Japan (CIAJ), and Japan Business Machine and Information System Industries Association (JBMIA).
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