Sustainability at Fujitsu Group
- Sustainability Management in the Fujitsu Group
- GRB(Global Responsible Business)Goals and Achievments for FY2022
- GRB(Global Responsible Business)Goals for FY2025
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- Stakeholder Engagement
- United Nations Global Compact
- SDG-related Activities in Fujitsu
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Global Responsible Business
- Environment
- Environmental Management
- The Fujitsu Group Environmental Vision on Climate Change
- Living in Harmony with Nature (Conservation of Biodiversity)
- Environmental Action Plan
- Environmental Data
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- Environmental Social Activities
- Disposal and Recycling of ICT products
- Environmental Considerations in ICT Products
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Data and Documents
- Fujitsu Group Sustainability Data Book 2024
- Social, Governance and Environmental data
- Independent Assurance Report
- GRI Standards / United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) principles Comparison Table
- SASB Standards Comparison Table
- Sustainability Information Disclosure Framework
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Reducing the Amount of Water Used
Our Approach
The risk of a global water shortage is on the rise, due to such factors as climate change, the destruction of forests, and the economic growth and population boom in emerging and developing countries. Such a water shortage is a risk for companies as well, since it may very well affect the survival of their businesses. As such, it is important for us to recycle and reduce the amount of water we use.
Since the Fujitsu Group uses particularly large amounts of water in the manufacture of semiconductors and printed circuit boards, we believe it is necessary to reduce our water consumption in these areas especially. In addition to our general water conservation efforts, we have also worked to reuse and recirculate water, through methods such as pure water recycling and the reuse of rainwater. We are continuing our efforts to effectively use water resources in the Environmental Action Plan (Stage Ⅺ).
FY2023 Performance
Targets under the Fujitsu Group Environmental Action Plan (Stage Ⅺ) | FY2023 result |
Adding policies to reduce water consumption and reducing water usage by at least 57 thousand m3 by the end of FY2025. (*1) | Water consumption was reduced 59 thousand m3 (target for FY2023: 38 thousand m3) |
- (*1)Target organizations: Japan; Fujitsu and Fujitsu Group offices (excluding data centers)
Overseas; Fujitsu and Fujitsu Group manufacturing sites
The policies we established in FY2023 to reduce water usage include reducing the amount of water used in coating and cleaning processes, reviewing our water supply and wastewater through actions such as optimizing the water supply for our scrubbers, and upgrading air conditioners from water-cooled units to air-cooled units. We implemented these policies at each business site, plant, etc., so that we could make more efficient use of our water resources.
As a result, in FY2023 we reduced our water usage by 59 thousand m3, which is 104% of the 57 thousand m3 target set in the Fujitsu Group Environmental Action Plan (Stage Ⅺ).
Water Usage in FY2023 was 6.09 Million m3 (a 1% Reduction Compared to the Previous Fiscal Year)
The total amount of water we used in FY 2023 was 6.09 million m3 (output level per sales amount: 162 m3/100 million yen), a reduction of 1% compared to FY 2022. Additionally, 3.29 million m3 of that usage was recycled water, which was a decrease of 14.6% in comparison to FY 2022. Since the total amount of water we used declined slightly, recycled water comprised 54.1% of our total water usage, a deterioration of 8.7% over FY 2022.
Trends in Water Usage and Amounts of Recycled Water