Human Rights



In both the real-world and digital societies, consideration for "human dignity" is reflected in all our corporate activities and we constantly work to "create human-centric value".


Prevent and mitigate Human Rights risks throughout our value chain

  • Conduct continuous Human Rights e-learning courses (maintain an attendance rate of 90% or more)
  • Hold annual Stakeholder Dialogue sessions
  • Work with our partners, customers and NGOs to establish activities that enable Human Rights, using Fujitsu’s expertise and technologies


Embedding "respect for human rights" within the Fujitsu Group

  • Completion rate for global human rights training: 80%

Our Approach

The shared values articulated in the Code of Conduct of the Fujitsu Way are guidelines for each employee to follow when conducting their daily business operations. Prime among them is "We respect human rights", a principle that underpins all our corporate activities. By promoting management that respects human rights, we are working to ensure that this concept becomes an integral part of the day-to-day actions of all employees in the group.

In December 2014, the Fujitsu Group released the “Fujitsu Group Human Rights Statement” to promote activities that respect human rights in accordance with this Code of Conduct, as set out in the Fujitsu Way. The statement was revised in December 2022, and has been prepared in 21 languages, including Japanese and English, with the aim of ensuring that it becomes embedded in the corporate culture of all our group companies. We have notified our major suppliers of the revisions and request that they familiarize themselves with the revised Statement and comply with its content.

Fujitsu has publicly announced its support for the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact (*1) based on universal principles regarding human rights and rights at work, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We have also made public announcements regarding the Modern Slavery Acts passed in the UK and Australia.

The Fujitsu Group is a member of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), which is a global CSR alliance. As such, the Group has adopted the RBA Code of Conduct in its CSR Procurement Guidelines and promotes the Human Rights Enlightenment Structure among its suppliers and throughout its supply chain.

  • (*1)
    Ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact:
    The compact identifies ten principles that corporations should uphold in four areas: human rights, labor practices, the environment and anti-corruption.

Organizational Structure and Regular Reviews

The Sustainability Management Committee is chaired by the CEO and meets once every 6 months to check on the progress of our activities to promote respect for human rights and whether we are on track to meet our targets. The committee also discusses new activities and considers non-financial indicators. They then reports to the Management Council Meeting and the Board of Directors Meeting with the results. As part of our activities to promote human rights and DE&I as key issues for globally responsible business, we have established a structure of regular meetings for those responsible for promoting human rights in each of Fujitsu’s operating regions. The Committee also works collaboratively with each of the Business Groups, the Corporate Divisions and the regions to put in place actions that will address human rights issues throughout the supply chain.

Structure for Promoting Activities Aimed at Resolving Human Rights Lssues

Promotion of Human Rights Due Diligence

Human Rights Respect Promotion Framework

In accordance with the "Fujitsu Group Human Rights Statement", the Fujitsu Group is conducting “Human Rights Due Diligence” that identifies the human rights impacts of our business activities throughout the entire global value chain, while also preventing or mitigating any negative impacts.

The Human Rights Due Diligence process has four continuous steps.
We conduct Human Rights Impact Assessment in accordance with the Fujitsu Group Human Rights Statement and implement measures to prevent or mitigate clearly identified risks. We then regularly monitor the progress of those measures to confirm their effectiveness, and the results are disclosed via reports or other information channels.

When a new corporate acquisition is made, we carry out due diligence with respect to sustainability, including human rights. We also take steps to mitigate any risk of human rights violations and ensure that the Fujitsu Group human rights initiatives are fully embraced.

Assessment of Human Rights Impacts

To ensure that the effectiveness of human rights due diligence is maximized in the Fujitsu Group, we conduct regular Human Rights Impact Assessment.

In 2022 we enlisted the cooperation of Business for Social Responsibility (BSR), an international NPO, which undertook Human Rights Impact Assessment for Fujitsu Group management and businesses from a third-party perspective. As well as conducting interviews with each of the Fujitsu Group regions, Corporate Divisions and Business Groups, BSR employed desktop research(*2) and analysis of submitted documents to compile a list of human rights issues. They then ranked the issues according to their levels of severity, likelihood and correlation with businesses. The results identified human rights issues such as employees’ working environments, workplace health and safety, the use of forced or child labor in supply chains, and data privacy and data security in our businesses.

  • (*2)
    Desktop research:
    A research method where data is gathered by referencing websites and other materials. In this instance, the research was carried out based on materials presented by Fujitsu Business Groups, materials published by external sources, and other materials issued by external organizations such as NGOs and NPOs.

Human Rights Issues Identified Through Human Rights Impact Assessment(2022)

Initiatives to Prevent or Mitigate Negative Human Rights Impacts

Supply Chain (Human Rights Issues: Supply Chain Working Environment, Forced or Child Labor, High-risk Minerals)

The Fujitsu Group requires that all its suppliers support the Fujitsu Group Human Rights Statement. The Group also requires them to support the prohibition of human trafficking, forced and child labor and discrimination, to support freedom of association and collective bargaining rights, and to promote policies such as pay equity. The human rights due diligence initiatives in the Fujitsu Group supply chain are based on the RBA Code of Conduct.

Structures for Promoting CSR Procurement

The Fujitsu Group embeds the RBA’s Code of Conduct and engages in socially responsible procurement with its suppliers and throughout its supply chain.

We have formulated and made stakeholders aware of the Fujitsu Group’s CSR Procurement Guidelines, and we request that suppliers fully understand and comply with that Guidelines. To keep track of the progress of those initiatives, the Fujitsu Group conducts regular CSR surveys of its major overseas and domestic suppliers each year. The FY2022 survey elicited responses from 533 companies. Feedback was actioned based on survey results from 77 of Fujitsu's key suppliers of products and services, including product-related materials, catering, security, and manufacturing employment agencies/subcontractors.

Initiatives to Prevent Forced Labor and Child Labor

The Fujitsu Group has stipulated that it prohibits the use of forced labor or child labor. The Fujitsu Group CSR Procurement Guideline issued to suppliers includes demands that they eliminate forced labor and child labor, and written surveys are used to check their progress with those initiatives.

Addressing High-Risk Minerals

The policy of the Fujitsu Group is to eliminate from its products, components and supply chain any minerals that give rise to conflicts (“conflict minerals”), or minerals that are at high risk of being associated with forced labor or human rights violations. To this end, the Fujitsu Group conducts surveys of high-risk minerals.

Employees (Human Rights Issues: Working Environment, Non-discrimination, Equal Opportunity)

The Fujitsu Group takes the rights of all its employees very seriously and complies with the core labor standards set out by the ILO. It also will not discriminate on the basis of race, skin color, religion, beliefs, gender, social status, family origin, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity, birthplace, age, or any other factor that is not related to legitimate business interests.

Activities to Raise Awareness of Human Rights

The Fujitsu Group has established a Human Rights Promotion Committee, chaired by the executive responsible for human resources, that leverages various opportunities to undertake research and awareness-raising activities. Reports on the status of activities and issues within the areas in Japan and in group companies are regularly provided to the secretariat of the Human Rights Promotion Committee. Findings are used by the Human Rights Promotion Committee to summarize activities and set policy direction on an annual basis to drive ongoing, structured educational activities that promote respect for human rights. We are also members of the Industrial Federation for Human Rights, Tokyo, a voluntary organization, and work on mutual training with many of the member enterprises to make respect for human rights an integral part of our corporate culture. In addition, from our standpoint as a company, we engage in activities that work to raise community awareness.

Education on Human Rights

Education and Training

Business and Human Rights e-learning program title screenBusiness and Human Rights e-learning program title screen

  • Conducted an e-learning program on "Business and Human Rights” for all Fujitsu Group employees in FY2021; attended by 92% of all group employees
  • Conducted an e-learning program on "AI Ethics and Business” for all Fujitsu Group employees in Japan in FY2022; attended by 94% of all employees in Japan.
  • Conducted an e-learning program for all employees on the topic of preventing harassment in the workplace, including discrimination against members of the LGBTI+ community
  • Continued training for all new and promoted employees and staff identified for management training, focusing on preventing various forms of discrimination and harassment
  • Conducted a "Barrier-Free Minds" workshop that includes messaging around employees with a disability and is aimed at establishing workplaces and a society in which everyone can participate actively, whether disabled or not
  • Conducted an "Unconscious Bias Awareness: Achieving Greater Diversity and Inclusion” e-learning program accompanied by video seminars for all employees to help reveal underlying systemic discrimination while further promoting diversity and inclusion
Awareness-raising Webinars
  • Period poverty: Held a webinar to improve the health status of women worldwide by enabling informed discussion on the topic of period poverty: what it is, how best to find sustainable solutions to the problem, and how employees can contribute
  • Is privilege real? (focusing on human rights): Held a webinar that discussed prejudice, discrimination and the idea of inalienable rights. This included sessions that used case studies taken from everyday life to make employees aware of their own prejudices and the fact that those prejudices can have an enormous impact on their own lives
  • Empathy and compassion: Held a webinar teaching a range of methods for dealing with difficult situations. This included considering ways to support others by looking at life from their viewpoint, and also ways to support oneself
  • History of rights for LGBTQI+ people: Held a webinar looking back at the history of LGBTQI+ rights around the world. We welcomed a special guest from the Bisi Alimi Foundation who gave a talk on the recent anti-LGBTQI+ laws passed in Nigeria and the impacts those laws have on the rights of LGBTQI+ people

World Human Rights Day

Video message from the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSuO), the GRB Director and heads of business groups
Video message from the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSuO), the GRB Director and heads of business groups

Fujitsu held an internal global event for World Human Rights Day to give all of our employees an opportunity to consider human rights (December 2022).

In addition to the video message from the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSuO), the GRB Director and heads of business groups, we released a video showing the results of the Fujitsu Group human rights impact assessment. We also held webinars in English and Japanese in three time zones in which we discussed the importance for the company of respect for human rights. For the webinars, we invited experts on human rights from the external NPO BSR, along with Fujitsu researchers working on AI ethics.

Working Environment

The Fujitsu Group aims to improve the work-life balance and productivity of every employee through a variety of initiatives aimed at reducing long working hours. By promoting Work Life Shift, we are also enhancing our systems that support diverse modes of employment based on teleworking, allowing employees to make use of flexible working arrangements, such as flex time and exempt labor systems.

    • UK: The UK has developed Work Your Way commitments which include a Well-being hour each week, opportunity to work core hours, work from different countries for up to 4 weeks per year (subject to approval) and protected focus time which gives people meeting-free focused time to get on with their work.

      Portugal: Currently have Gimme 5 and Me Time programs in Portugal Global Delivery Center, where employees can apply to work one hour less every day of the week for a period of time or an afternoon off for personal time.

ISO26000-based Written Surveys

We undertake written surveys of group companies in Japan and other countries based on the ISO 26000 standard to check on the status of initiatives promoting respect for human rights. In FY2022, we conducted surveys at 6 facilities and 79 global group companies to assess the progress of human rights and work practices programs with the aim of identifying problems and helping to expand such programs company-wide. We also conducted a survey of 21 overseas group companies in FY2020 investigating working hours, wages, privacy and reporting systems.

    • Results of Fujitsu Group Internal Survey(Human Rights/ DE&I, Labor Practices)

Customers and End Users (Human Rights Issues: Privacy, Data Security, Ethical Use of Technology)

Because the Fujitsu Group shoulders considerable responsibility as an IT developer and supplier, we devote a great deal of effort to deepening our understanding of the potential negative impacts of the many and diverse human rights issues entailed by advanced IT such as AI, and to minimizing those impacts. This applies to areas such as data security, privacy protection, and the ethical use of data.

Initiatives on Ethical AI

The rapid progress of AI is resulting in dramatic changes to people’s lives and the communities in which they live. While this innovative technology offers new solutions to social and environmental problems, it remains a “black box” process where people do not understand how its outcomes are achieved. Another issue is that the large volumes of data involved in that process can include inherent biases, which the technology encourages. Even when care is taken with the use of AI, it can lead to unforeseen problems for people. There are reports of cases of wrongful judgment due to misidentification by AI as well as ethical issues such as inequality of access, which can erode people’s trust in AI. This is why the Fujitsu Group considers it an essential part of its responsibility as an AI developer, supplier and operator to offer AI that is not only convenient, but also safe and secure.

The Fujitsu Group has long advocated a ‘human centric’ approach and argued that information technology should fundamentally be used to focus on, and to benefit, people. In March 2019, as a reflection of the rapid recent development of AI technologies, the Fujitsu Group formulated and announced the "Fujitsu Group AI Commitment". As one of the companies which carries out AI-related businesses including research, development, implementation and operation activities, we aim to emphasize the importance of communication with a wide range of stakeholders in the community, including users and consumers, as we distribute the enormous value of AI to the society. For that purpose, the commitment outlines our promises with the customers and the community.

The Fujitsu Group has identified the ethical risks listed below arising from the use of AI, and is formulating mitigation measures to address emerging risks that could significantly impact our future business.

    • Emerging Risks
      The Ethical Risks of Utilizing AI
      DescriptionAs a company that has been researching, developing, providing, and operating AI technologies since before the 1980s, Fujitsu has long asserted that information technology must be used in a human-centered manner. In recent years, there have been reports of troubling instances whereby ethical problems arise from the use of AI in the handling of privacy information. Examples include discrimination and unfairness due to negative judgments caused by false recognition by AI. Such cases can undermine people’s trust in AI. Fujitsu believes it is critical that those who develop, provide, and operate AI technologies achieve not only convenience but also use that is safe and secure.
      ImpactAs we see the widespread use of AI increasing with unprecedented speed, particularly in the case of generative AI, there is also a risk that users and consumers who have been inconvenienced by AI supplied by Fujitsu may file claims for damages and thereby harm the Fujitsu Group’s reputation. In addition, proposed AI regulation announced by the European Commission (in June 2023) would require developers, users, and others involved to take strict action based on the degree of risk that their AI systems could adversely affect human rights. Violations could result in penalties, including fines of up to 7% of total global sales. This makes implementing appropriate risk management in the development and operation of AI systems essential.
      Mitigating actionsThe Company established the Fujitsu Group External Advisory Committee on AI Ethics as a body that meets regularly and engages in ongoing dialogue with stakeholders from society. Part of this dialogue involves feedback on the “Fujitsu Group AI Commitment,” which serves as the Group’s AI ethical guidelines. The Company also participates in international discussions on AI ethics through its membership in AI4People and other forums. By virtue of these risk mitigating actions, the Fujitsu Group management and staff can become aware of the ethical risks of AI and understand the precautions needed when researching, developing, installing and running AI. By minimizing the likelihood of situations that might cause inconvenience to users and customers, we can foster people’s trust in AI. In particular, with regard to proposed European AI regulations, the Company has developed an “AI Ethical Impact Assessment” system that comprehensively identifies potential risks in AI systems as a proactive response to regulation violation risks and has released this system free of charge.

Promotion and Practical Application of AI Ethics

As stipulated by the policies laid down in the Fujitsu Group AI Commitment, the Fujitsu Group conducts education and training activities across the entire company and includes content that considers urgent and specific issues in AI.
Because we believe it is crucial for a culture of understanding to be championed by senior management in order to instill respect for human rights, the Fujitsu Group has set up the Fujitsu Group External Advisory Committee on AI Ethics, which comprises external experts in the field, to objectively evaluate ethics as it is practiced in the group. Discussions by this committee use a structure shared with the Board of Directors Meeting, incorporating the group's efforts for AI ethics into its corporate governance framework and allowing for ongoing review and improvement.

Framework for Reporting and Consulting on Human Rights Issues

The Fujitsu Group conducts its business activities worldwide in close collaboration with local communities. Working with these communities, we have established systems to engage in human rights-related consultations and information gathering both inside and outside the company, in order to listen to and understand the opinions of various parties and reduce and prevent negative human rights impacts.

Consultation Service for Fujitsu Group employees in Japan ”Human Rights Consultation Service”

The Fujitsu Group has created an intranet-based system to consult with and accept input from all Fujitsu Group employees on human rights-related issues including harassment. Within Japan, Fujitsu has set up Human Rights Consultation Service. The matters discussed are reported to the Human Rights Promotion Committee and regularly communicated to auditors, with careful consideration given to ensuring that personal information and privacy are respected. The objectives are to understand the utilization status of this consultation service and to put in place initiatives designed to prevent recurrences of any breaches.

Whistle blowing platform for a wide range of stakeholders ”JaCER Engagement and Remedy Platform Contact Desk”

Since November 2023, the Fujitsu Group has been participating in the Engagement and Remedy Platform, operated and provided by Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights (JaCER), to receive complaints and reports on human rights from a wide range of stakeholders (*3). JaCER aims to provide a non-judicial platform for grievance redress and to act in a professional capacity to support and promote redress of grievances by member companies based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. By accepting complaints through third-party contact points, we aim to promote fairness and transparency in the handling of complaints and promote dialogue and redress more than ever before.

  • (*3)
    Reports by Fujitsu Group employees regarding illegal activities, illegal transactions, and other non-compliance activities, as well as reports and consultations from Fujitsu Group employees, are accepted through Fujitsu Alert, not this Platform. Consultations on human rights are available at the Human Rights Consultation Service.

Internal Whistleblower System “Fujitsu Alert”

Fujitsu Alert receives reports and consultations from all Fujitsu Group employees and external parties relevant to the Fujitsu Group, including customers and suppliers, regarding violations of laws and regulations, illegal transactions, and breaches or potential breaches of compliance on a global basis.

Whistleblower system for suppliers in Japan

In addition to Fujitsu Alert, The Fujitsu Group has established internal and external contact points for business partners in Japan to receive reports on breaches or potential breaches of compliance, such as violations of laws and regulations and illegal transactions in Fujitsu's procurement activities.

Human Rights Initiatives in Communities

Assisting NGOs/NPOs

Chamos: Supporting Venezuelan Children
Chamos: Supporting Venezuelan Children

Providing 55 students with access to education for a year
For more information click here

International Rescue Committee: Humanitarian aid, relief, and development nongovernmental organization
International Rescue Committee: Humanitarian aid, relief, and development nongovernmental organization

Creating a digital literacy curriculum for woman and girls in Yemen

The Pinnacle Foundation
The Pinnacle Foundation

The Foundation provides educational scholarships, mentoring and opportunities for young LGBTIQ+ Australians

Initiatives to Promote Respect for Human Rights

Working with the Aboriginal Community of Cherbourg in Australia

At the opening ceremony for the Service Centre in April 2022.At the opening ceremony for the Service Centre in April 2022

Working with the Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council, the Queensland Government’s Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport and TAFE (Technical and Further Education) Queensland, in April 2022 Fujitsu Australia established the First Nations Service Centre (FNSS) to support digital innovation by the aboriginal community in Cherbourg.

    • Since the arrival of the first European settlers, aboriginal communities in Cherbourg, Australia have endured a tragic past involving enslavement and attempted genocide. Deprived of the benefits of modern-day science and technology and overlooked in terms of education, economic progress and digital inclusion, Cherbourg’s First Nations people have struggled to cross the digital divide that lies between many of Australia’s rural towns and its cities.

      Since 2022, Fujitsu has been supporting the residents of remote Australia to enjoy their rights to their own culture, work and education.
      Until recently, the only way for locals to access modern technical education or a career was to leave the regional community, which was far from ideal for a people who have such important ties to their culture. Fujitsu Australia worked with the Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council, Deadly Innovation, TAFE Queensland and Australia Post to open the Cherbourg Digital Service Centre, a commercially viable initiative to boost the Community’s economy and digital inclusion.
      Fujitsu now subcontracts to the Centre, employing locals as service desk representatives who are offered quality technical education through TAFE, improving their ICT skills and providing opportunities for employment and decent jobs. New and upgraded infrastructure was also installed in Cherbourg to support the Community’s economic development and digital access.

      The community was consulted throughout to discuss the role of Fujitsu in achieving the community’s goals.
      All Fujitsu staff involved with the project underwent cultural competency training to strengthen trust between the Service Centre and the Fujitsu team members.

Event Held in Cambodia to Raise Awareness of Children’s Safety

Speakers enjoying the welcome party at the Cambodia ICT Camp 2022 (Siem Reap, Cambodia)Speakers enjoying the welcome party at the Cambodia ICT Camp 2022 (Siem Reap, Cambodia)

Fujitsu collaborated in conducting a workshop that included lectures highlighting ways to protect Cambodian children from harmful online content and how to safely access online culture and games.

    • The workshop dealt with a range of cultures and had particular pointers for children on how to communicate safely online, including the importance of not sharing certain images, not oversharing personal details and what constitutes personal information. It also stressed the importance of taking care while online and provided information on the sorts of places where harmful content appears as well as how to respond when confronted by such content.

Collaboration with Malaysian Technology-Oriented Comprehensive Rehabilitation Facility

Process of using Fujitsu's palm secure technology to order food in the canteenProcess of using Fujitsu's palm secure technology to order food in the canteen

Fujitsu Malaysia (Fujitsu (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.), in a co-creation program with Malaysia’s Social Security Organization (SOCSO), has developed the Automated Self-Ordering Food System as a way to help improve patients’ health.

    • SOCSO plays a critical role in providing social security protection to workers in Malaysia. SOCSO also helps to lessen the impact of job losses by providing financial assistance and job training to eligible workers who have been affected by work-related injuries or illnesses.

      The SOCSO Rehabilitation Centre is a medical facility that provides rehabilitation services to workers who have suffered work-related injuries or illnesses. While helping injured workers recover and return to work, the Centre also provides other service functions:

      1. Educational programs on preventing work-related injuries and illnesses
      2. Disability evaluation services to determine the extent of a worker's disability and the appropriate level of compensation
      3. Advocacy(*4) and outreach(*5) programs to raise awareness, and highlight the importance, of rehabilitation and occupational health

      The goal of Fujitsu Malaysia’s co-creation program with the SOCSO Rehabilitation Centre is to use technology to both enhance people’s lives and change society for the better. The Automated Self-Ordering Food System is one outcome of this program that has yielded benefits for patients. Unlike conventional food ordering kiosks, the model developed for this program was designed to be used as part of the patients’ daily rehabilitation.

      • (*4)
        Advocacy program:
        Activities or campaigns by individuals or groups aimed at influencing a political, economic or social organization
      • (*5)
        Outreach program:
        A program that delivers information or assistance actively promoted by governments and support organizations to people who need assistance but have not received it
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