Sustainability at Fujitsu Group
- Sustainability Management in the Fujitsu Group
- GRB(Global Responsible Business)Goals for FY2025
- GRB(Global Responsible Business)Goals and Achievments for FY2022
- Fujitsu's accessibility
- Stakeholder Engagement
- United Nations Global Compact
- SDG-related Activities in Fujitsu
- External Recognition and Awards
Global Responsible Business
- Environment
- Environmental Management
- The Fujitsu Group Environmental Vision on Climate Change
- Living in Harmony with Nature (Conservation of Biodiversity)
- Environmental Action Plan
- Environmental Data
- Environmental Communication
- Environmental Social Activities
- Disposal and Recycling of ICT products
- Environmental Considerations in ICT Products
- Governance
Data and Documents
- Fujitsu Group Sustainability Data Book 2024
- Social, Governance and Environmental data
- Independent Assurance Report
- GRI Standards / United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) principles Comparison Table
- SASB Standards Comparison Table
- Sustainability Information Disclosure Framework
- Link to regions responsible business reports
- Contact
- Sitemap
Transforming Our Corporate Culture
The Fujitsu Way
Our Purpose
We have established the Fujitsu Way, a set of principles for all employees to observe based on Our Purpose, which indicates the reason for Fujitsu's existence in society. All Fujitsu employees work to achieve Our Purpose in their daily activities, while keeping in mind Our Values (Aspiration, Trust, and Empathy) and the Code of Conduct as they deliver value to customers and society.
Activities to Promote the Fujitsu Way
In-house Communication Initiatives
Sample pages from the Fujitsu Way booklet
Fujitsu has been deploying in-house communication initiatives to boost the degree of empathy with the Fujitsu Way.
To promote the Fujitsu Way globally, we have appointed Fujitsu Way promotion leaders as part of the corporate governance structure. These individuals are responsible for promoting the Fujitsu Way on the front lines, and they participate in regular Fujitsu Way Meetings with the CEO as a way of spurring motivation.
We have also produced a Fujitsu Way booklet and shared it with employees worldwide to ensure that each and every Fujitsu employee understands the Fujitsu Way and makes it their own. The booklet incorporates management's thinking on ways to implement change in Fujitsu. It also includes the words of former CEOs and other pioneers plus the background to their messages, which today form the company's DNA, embedded in the Fujitsu Way. We will continue to communicate the Fujitsu Way through workshops and videos, to ensure that all employees engage in the Fujitsu Way and work toward achieving Our Purpose.
Broadening the Message through Purpose Carving®
In 2020, with the need to coalesce the ideas of each and every employee to generate greater synergy and achieve Our Purpose, we started rolling out the Purpose Carving® program (*1), an initiative to shape and inform each individual's own purpose (My Purpose).
Purpose Carving® is an interactive program that enables participants to reflect on their personal journeys and values, carving out their own purpose as they contemplate the future. With 82,000 employees worldwide having completed the program as of August 2024, the overlaying of their purposes on Fujitsu's corporate Purpose provides the driving force for transformation.
- *1Purpose Carving® was selected as the winner of the Excellence Award in the Corporate HR category of HR Award 2022 (sponsored by the HR Award Steering Committee and supported by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare).
Sustainability Contribution Awards
The Sustainability Contribution Awards program is an in-house program established to help achieve Fujitsu's Purpose. To create the type of sustainable society that Fujitsu envisions, it is important that the entire organization, based on its purpose and business strategy, places emphasis on contributing to a sustainable society through business and synchronizes business with sustainability. Materiality, revised in 2023, incorporates the perspective of delivering value to customers and society through our business activities. General Judges recruited from within the Fujitsu Group, Fujitsu Way promotion leaders, and the CSSO (*2) serve as judges; they base their decisions on the extent to which the entries embody the values and purpose reflected in the Fujitsu Way and the level of contribution to materiality and business.
In FY2024, a total of 182 applications were received from Fujitsu Group companies worldwide, resulting in the presentation of two Grand Prizes and six Excellence Awards. See below for examples of the applications received in each of the materiality contribution areas.
- *2Chief Sustainability & Supply Chain Officer
Examples of Applications Received in FY2024
- Solving global environmental problems: Low power consumption technologies and efficiency improvements to help realize a carbon-free society; Shift to recycling-oriented industries; environmental monitoring; etc.
- Developing a digital society: Solving food loss and logistics problems; building information-sharing infrastructure and enhancing security through public-private partnerships; promoting DX to various industry sectors and business operations; etc.
- Improving people's well-being: Using medical and health data for drug discovery research; contributing to communities; etc.
- Technology: Solving the GPU shortage problem and the AI power problem; high-capacity fiber-optic transmission technologies; development of innovative technologies; etc.
- Management foundation: DX-oriented practices aimed at business transformation; communication transformation to spread messages from management; etc.
- Human capital: Implementing a global donation platform; gender equality and inclusion training; promoting diverse work styles; etc.