Sustainability at Fujitsu Group
- Sustainability Management in the Fujitsu Group
- GRB(Global Responsible Business)Goals for FY2025
- GRB(Global Responsible Business)Goals and Achievments for FY2022
- Fujitsu's accessibility
- Stakeholder Engagement
- United Nations Global Compact
- SDG-related Activities in Fujitsu
- External Recognition and Awards
Global Responsible Business
- Environment
- Environmental Management
- The Fujitsu Group Environmental Vision on Climate Change
- Living in Harmony with Nature (Conservation of Biodiversity)
- Environmental Action Plan
- Environmental Data
- Environmental Communication
- Environmental Social Activities
- Disposal and Recycling of ICT products
- Environmental Considerations in ICT Products
- Governance
Data and Documents
- Fujitsu Group Sustainability Data Book 2024
- Social, Governance and Environmental data
- Independent Assurance Report
- GRI Standards / United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) principles Comparison Table
- SASB Standards Comparison Table
- Sustainability Information Disclosure Framework
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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Be a responsible business that reflects the diversity of our world.
Build an inclusive and equitable culture where everyone belongs and can be completely themselves.
We will celebrate difference and ensure that people can succeed regardless of their personal identity.
Through inclusive design and innovation, we will endeavor to make a positive impact within society and empower each other to make the world more sustainable.
All areas
Ensure that each person feels supported and respected at Fujitsu regardless of age, gender, culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation, identity or ability.
- Improve the average employee engagement score relating to the question on “Respect for individuals” by 7 points (80)
Build an inclusive and equitable culture where everyone belongs and can be completely themselves.
- Improve the average employee engagement score relating to the question on “Equal opportunity” by 4 points (74)
Have equal representation of women in Fujitsu with an additional focus on leadership roles.
- Increase the ratio of women in leadership roles to 20% across Fujitsu
Health, Disability and Accessibility
Ensure that Fujitsu’s solutions and communications are easily accessible to all employees, customers and stakeholders in society.
- Advocate and improve digital accessibility as part of corporate strategy which covers brand communication, customer experience and workplace
Culture and Ethnicity
While reflecting on the societies we work in, we will create a culturally aware and unbiased work environment with mutual respect and tolerance.
- Build and deliver an integrated, holistic strategy for Culture and Ethnicity that incorporates global and local initiatives
Drive LGBTI+ inclusion best practices to support employees and their families across all Fujitsu locations.
- Implement FWEI (Fujitsu Workplace Equality Index) Standards to deliver opportunity and belonging for LGBTI+ colleagues*
- *FWEI is based on comprehensive standards, such as the Human Right's Campaign's Corporate Equality Index, Stonewalls' Workplace Equality Index and Pride in Diversity's' Australian Workplace Equality Index. It is also aligned to the UN Standards of Conduct for Business Tackling Discrimination against Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, and Intersex People, which Fujitsu is committed to. FWEI is based on rolling out minimum criteria and stretch criteria, where legally and culturally possible in our operating countries.
- Policy
- Promotion Framework for DE&I
- Initiatives for Fostering Corporate Culture
- Endorsement of International Standards and Initiative Participation
- Gender
- Health, Disability and Accessibility
- Culture and Ethnicity
- Intergenerational Initiatives
- Support for Balancing with Childcare / Nursing Care Responsibilities
- External Awards / Certifications
- FY2023 Performance
Here at the Fujitsu Group, we have engaged in efforts to advance diversity and inclusion (D&I), based on the idea that "We respect fairness and equality, and promote diversity and inclusion," as described in the Purpose Statement of the Fujitsu Way.
In 2022, we revamped the Global DE&I Vision & Inclusion Wheel to create an equitable and more inclusive culture where has a greater feeling of belonging and can be completely themselves. Equity, as expressed in this vision, is intended to recognize and respond to the fact that all people are in different circumstances and will require a variety of resources and opportunities depending on their circumstances, as opposed to equality, which provides the same things equally to everyone. Through this more inclusive and holistic approach to DE&I, we aim to achieve a sustainable society, looking at the positive impact Fujitsu’s technologies and solutions have on society.

Global DE&I Vision & Inclusion Wheel
Promotion Framework for DE&I
The Sustainability Management Committee, chaired by the President and CEO, meets twice yearly to review progress in DE&I activities and DE&I target achievements, and to discuss proposals for new activities. The results are reported to the Executive Management Council and the Board of Directors. For Fujitsu, the materiality of Human Capital in terms of DE&I serves as a foundation for our sustainable development, and the Chief Human Resource Officer is charged with this responsibility.
As a forum for considering specific measures, we hold regular meetings that include DE&I promoters from all regions. Led by DE&I for Global Responsible Business (GRB), participants share the issues and measures taken in their own regions and also plan globally coordinated promotion measures.
Additionally, we carry out an annual engagement survey that includes questions related to DE&I in order to grasp the overall situation and confirm the progress of initiatives from employee opinions.
In terms of systems, we have established measures to more proactively promote diversity leadership and inclusion based on our organizational commitment, such as training programs to expand the pipeline for the promotion of women executives and the inclusion of DE&I items as non-financial indicators in the evaluation of our organizational heads.
Initiatives for Fostering Corporate Culture
DE&I Session
DE&I Session 2023
In order to foster a corporate culture at Fujitsu where “anyone can play an active role in their own way,” we annually hold a global DE&I session with the aim of getting employees to see DE&I in a new light and inspiring a new mindset and behavioral change.
The theme of the 2023 session was "Toward Inclusion Beyond Diversity - What we could do in an organization where diverse people could actively play a role.” Following the presentation by an outside lecturer, the President, executives and employees held a dialogue about inclusion, with enthusiastic participation from many employees from each global region.
In addition to employees in each region sharing their DE&I experiences and insights via internal media, the Europe region also hosted a neurodiversity workshop in conjunction with Inclusion Week and the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Each region is actively working to instill DE&I corporate culture.
Embrace Your Unconscious Bias!
Unconscious bias video content aimed at improving communication
The Fujitsu Group creates and rolls out video content worldwide to better deal with unconscious bias and to improve communication. The content is designed to help employees recognize their own unconscious bias and create inclusive workplaces that embrace diversity through dialogue, with case studies by outside lecturers.
Some workplaces are using this video content to hold their own workshops to help individuals understand their unconscious bias to further promote understanding of DE&I.
Endorsement of International Standards and Initiative Participation
In FY2017, the Fujitsu Group issued a CEO Statement of Support for the Women’s Empowerment Principles, which were created by the UN Global Compact and UN Women. In doing so, we pledged our support of the principles. In FY2018, we also became the first Japanese company to pledge our support to the UN’s LGBTI Standards of Conduct for business, and have been proactive overall in our adaptation to global trends in diversity.
We are also a member of G20 EMPOWER, a private sector alliance to increase and empower women in key roles in the economy and business, as well as the 30% Club Japan, which aims to achieve a healthy gender balance in corporate decision-making bodies.
International Women’s Day Initiatives
In honor of International Women’s Day, March 8 of each year, Fujitsu sends out messages from top management and through social media. We are also accelerating our corporate culture transformation through various events such as webinars in each region while also creating a sense of unity and belonging within the Group through the use of the color green which is the Fujitsu Group’s theme color for gender.
In fiscal 2023, in conjunction with our “Thanks Project,” an in-house initiative aimed at making the act communicating gratitude to others an established part of our culture amid the current changes in work styles, employees actively communicated their appreciation to each other on the occasion of International Women’s Day.
The Fujitsu Group promotes initiatives with the goal of increasing the ratio of female employees in leadership positions.
At Fujitsu, these efforts involve nominating women employees from the leaders of each department as candidates for top management, and establishing/implementing individually tailored training programs for these employees alongside their workplace, the management, HR, and DE&I promotion teams. In addition to these kinds of management-track leadership programs, we also conduct workshops and events that allow female employees to reflect and build on their careers in all other tracks as well. These expand and act as pipelines to drive female employees to further advancement, and allow us to support the careers of each and every employee.
Career Workshop for Female Employees
Fujitsu and its domestic Group companies have developed a program that is primarily for female employees on a leadership track with the goal of further encouraging their career development. It includes a workshop with external lecturers, dialogue with multiple role models, and discussions with senior executives. Our goal with this workshop, for which participation is completely voluntary, is to help eliminate any internalized prejudice as to their manager-level career development, expand their career options, acquire the broader perspective needed to perform in high-level positions, and develop a sense of ownership over their careers.
FY2023 participants: 654 (from Fujitsu and domestic Group companies in Japan)
Regional Initiatives
In the Europe region, we shared information on men’s health and provided talk events in celebration of International Men’s Day on November 19, providing an opportunity to understand and realizing DE&I concerning men. In the Asia Pacific region, Fujitsu Australia and Fujitsu New Zealand formulated their “Gender Equity Strategy 2024-26” with the aim of recruiting more women and a diversity of people.
Because a diverse team that is reflective of society is an innovative one, Fujitsu will continue to improve its gender mix in its operations. With this ambitious goal, we aim to be an employer of choice for women.
The Global Delivery Business Group offers a program called INSPIRE to empower women leaders. The program that aims to expand the network of female employees, enhances diversity and support women leaders through an assessment to identify one's strengths, four leadership development modules, and dialogue with role model leaders within the company, offers a wealth of growth opportunities and global experience.
Health, Disability and Accessibility
Initiatives on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Each year on December 3, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we use the color purple, which is the Fujitsu Group's theme color for health and disability, to create a sense of unity within the Group and deliver messages from top management. In each regions, DE&I promotion teams and employee network groups work together to raise awareness of disabilities by holding events such as webinars and roundtables to promote understanding of persons with disabilities, and also conduct various initiatives aimed at boosting employee awareness about disabilities.
In Japan, we held a webinar on neurodiversity was held and broadcast it to our operation bases across the country.
Creating a Inclusive Workplace
Employment Ratio of People with Disabilities (Fujitsu)
At Fujitsu, we do not impose restrictions on the types of jobs available to people with disabilities. As such, there are people with disabilities who work in a wide range of jobs, from sales staff to SEs, R&D staff, corporate staff, and more.
For the hiring process, we publish pamphlets and websites aimed at job seekers with disabilities, which include employee interviews, our stance on the employment of people with disabilities, and describes how employees work after joining the company. This information communicates how we provide an affirming and individually oriented workplace for all, with or without a disability. We also conduct long-term follow-up after joining the company, from training until getting settled in their jobs, to ensure performance to the best of their abilities.
Examples of this include special training programs when they enter the company, and workplace-oriented consultations so that each employee is able to perform to the best of their abilities.
We also created a manual for workplaces, called the Work Style Guideline. It lists the things that employees should consider when working with employees with disabilities, according to each type of disability, to help understanding in the workplace.
In addition, we introduced a diversity communication tool—FUJITSU Software LiveTalk—as a common service for Fujitsu and its domestic Group companies, in order to support smooth communication and efficient operations which include employees who are hearing-impaired. We are implementing strategic measures such as hiring, accessibility improvements, and employee network activities in other regions as well, according to the situation of the region or country.
Special Subsidiaries to Promote the Employment of People with Disabilities
At Fujitsu and its domestic Group companies, we have established special subsidiaries in order to provide people with disabilities a wider range of workplaces. These subsidiaries work to create a workplace where each individual can thrive while taking into consideration the characteristics of their disability.
Year Established | No. of Employees with Disabilities | Main Work Tasks | Business Office (s) | |
Fsas Technologies & Sun Inc. (as of April 20, 2024) | 1995 | 33 | ATM, printer-related and personal computer repair, various services related to maintenance services for Fujitsu products, and system service operations | Beppu City, Oita Prefecture |
Fujitsu Harmony Limited (as of April 30, 2024) | 2013 | 220 | Health keeping services, office environment services, recycling services, data management, compliance services for the e-Documents Act, meeting and event management support, health checkup support, ordering and sales of catered lunches, creation of novelty goods and office supplies | *Head office: Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture (Nakahara Office), 20 other locations |
The Fujitsu Group strives for communication that is open and accessible to all people with diverse characteristics.
Related departments collaborate to achieve accessibility across brand communications, product services, and work environments.
The new corporate brand applies a diversity-conscious design and emphasizes accessibility by developing a unique corporate font that is easy to read.
In 2024, we will roll out e-learning content to deepen companywide understanding of accessibility, sharing a mindset that each and every employee belongs to a digital transformation company contributing to the development of a digital society in which no one is left behind.
Regional Initiatives
City strolling events in Helsinki
In the Europe region, Fujitsu UK provides its independently developed “Be Completely You Passport” to enable employees to share the support they need in the workplace and work with employee network groups to ensure that reasonable accommodations continue to be available to them as their duties change.
Fujitsu has entered into a partnership with WheeLog, a general incorporated association, as a Gold Sponsor. WheeLog promotes the creation of a society where people with mobility difficulties and wheelchair users can fully enjoy their lives and holds events such as wheelchair walks to raise awareness of inclusivity Together with WheeLog, Fujitsu holds wheelchair walking events in Kawasaki City and various other areas, as well as study sessions to promote understanding of barrier-free accessibility. The WheeLog initiative is being expanded globally, including a wheelchair city walk event in Helsinki in collaboration with Microsoft Finland, along with discussions with the Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communications and speaking at local conferences to help solve social issues.
Culture and Ethnicity
The Fujitsu Group is moving forward with efforts to create a corporate culture which respects people from diverse and ethnic culture. Each region is launching activities such as employee network group activities to understand diverse cultures and ethnic groups, events to understand national and regional cultures, activities to provide a deeper understanding of specific ethnic groups, and activities to support ethnic minorities.
The Black Employee Inclusion Network Group (BEING) in the Americas region invited experts in the fields of medicine, engineering and technology, and technology entrepreneurs to hold a panel discussion on the relationship between Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and STEM, with the aim of encouraging employees to learn about and deepen their understanding of black people.
In the Asia Pacific region, Fujitsu Australia established an Indigenous-operated digital service center in Cherbourg, Australia (First Nations Service Centre), employing eight people and helping them develop their careers through training and support.
In Japan, to help international employees integrate into Fujitsu’s work environment and life in Japan, we have implemented a mentoring program, promoting the use of both Japanese and English for internal information and information sharing through our intranet site and internal social media. The English Club, an employees’ network group in which employees communicate in English, has developed into a lively exchange activity with participants from other regions joining its online activities, adding vitality to cross-cultural understanding.

Voluntary company participants in parades in various locations
Fujitsu became the first Japanese company to express its support for the UN’s LGBTI Standards of Conduct for Business. To create an environment where everyone can work comfortably and fully demonstrate their abilities, we are promoting efforts to deepen understanding of gender diversity while continuously communicating messages from management to all employees.
In Japan, we are also expanding the scope of application of our internal systems, such as congratulatory and condolence payments, vacation days, and leaves of absence, to include same-sex partners. We also take into consideration the use of preferred names based on gender identity, individualized treatment during health checkups and other various efforts in order to create a supportive work environment.
Our efforts to raise awareness across the entire company include providing training on human rights, hosting lectures, and sending out messages through the intranet. In addition, we also host LGBTI+ Ally Meetings, where employees can engage in discussions with a diverse range of LGBTI+ individuals, in order to expand the network of LGBTI+ allies. In addition to holding events such as film screenings on the theme of LGBTI+ and allies, our employees are naturally making "ally declarations" by increasingly using rainbow-colored backgrounds for online meetings.
Fujitsu is also committed to activities that contribute to the creation of a diverse and sustainable society.
We endorse the Business for Marriage Equality (*1) corporate campaign and are also are a partner in Pride House Tokyo (*2), a project that aims to create a permanent place where the next generation of LGBTQ youth can gather in safety and security, and where organizations, individuals, and businesses across different sectors work together to disseminate information about sexual minorities. In recognition of these efforts, the company received the highest “Gold” rating in the PRIDE Index by the voluntary organization “work with Pride.”
- (*1)Business for Marriage Equality
- (*2)
Fujitsu Pride
Common global logo
Fujitsu Pride is a movement at the Fujitsu Group where representatives from employee network groups of LGBTI+ people and allies come together to collaborate and take action on a global scale with the support of DE&I teams. During the Global Pride Month hosted by Fujitsu Pride, executives and employees from Fujitsu and group companies in Japan and overseas participate, and activities such as virtual parades, online seminars, panel discussions, and small group events to discuss LGBTI+ issues are conducted.
In the Asia Pacific, Europe, and Americas regions, as well as the Global Delivery Business Groups across each region, we hold training sessions on LGBTI+ understanding, send out video messages from leaders, and hold events in which employees can participate.
Intergenerational Initiatives
Fujitsu Vietnam employees participating in charity running event
The Fujitsu Group strives for a corporate culture where all generations should feel respected and have opportunities to succeed.
As part of this effort, Fujitsu set up a dialogue forum for employees across generations to deepen mutual understanding as they discuss their values and job satisfaction.
The Europe region has implemented “Perspective,” a reverse mentoring program in which rank-and-file employees become mentors to executives, which is the opposite of the traditional mentoring relationship. Thirty-two pairs of reverse mentor-mentees participated in up to six mentoring sessions each, providing an opportunity for regular employees to think deeply about leadership and for executives to understand the mindset and culture of younger employees and gain new IT skills. This program has had a positive impact on our organizational culture at our various locations in Europe.
In the Asia Pacific region, Fujitsu Vietnam employees participated in a running competition to raise funds to purchase library books for an elementary school in the city of Yen Bai. Fujitsu Vietnam donated funds for the purchase of the school’s library books for the library according to the distance run. At the same time, employees and their families donated their used children's books to the library, connecting employees and families of various generations to empower children in their communities.
In the Europe region, Fujitsu Germany hosted a Girl's Day event, providing an opportunity for girls to experience AI.
Support for Balancing with Childcare / Nursing Care Responsibilities
Fujitsu is moving forward with efforts to establish systems that will allow employees to better balance their work and private life, including such events as childbirth, childcare, and long-term care. In addition to introducing and mainstreaming remote work, we are promoting a balance between work and childcare and nursing care by further enhancing our work systems, such as expanding "flex time" work setups without core work hours and increasing the number of days men can take our unique parental leave.
Childbirth and Childcare
Fujitsu has established an Action Plan (*3) in accordance with the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children. We also provide babysitter subsidies and have in-house childcare facilities in our business offices. Several times a year, we also conduct seminars for employees who have just returned from parental leave, as well as seminars for supervisors of employees who are on parental leave, with the aim of providing workplace support and constructing networks, in addition to promoting diversity management. Furthermore, in addition to support seminars for employees who are about to take maternity or child care leave, we also hold seminars for employees who are thinking about their career plans based on taking maternity or child care leave in the future, employees whose partners are about to have a baby, and supervisors, to fully support employees in balancing work and childcare.
- (*3)Action Plan:
The first Action Plan was implemented in 2005. This current one is the 8th Action Plan (April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2027).
Nursing Care
We provide opportunities to learn basic knowledge about nursing care in general, including support policies both inside and outside of the company, the mental/emotional attitude needed, and the preparation that goes into providing nursing care. We also make available a handbook which compiles information with knowledge and behavior to keep in mind for each stage of care. Furthermore, in conjunction with CareNet, Inc., a Fujitsu Group company that offers nursing care services, we launched a Nursing Care Consultation Service, and are aiming to realize employee wellbeing by addressing the nursing care worries of each employee across the entire Fujitsu Group.
External Awards / Certifications
See here for a list of the external awards / certifications that Fujitsu has received for its diversity efforts.
Initiatives in Other Regions
Region Name | Awards and Recognition in FY2023 |
Americas |
Asia Pacific |
Europe |
Global Delivery Business Group |
FY2023 Performance
Ratio of Women Employees / Ratio of Women in Leadership Positions (Fujitsu)
- Employee engagement
Respect for individuals 73 points (+2 over previous year)
Equal opportunity 71 points (+1 over previous year) - Ratio of women in leadership roles 15.75% (globally as of March 2024)
Ratio of women employees: 20.5% (Fujitsu)
Ratio of women managers: 10.3%
Ratio of new women managers: 28.6%