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Improve Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) at Our Data Centers
Our Approach
Energy consumption in data centers is on the rise, due to factors such as the spread of cloud computing, and society is paying greater attention to the environmental performance of data centers.
Data centers account for approximately 40% of the CO2 emissions (FY 2022) for each business in the Fujitsu Group. Since data center CO2 emissions are expected to continue increasing along with the expansion of digitalization, the Fujitsu Group has a social responsibility to promote environmentally friendly data centers. At the same time, in terms of enhancing our business infrastructure, it has also become an important topic that we should work on from a long-term perspective.
FY 2022 Performance
Targets under the Fujitsu Group Environmental Action Plan (Stage X) | FY 2022 result |
Improve PUE (*1) at data centers by 3% or more. (Compared to FY 2017) | PUE 1.57 - Improvement of 1.2% |
- (*1)PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness):
An index for power usage effectiveness at data centers. Expresses overall power consumption at data centers as a value divided by the power consumption of servers and other ICT devices. The closer the number is to 1.0, the greater the efficiency.
Promoting Activities to Achieve Our Goals
We are moving forward with activities to improve PUE at data centers in Japan and around the world, based on the Fujitsu Group Environmental Action Plan. In 2022, as with 2021, we continued to expand operation-side measures, including updating air conditioning equipment and striking the right balance by adjusting heat amounts and cooling capacity for IT equipment. We made steady progress up to 2021 and reached our targets, but in summer 2022 outside temperatures were warmer than FY 2021 globally (including some regions in Europe rising by 4-degrees Celsius) and as a result, we were unable to meet our targets. However, we have made a more than 1% improvement from the base year and continuous improvement activities are still underway. In addition to energy conservation activities, we expanded our use of renewable energy with the goal of carbon neutrality. This included switching our FJcloud service for domestic data centers to 100% renewable energy, while Fujitsu Australia concluded the largest power purchase agreement (PPA) among the entire Group.
PUE values and calculation methods
PUE Value | PUE calculation method, other |
Range: 1.31 to 2.11
No. of data centers: 23 |
Examples of Initiatives in FY 2022
Reducing Air Conditioning Power We tuned our air conditioning based on IT power consumption (heat generation), and expanded the target floors through measures such as adjusting fan speeds and air conditioning temperature, along with lessening the cold water temperature and adjusting the number of cooling equipment in operation. Furthermore, at data centers with air conditioning using outside air or free cooling, we worked to increase midcycle operating hours and reduce air conditioning power. Additionally, at certain data centers, we are achieving positive results in energy conservation through investments in facility improvements, such as updating air conditioning equipment and switching cold water pumps to inverters.
Promoting Improvements through Better Information Sharing with Overseas Data Centers
In an effort to further enhance PUE improvement activities, we are enhancing communication through information sharing improvement measures know-how gained at each data center and the progress of improvements through regular remote meetings in collaboration with PUE improvement activities of overseas data centers. We are now sharing related information on internal portal sites and visualizing the progress of efforts, with the aim of making these activities progress more smoothly in the future.