Quality Initiatives


Quality Policy

In addition to establishing a corporate philosophy and charter that applies to all products/services, the Fujitsu Group has also established regulations and standards to uphold customer requests, various features of our products/services, and laws and restrictions. These are all based on the Fujitsu Way. As a result, each of the Fujitsu Group’s businesses provides safe and secure products/services supporting the businesses and lifestyles of various customers including developing social infrastructure.

The Fujitsu Global Quality Policy represents a way of thinking, shared across the entire Group, for implementing a value system which holds the Fujitsu Way in high regard, “Trust: We contribute to a trusted society using technology.”
This quality policy was established in order to continue providing our customers with products/services that they can feel secure using, but also to define quality as a foundational part of our business, and come to a shared understanding of the policy worldwide.

System of Quality Policy Rules and Regulations

Fujitsu has established the Fujitsu Group Quality Charter under the Fujitsu Group Global Policy, as well as five quality assurance-related regulations (such as Shipment, Registration, and Release Regulations, as well as Safety Promotion Regulations), in order to implement the Fujitsu Global Quality Policy in Japan.
All of our measures, from planning to design to verification, production, sales, and even follow-up support, are based on this charter and these regulations. This ensures that we continue to provide products/services that stay one step ahead of our customers and any changes in their business landscapes.

Implementation Policy for the Safety of Our Products and Services

The Fujitsu Group recognizes its social responsibility to contribute to building a safe and secure society. The Fujitsu Group always considers and endeavors to improve the safety of products and services in every aspect of the group's business activities.

  1. Observation of laws and regulations
    We observe laws and regulations concerning product and service safety.
  2. Efforts to secure safety
    We try to ensure that products and services are safe in a variety of use situations and take measures as necessary to secure the safety of the products and services. In addition to legally specified safety standards, we develop and observe voluntary safety standards in our endeavors to improve products and services continuously.
  3. Prevention of incidents caused by improper use, etc.
    For the safe use of products and services by customers, we properly display notices and warnings in handbooks or on the body of the products in order to prevent incidents caused by improper use or carelessness.
  4. Collection of incident information, etc.
    We actively collect safety-related information from customers, including information on product and service incidents and what might lead to such an incident.
  5. Handling of incidents
    We immediately check the facts of any occurring incident related to a product or service, investigate the cause, and handle it properly. If the product or service has a safety problem, we provide that information to customers and take proper measures, such as product recall, service recovery, and prevention of further damage and other damage from occurring. We quickly report the occurrence of major product incidents to the proper authorities in accordance with laws.

Our Quality Management Structure

The Fujitsu Group appointed a Chief Quality Officer (CQO) in June 2023 in an effort to enhance the quality of our products/services across the entire Group.
Furthermore, Fujitsu established Quality Management Representatives in each business organization, region and Group company to monitor Groupwide quality management under the leadership of the CQO. Following the decision-making of the CQO, the Global Quality Management & Assurance Unit formulates shared policies, standardization, and quality improvement measures as the headquarters of quality. By deploying these shared measures through Quality Management Representatives, we are working toward providing products/services with consistent and optimal quality for our customers all over the world.
In addition to working with individual divisions and regions with regards to their quality assurance efforts, we also coordinate across the entire Group to share knowledge and information that transcend organizational boundaries. This helps us make better use of these efforts, and allows us to solve quality assurance issues that are shared across organizations.
This sharing of effective quality assurance efforts increases the overall quality of Fujitsu’s products/services, and helps to prevent issues from occurring and reoccurring.

Quality Management Structure

Our Quality Support Framework

In order to provide a level of quality for our products and services which meets the needs and expectations of our customers in a consistent way, it is essential for us to coordinate with various organizations inside and outside Fujitsu—including business units, common business units, and business partners—from planning and design through development, manufacturing, testing, sales, operations, and up until maintenance. Frameworks and mechanisms to integrate these organizations are essential as a foundation for our efforts.
This is why we built our Quality Management System (QMS): to coordinate among these business units as appropriate for the product or service. Our QMS periodically verifies the progress in light of international certification standards such as the ISO in the aim of achieving process improvements to realize even higher quality.

Our Quality Support Framework

Companywide Quality Improvement Cycle

Within the Fujitsu Group, each organization has established and operates its own quality management system, and by implementing a cycle spanning from the formulation of shared policies and measures to evaluation and decision making, we are working to improve quality strategically involving the entire Group.

Companywide Quality Improvement Cycle

(1) Policies and measures
Objectives are set and reviewed, and quality measures for achieving them are planned and rolled out across the entire Fujitsu Group. In addition to internal control using regulations and rules, quality processes are also standardized to ensure a stable quality.

(2) Implementation and monitoring
The projects of each business are monitored to ensure that business is executed following quality measures, rules and standardized processes. In case a quality concern arises, the situation is rectified or improved through audits and inspections. Additionally, training is provided to continuously increase employee skill levels.

(3) Response to issues
If a problem related to product/service quality is found, the matter is managed as a quality incident and prompt action/measures are taken. In the case of a serious quality incident, following the Risk Management Regulations, the matter is immediately reported from the field to the Risk Management & Compliance Committee at the Fujitsu headquarters, and under the committee’s instructions, the relevant departments address the incident jointly and consider ways to prevent recurrence. The recurrence prevention measures are shared with other departments through Quality Management Representatives in an effort to prevent the same incident from occurring at other Fujitsu Group companies.

(4) Evaluation and reporting
Our approach to quality is regularly examined and analyzed, with consideration also made toward additional measures if necessary. After reporting updates to executive management on a regular basis, action is taken following their decision making and instructions. This cycle is then repeated following a short timeline in an effort to improve quality through an all-hands-on-deck approach including executive management and the heads of business organizations.
Additionally, through Qfinity (Note 1) activity, good/best practices are commended and shared across the entire Fujitsu Group to increase the level of quality throughout the Group.

  • Note 1:
    Qfinity, an internal branding term which combines the words “quality” and “infinity,” represents the DNA of the Fujitsu Group: the “infinite pursuit of quality by each and every employee.” Qfinity is an improvement and innovation activity launched throughout the Fujitsu Group in FY 2001 to continuously improve the quality of products and services, with each and every employee taking a central role. Through Qfinity, we promote quality improvement activities in each workplace and engage in quality improvement of products and services.

Quality Governance

Under the newly appointed CQO, we are working to strengthen quality governance across the entire Fujitsu Group as well as prevent major incidents from reoccurring and enhancing the quality of products/services.
The process of strengthening quality governance involves rolling out a platform for risk assessment and decision-making model within the Fujitsu Group to correctly assess risks and take thorough action against it.

Strengthening the Design/Operation Platform Supporting Quality Governance and Risk Monitoring

We will load quality-related information that comes up in the development field, such as progress of development projects, test density, and defect detection rate, onto our common platform, Fujitsu Developers Platform. By combining this information with Earned Value Management (EVM) and quality indicators and conducting timely analysis, we will build a mechanism for assessing the quality and delivery decisions in the development field in a more objective manner.

Mechanism for Objectively Assessing Field Decision

Decision-Making Model

Consensus-based Decision-making Model

For business opportunity and projects, we have adopted a GOGI approval system (consensus to approve) led by stakeholders. In addition to the conventional judgment of business groups/regions (sponsor), the development departments (delivery councilor) and the Global Quality Management & Assurance Unit (Independent audit supervisor) deliberate from multiple perspectives. Through these trilateral discussions, decisions are made from multiple angles, not only business but also quality, technology, and resources.
We strive to provide better proposals to our customers by setting up check gates for each phase of business opportunity and development, and making decisions through trilateral consensus to prevent the promotion of erroneous projects and the occurrence of quality issues.
As connectivity increases globally, the expectations placed on the Fujitsu Group are also undergoing significant changes.

As we take on an increasing number of first-time business and initiatives, we utilize these mechanisms as a foundation to make quick and accurate decisions and prepare for various risks.

FY 2022 Performance

Violation of Laws and Regulations Concerning Product Safety

  • Violation of laws and regulations concerning product safety: 0

Disclosure of Information Related to Product Safety

  • Number of disclosed issues: 0 major product incidents
  • Important notices concerning product safety
  • Prevention Measures for Laptop Battery Ignition Incidents
    On three previous occasions, Fujitsu has asked customers to exchange and return battery packs in order to prevent the spread of ignition incidents due to the possibility that foreign matter had contaminated the interior of the battery during the battery pack manufacturing process.
    At the same time, however, although extremely rare, there have been cases of ignition occurring in battery packs outside those covered by the returns and exchanges.
    It has been found that limiting the phenomena that increase the internal pressure of batteries is an effective measure in preventing these types of ignition incidents.
    Since February 9, 2017, Fujitsu has been offering a "Battery Charging Control Update Tool" through its website for its laptop PCs launched between 2010 and 2016. In addition, since November 2018, Fujitsu has been distributing the Battery Charging Control Update Tool via Microsoft’s Windows Update service to the laptop PCs of all those affected in order to ensure all customers using the affected laptop PCs apply the update.
    We also established a consultation service to provide support for customers' applications.

Non-legal compliance violations related to product safety and information/labeling violations

  • Product information and labeling violations: 0
  • Product defect involving violation of Japan’s Radio Act: 1
  • Defect in violation of the EU Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive: 1

ISO9001 / ISO20000 Certification Status

Fujitsu is continuously working to improve processes under the QMS.

  • ISO9001: 22 divisions certified
  • ISO20000: 9 divisions certified
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