Collaboration with External Parties


During these times, the challenges facing society and the environment have grown in number. The principle that companies have a responsibility to all of their stakeholders is becoming more common worldwide, to include not just customers and investors, but employees, suppliers, and communities of all sizes.

Fujitsu supports this principle and is working towards the realization of a sustainable society, acting in conjunction with international organizations and a variety of like-minded companies.

Involvement with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)


The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is the community of over 200 companies around the world that aims to realize Vision 2050, " a world in which more than 9 billion people are able to live well, within planetary boundaries" (*1) working to accelerate the system transformations through business activities. Fujitsu has been participating in the WBCSD since 2013, and CEO Tokita is currently serving the community as a member of its Executive Committee.

CEO Tokita addressing the Japan SessionCEO Tokita addressing the Japan Session

In 2022, the WBCSD’s Council Meeting was held in Tokyo under the theme "The era of sustainability: how to lead the transformation and thrive", bringing together more than 250 executives from around the world. Representing Fujitsu, CEO Tokita spoke at the Opening Plenary, and Yoshinami Takahashi, Corporate Executive Officer, SEVP & Head, Global Business Solutions, took the stage at a session on “Toward zero-emission mobility & buildings operation”. In addition, on the occasion of the Council Meeting held in Japan, together with Toyota Motor Corporation, another member of the Executive Committee, we co-hosted the Japan Session "Time to Transform: Introduction to WBCSD for the Japanese business community" for Japanese C-suite representatives with the aim of raising awareness of WBCSD in the country. With more than 30 companies participating, we deepened discussions on how executive leadership should respond to various global issues such as climate emergency, nature loss, mounting inequality, and requests for information disclosure, and the role expected of Japanese companies to pave the way toward sustainable business success. On the last day of the meeting, more than a dozen participants were invited to the Fujitsu Uvance Rooftop Executive Briefing Center at the Fujitsu headquarters, where we introduced sustainability-related businesses and advanced technologies and held a discussion.

We will continue to actively collaborate with the WBCSD, which shares common direction with the Fujitsu group's purpose, and contribute to the realization of a sustainable future.

Involvement with the World Economic Forum (WEF)


The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a not-for-profit foundation established by economist Klaus Schwab that engages in programs to improve the state of the world through cooperation between the public and private sectors in a spirit of global citizenship. It offers a venue for close collaboration among leaders from a diverse range of major international institutions as well as from the business world, government, academia and society, with the aim of shaping global, regional and industry-based agendas.

In January 2023, the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum was held in Davos. The meeting was held under the theme of “Cooperation in a Fragmented World,” and included discussions on economic issues including inflation and price increases, geopolitical risks, issues with resources such as energy and food, and social vulnerabilities. CEO Tokita and COO Furuta shared the global agenda on sustainability, DX, increasing resilience, and the digital divide with other leaders from the government and financial sectors, and all participants exchanged opinions from their respective standpoints on specific actions to be taken for resolving issues. Furthermore, Fujitsu opened its own booth at the venue, “Fujitsu Uvance House”, in a first for the Company and as the only Japanese company to do so. At the booth, CRO Onishi, SEVP Tsutsumi, CMO Yamamoto, EVP Patterson, and EVP Beardsell used the occasion to establish networks with government personnel and corporate leaders from various countries. They also forged connections with the management of important business partners through a roundtable discussion held in conjunction with the Financial Times. As a World Economic Forum Partner, the Fujitsu Group will work towards realizing the themes of this years’ annual meeting by linking its global agenda with the Group’s Materiality, and leading the formation of a global consensus as a technology company working to achieve a net positive outcome.

CEO Tokita (right) and COO Furuta (left) at the annual meetingCEO Tokita (right) and COO Furuta (left) at the annual meeting
Fujitsu Uvance House boothFujitsu Uvance House booth
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