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Manufacturing execution management sophistication Offering

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What is the Manufacturing execution management sophistication Offering?

In these uncertain times, manufacturing sites need to address a variety of issues by linking management and production activities, including issues such as a declining workforce and diversifying needs.Creating a data-driven manufacturing environment that enables the collection, analysis, and feedback of real-time onsite information from both inside and outside the company, and a company-wide PDCA cycle, leads to the advancement of the manufacturing site.Combining "standardized information," which is the basis for management decisions, with "real information" optimized for various forms of manufacturing, we support the realization of manufacturing sites that can keep up with changes.

What are the challenges you face in manufacturing execution management?

In addition to manufacturing information related to production, a variety of information is scattered around the manufacturing site, including information on workers, the site environment, and the location of people and goods.Simply collecting data recklessly is meaningless; it is important to link related information and transform it into valuable data.
Manufacturing sites are required to create systems that can respond immediately to change.

Manufacturing execution management sophistication Offering can be achieved

MES is defined by functions aimed at optimizing manufacturing operations, but the difficulty with MES is that the boundary between ERP and MES is blurred and variable, depending on organizational structure, requirements, and manufacturing processes.
In some cases, the ERP side of the MES covers areas close to manufacturing to a certain extent, and the rest is a field system that monitors progress based on actual results from the facilities. In other cases, the MES covers the planning layer, such as manufacturing planning and instruction management, while the ERP area only handles ordering.
In such a manufacturing site, there are areas where quality and business logic based on company-wide standards should be guaranteed as data and systems, and areas where speedy tracking of fluctuations and improvements should be made to support the manufacturing site.
Fujitsu defines MES by dividing it into two layers, "management MES" and "on-site MES,
Management of "standardized information" supporting the aggregation and analysis of information that forms the basis for management decisions,
Flexibly and smoothly fuse on-site MES information, which is "real information" optimized for various forms of manufacturing.

The MES is layered by "management MES" × "site MES".
Fujitsu's manufacturing environment that can keep up with changes

Management MES

Integrate with ERP information as a positioning of the sitr core system. Standardizing processes on a global basis and centrally managing 5M information, rapid management decisions can be made.

  • Integration of information related to manufacturing, both inside and outside the company
  • Making decisions visible across the company
  • Standardization of the manufacturing process

Site MES

Support "Site kaizen culture." Realize an environment where focus will be on manufacturing digitally. (Digital Working Standard)

  • Centralization of site information
  • Digitization of site information without burden
  • Flexibility to meet the needs of manufacturing sites

Achieve the customer's ideal image
Business x Offering Level x Solution

The offering combines Fujitsu's expertise and know-how with the manufacturing DX theme that customers would like to realize and four offering scenarios to propose optimal solutions for promoting DX.
Please feel free to consult us as consider the introduction utilizing existing system infrastructure can be done.

This table summarizes themes and levels of efforts for Manufacturing execution management sophistication. On the vertical axis, there are two perspectives for the theme of Manufacturing management and Manufacturing site. From the manufacturing management perspective, "Manufacturing Transformation" and "Quality Traceability". From the manufacturing site perspective, "Onsite Distribution" and "Manufacturing Execution. The horizontal axis is staged from Level 1 to Level 4 for Manufacturing execution management sophistication. The levels are levelled in four phases: digitalization of the work site, digitalization of business processes, transformation of business processes, and integration of ECM and SCM, and the DX theme of manufacturing transformation at each level and the goals achieved from a manufacturing site perspective are summarized. First, Level 1 is the digitization of manufacturing site information, which is currently handled manually and on paper. Here, a simple result collection system and on-site terminals are used to receive and send raw materials and parts. The system also collects the arrival and completion results of the process. From the manufacturing management perspective, information on production status and quality information is shared with the design and management divisions to realize front-loading of manufacturing and quality according to the situation. In this way, digitalization at the manufacturing site enables digital awareness, productivity improvement, and real-time monitoring of production status at the manufacturing site. Next, Level 2 is the digitization of business processes to realize manufacturing traceability and visualization of production processes to shorten overall manufacturing lead time. This level is more extensive than Level 1, digitizing manufacturing result information, inventory status, operation status for all processes from receiving to manufacturing and shipping, and visualizing processes related to in-house distribution and manufacturing. Next, in Level 3, the information collected in the MES is connected to the information in the ERP to understand the differences between planning and execution, leading to business process transformation. Evaluate work quality and productivity using unified index values, improve master accuracy of productivity and cost, and implement continuous production improvement activities based on KPIs. Here, JIT delivery synchronized with production progress. More detailed work time and quality information is collected to manage 5M information. Finally, Level 4 is not limited to the manufacturing area, but also includes transformation toward total optimization across divisions through ECM and SCM integration, as well as production activities linked to management. From the manufacturing site perspective, continuous production improvement activities will be implemented based on management indicators, rather than closed improvement activities at the site.
Main DX themes and usage scene level MAP

Responding to changes and creating new value through "management MES" and "on site MES"

Manufacturing execution management sophistication solutions from Fujitsu

Business example of Manufacturing execution management sophistication

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