Living in Harmony with Nature (Conservation of Biodiversity)


Management Approach

Biodiversity loss poses an enormous global risk; an integrated response is vital to secure a carbon-neutral and nature-positive future

The Global Risks Report 2023 released by the World Economic Forum (WEF), ranks “Biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse” as the fourth most severe, long-term risk globally, recognizing biodiversity loss alongside climate change as an urgent and critical issue. Viewing the delivery of a nature-positive world as essential to addressing this issue, the G7 Summit held in June 2021 agreed on a G7 2030 Nature Compact, which includes a commitment to “halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030”. Part 2 of the 15th Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD-COP15) held in December 2022 adopted the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, which includes international targets for 2030. The framework establishes “23 Global Targets for 2030” aimed at the 2030 Mission “To take urgent action to halt and reverse biodiversity loss to put nature on a path to recovery for the benefit of people and planet” (excerpt). Business groups such as the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and international environmental NGOs such as the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) have also announced a joint proposal with a target of achieving a nature-positive planet by 2030. Thus, it is now considered vital that we not only have carbon-neutral initiatives to counter climate change, but also integrated measures aimed at delivering nature-positive outcomes.

To deliver nature-positive outcomes, we have established a vision and a mid-term goal in line with international targets

Committed to delivering nature-positive outcomes, in 2022 the Fujitsu Group formulated its vision for 2050, its 2030 Mid-term Target, and its 2025 Short-term Target (Environmental Action Plan Stage XI) in line with international targets (Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework).

Vision for 2050: Create a world in harmony with nature, where "nature and biodiversity," which are fundamental to a sustainable society, are fully restored through digital technology.
2030 Mid-term Target: Reduce negative impacts on biodiversity by at least 25% (Base year : FY2020) in the area of company's corporate activities, including supply chain, and promote activities to increase positive impacts on it..
2025 Short-term Target: Reduce negative impacts on biodiversity by at least 12.5% (Base year : FY2020) in the area of company's corporate activities, including supply chain, and promote activities to increase positive impacts on it.

We will continue to implement activities to reduce negative impacts and increase positive impacts on biodiversity.

FY2022 Results

Target under the Fujitsu Group Environmental Action Plan (Stage X)FY2022 result
To visualize and reduce the impact of corporate activities on ecosystems and on biodiversityEstablishment of a calculation method that uses Ecological Footprint (EF) as the indicator for visualizing the impact of corporate activities on biodiversity

Establishment of a calculation method that uses Ecological Footprint (EF) as the indicator for visualizing the impact of corporate activities on biodiversity

Of the Global Targets for 2030 established by the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework adopted at CBD-COP15, one of the most relevant targets to the business sector is Target 15: “All businesses (public and private, large, medium and small) assess and report on their dependencies and impacts on biodiversity, from local to global, and progressively reduce negative impacts, by at least half and increase positive impacts, reducing biodiversity-related risks to businesses and moving towards the full sustainability of extraction and production practices, sourcing, and supply chains, and use and disposal.” At the 24th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA-24), assessment indicators for each target were also discussed and Ecological Footprint was proposed as one of the candidate indicators for Target 15.
In FY2022, we established a calculation method that uses the Ecological Footprint, (hereinafter referred to as "EF") selected as an indicator to assess negative impacts on biodiversity, to facilitate the comprehensive evaluation of all corporate activities. We used the method to identify significant negative-impact factors in EF assessment in association with the Group's corporate activities.

FY2022 Initiatives in Detail

Establishment of a calculation method that uses Ecological Footprint, an indicator for assessing the negative impacts of corporate activities on biodiversity

The Fujitsu Group selected EF as an assessment indicator for the following reasons:

  1. ①EF is a component indicator for Target 15 of the Global Targets for 2030, proposed by SBSTTA-24, selected based on scientific findings.
  2. ②All corporate activities can be comprehensively evaluated.

Source: CBD/SBSTTA/REC/24/2, March 27, 2022

In working on the calculation method, we used the Business & Biodiversity Interrelationship Map® (provided by Japan Business Initiative for Biodiversity (JBIB)) as the basis for extracting items that depend on and also have an impact on biodiversity, and determined the corresponding Activity Amount items, as set out in the table below.

Table Nature dependency and impact items in the Fujitsu Group and corresponding activity data
Life CycleDependence on NatureImpact on NatureActivity Amount Item
ProcurementConsumes raw materialsAmount of resources used (biotic, abiotic)
Emission into the atmosphereAmount of CO2 emitted
Design & Development / ManufacturingConsumes water resourcesAmount of water used
Consumes chemical substancesAmount of PRTR, VOC handled
Consumes energyAmount of electricity purchased
Amount of heavy oil Type A used
Amount of kerosene used
Amount of gasoline used
Amount of light oil used
Amount of natural gas used
Amount of city gas used
Amount of LPG used
Amount of LNG used
Amount of district heating and cooling supply used
Emission into the atmosphereAmount of CO2 emitted
Amount of NOx, SOx emitted
Amount of PRTR, VOC emitted
Amount of waste incinerated
Discharge into water bodiesAmount of BOD, COD emitted
Amount of PRTR emitted
Discharge into the groundAmount of waste to landfill
Logistics & SalesConsumes energyAmount of energy consumed
Emission into the atmosphereAmount of CO2 emitted
UsageEmission into the atmosphereAmount of CO2 emitted
OtherLand used for businessBusiness site area

We then established an EF calculation method, using the above Activity Amount items as inputs.
We used life cycle inventory (LCI) data to convert resource use and some of the other Activity Amount items to Corporate Activity items corresponding to EF coefficients. Where an EF coefficient cannot be directly used for certain Corporate Activity items such as use of water resources, this is reflected in the EF calculation by using additional conversion logic based on scientific knowledge and expanded from the original EF.

Integrated Assessment of Corporate Activities by Ecological Footprint (EF) in Fujitsu Group

Identification of Significant Negative-Impact Factors in EF Assessment

The results of our EF assessment of the Fujitsu Group's corporate activities show that CO2 emissions in the Group and its value chain account for 92% of factors. Use of water resources account for the remaining 8%, mainly attributable to energy consumption. We are therefore able to establish that CO2 emissions and energy consumption together account for 99% of factors. This means that activities aimed at reducing GHG emissions, such as energy conservation and the introduction of renewable energy, can also reduce the Ecological Footprint. In short, this is evidence that the Group’s climate change measures are proving effective in reducing the negative impact on biodiversity. The FY2022 results showed a 4 % reduction in comparison to FY2020 (*1).

  • *1:
    EF coefficients are fixed for comparison.
EF Calculation Results in Fujitsu Group (FY2020) - Percentage by Corporate Activity -
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