Innovation in Schools Education

Today, technology plays a central role in the modern classroom. It's a valued tool that's reshaping teaching within schools.

But, to achieve a best-fit' teaching style for each student, you need robust, reliable and flexible IT. Because when it comes to adapting to new trends and future needs - the difference is digital.

At Fujitsu, we're experts at co-creating IT infrastructure solutions, we develop and implement agile and reliable IT that is fit for schools. Our innovative schools technology solutions enables students to work from home, at their own pace. It frees teachers to focus on face-to-face interactive teaching. rather than admin. With apps like Office 365, teachers can spend their time doing what they do best: engaging students.

We promote and support the use of technology in learning. But we know your teachers are already under intense pressure with increased demands on their time. So, after installing your new technology we'll provide the help and support they need to get the most out of it.

Fujitsu Products For Education

We can help you overcome the challenges you face on the road to digitisation. With years of experience, we know how to implement solutions with cutting-edge technology that bring subjects to life. Alongside our experts, you can integrate new digital solutions with ageing legacy systems, at scale. Helping you to improve connectivity and efficiency and delivering the secure and cost-effective technology you need.

How to drive digitalisation in school?

In the Fujitsu Inspiring Teachers video series, we let educators (from all over Europe) have their say. What are their insights? How do they implement digitalization in schools? They report on their challenges, successes and the opportunities. Get inspired!

Contact us to find more about education solutions at Fujitsu

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