Dec. 25
- Fujitsu Frontech North America Inc. will exhibit the retail solutions at NRF 2025 Retail's Big Show.
Dec. 24
- "Certified as the 3-star class in the Nikkei Sustainable Comprehensive Survey 2024: SDGs Management Edition" of "Awards and Recognition" was added.
Dec. 12
- "Certified as the 3.5-star class in the Nikkei Sustainable Comprehensive Survey 2024: Smart Work Management Edition" of "Awards and Recognition" was added.
Nov. 26
- The manuals of Fujitsu Printer 9890S & 9890C are uploaded.
Nov. 20
- A new Global Bill Recycling Unit, SRU was released.
Sep. 27
- "Environmental Report 2024" was added.
Sep. 26
- "Frontech can be found here and there" was updated.
Sep. 26
- A new POS terminals TeamPoS8000 was released.
Sep. 20
- Fujitsu Frontech North America Inc., a subsidiary of Fujitsu Frontech, will exhibit Retail Solutions in NACS Show 2024 at Las Vegas, NV, US.
Sep. 20
- Fujitsu Frontech North America Inc., a subsidiary of Fujitsu Frontech, will exhibit Retail Solutions in Groceryshop 2024 at Las Vegas, NV, US.
Sep. 18
- The driver for Fujitsu Printer 9870 is updated.
Jul. 30
- Fujitsu Frontech will exhibit RFID linen tag products at Texcare Asia & China Laundry Expo 2024 (August 2 to 4, 2024 in Shanghai China).
Jul. 26
- A new airline counter-top printer, F9890C was released.
Jul. 26
- Fujitsu Frontech launches a new airline ticketing printer series for check-in counters, "Fujitsu Printer 9890C"
Jul. 18
- "Message from the President" was updated.
Jul. 16
- Company Brochure renewal.
Jul. 4
- "The Self-Checkout Solution (The link to the website of Fujitsu Frontech North America)" was added.
Jun. 26
- "Trend Graphs" of "Environmental data" and "Environmental Compliance" were updated.
Jun. 18
- "Making Our Company Plant a Smart Factory through DX : Japanese reference case" was added.
Jun. 18
- "Interview with the team of LCM Services : Japanese reference case" was added.
May. 27
- Fujitsu Printer 9890S GPP Handler II was updated.
May. 20
- "Environmental Action Plan / Results" and "Sponsorship Activities" were updated.
May. 16
- The Support Documents of Fujitsu Printer 9870 and 9890S are updated.
May. 10
- Achieving 10 million hands large-scale authentication! Creating a reliable and secure society with just the palm of your hand.
Apr. 5
- "Certified as the Health & Productivity Management Organization 2024 (large enterprise category) for five years in a row" was added.
Mar. 29
- "How to improve store management efficiency and save workforce : Japanese reference case" was added.
Mar. 19
- "Received the JDMC 2024 Data Management Award 'Data Integration Award'" was added.
Mar. 12
- "Frontech can be found here and there" was added.
Mar. 8
- "Retail Tech JAPAN Announcements and Report" has been added.
Mar. 8
- "Fujitsu Financial Solutions FACT-X wins the Gold Award at the IAUD International Design Award 2023" of "Awards and Recognition" was added.
Feb. 19
- "Intellectual Property" was added.
Feb. 15
- Brochures of Fujitsu Printer 9890S and 9870 are updated.
Jan. 26
- "Fujitsu Frontech Employee received Medal of Honor with Yellow Ribbon in the 2023 Autumn Conferment" of "Awards and Recognition" was added.
Jan. 19
- "Certified the highest level in the D&I Award 2023" of "Awards and Recognition" was added.
Dec. 27
- "Certified as the 3-star class in the 5th Nikkei SDGs Management Survey for five years in a row" of "Awards and Recognition" was added.
Dec. 26
- Fujitsu Frontech North America Inc. will exhibit the retail solutions at NRF 2024 Retail’s Big Show.
Dec. 26
- Download documents for Fujitsu Printer 9890S & 9870 were updated. (Manuals and PECTAG Drivers)
Dec. 25
- "Certified as the 3.5-star class in the 7th Nikkei Smart Work Management Survey for two years in a row" of "Awards and Recognition" was added.
Nov. 2
- RFID product pages were updated.
Sep. 29
- "Environmental Report 2023" was added.
Sep. 28
- Fujitsu Frontech North America Inc., a subsidiary of Fujitsu Frontech, will exhibit Retail Solutions in NACS Show 2023.
Sep. 14
- 'AI automates the sale of produces by weight' the solution video of our US subsidiary, FFNA was uploaded. (Go to YouTube)
Sep. 12
- "Actions on Climate Change" and "Value Chain Emissions" were updated.
Sep. 8
- Fujitsu Frontech North America Inc., a subsidiary of Fujitsu Frontech, will exhibit Retail Solutions in Groceryshop 2023 at Las Vegas.
Aug. 2
- Download documents for Fujitsu Printer 9890S & 9870 were updated. (Brochures, Manuals, and PECTAB Drivers)
Jul. 31
- New washable RFID tag Softight W5R/W5RL was released.
Jul. 21
- Company Brochure renewal.
Jun. 9
- "Trend Graphs" of "Environmental data" was updated.
Jun. 2
- "Meisters of our company lectures at Sanjo City University" of "Contribution to Local Community" was added.
May. 29
- "Environmental Action Plan / Results" and "Sponsorship Activities" were updated.
May. 25
- "Sustainable Resource Use" was updated.
May. 23
- "Response to Environmental Risks and Opportunities" was updated.
May. 19
- "Environmental Compliance" was updated.
Apr. 1
- "Message from the President" was updated.
Mar. 24
- "Sponsorship of Kawasaki Frontale SDGs food drive" of "Sponsorship Activities" was added.
Mar. 24
- Download document and product page for FUJITSU Printer F9890S were updated.
Mar. 20
- "Certified as the Health & Productivity Management Organization 2023 (large enterprise category) for four years in a row" of "Awards and Recognition" was added.
Feb. 28
- "Certified the highest level in the "D&I Award 2022"" was added.
Jan. 18
- "Certified as the Master Craftsman of Niigata" of "Awards and Recognition" was added.
Jan. 5
- New event information "NRF 2023 Retail's Big Show" was added.
Jan. 4
- Company introductory movie was added.
Dec. 26
- "Response to Environmental Risks and Opportunities" was added.
Dec. 6
- "Certified as the 3-star class in the 4th Nikkei SDGs Management Survey for four years in a row" of "Awards and Recognition" was added.
Nov. 21
- "Certified as the 3.5-star class in the 6th Nikkei Smart Work Management Survey" of "Awards and Recognition" was added.
Oct. 18
- "Health Management" and "Health and Safety" were added.
Sep. 30
- "Environmental Report 2022" was added.
Sep. 28
- New event information "NACS Show 2022" was added.
Aug. 29
- Palm Vein Authentication page is updated.
Aug. 17
- "Value Chain Emissions" was updated.
Jul. 25
- "Message from the President" was added.
Jul. 20
- Download documents for FUJITSU Printer 9890S & 9870 GPP were updated. (Brochures, Manuals, PECTAB Driver, and Support Documents)
Jul. 6
- "Meister Ikarashi of our company lectures at Sanjo City University" of "Contribution to Local Community" was added.
Jul. 6
- "Actions on SDGs" was added.
Jul. 5
- "Trend Graphs" of "Environmental data" was updated.
Jun. 24
- TeamPad720A was updated. (Brochure and Specifications)
Jun. 21
- Company Brochure renewal.
Jun. 9
- "Sustainable Resource Use" was added.
Jun. 3
- "Environmental Compliance" and "Actions on Climate Change" were updated.
Jun. 1
- "Environmental Action Plan / Results" was updated.
Apr. 22
- "Pollution Prevention" of Environmental data, "Contribution to Local Community" and "Sponsorship Activities" were updated.
Apr. 21
- "Sponsorship of the Japan Amputee Football Championship" of "Sponsorship Activities" was added.
Apr. 7
- "Certified as the Health & Productivity Management Organization 2022 (large enterprise category) for three years in a row" of "Awards and Recognition" was added.
Mar. 14
- Download of PECTAB Driver (FUJITSU Printer 9870 GPP Handler) was updated.
Feb. 22
- "Risk Management and Compliance" was added.
Feb. 22
- "Received the distinctive achievement award in environmental activities from Gunma Prefecture" of "Awards and Recognition" was added.
Jan. 18
- "Human Rights" was updated.
Jan. 17
- "SDGs Contribution Solutions" was updated.
Dec. 22
- Business Profile renewal.
Dec. 20
- "Joined 'Talk Session with Professionals' at a junior high school" of "Contribution to Local Community" was added.
Dec. 10
- "Certified as the 3-star class in the 3rd Nikkei SDGs Management Survey for three years in a row" of "Awards and Recognition" was added.
Dec. 3
- "Certified as the 3-star class in the 5th Nikkei Smart Work Management Survey for three years in a row" of "Awards and Recognition" was added.
Nov. 26
- Contact Center which operates help-desk service has acquired COPC®CX Standard Certification, the International Quality Assurance Standard
Oct. 29
- "Environmental Report 2021" and "Value Chain Emissions" were added.
Oct. 21
- "Environmental data" was updated.
Oct. 5
- "Purpose" was added.
Sep. 30
- "Message from the President" was added.
Sep. 30
- Company Brochure renewal.
Jul. 30
- "Example of SDGs Contribution Solutions" of "SDGs Contribution Solutions" was added.
Jun. 25
- "Environmental Management System" was updated.
Jun. 22
- Specification for FUJITSU Printer 9890S were updated.(Product page and Brochure)
Jun. 3
- "Environmental Action Plan / Results" and "Donations" were updated.
May 31
- "Pollution Prevention" of Environmental data was updated.
May 25
- "Actions on Climate Change" and "Response to TCFD" were updated.
Mar. 30
- "Promotion of work-life balance" was added.
Mar. 26
- "Awards and Recognition" was added.
Mar. 9
- "Occupational Health and Safety, and Health Management" was added.
Feb. 19
- "Recruit and Development of Human Resources" was added.
Jan. 29
- "Procurement Activities" was added.
Jan. 14
- "Response to TCFD" was added.
Jan. 8
- "Environmental data" was added.
Jan. 6
- "SDGs Contribution Solutions" was added.
Jan. 5
- Documents for Fujitsu Printer 9870 and F9860 were updated.(Spec, Brochure and Support documents)
Dec. 25
- New event information "NRF2021 Retail's Big Show -Virtual event" was added.
Dec. 24
- RFID pages (WT-533G) updated.
Dec. 24
- "Green and Super Green Products" was added.
Dec. 8
- TeamPoS A22 pages renewal (Brochure & Specifications).
Dec. 3
- Sustainability pages opened.
Nov. 24
- "Fujitsu Frontech Group Environmental Report 2020" was added.
Nov. 9
- "For our 80th anniversary" was added.
Oct. 29
- New washable RFID tag WT-A533G was added.
Oct. 26
- "FY 2020 First-Half Financial Results" was added.
Oct. 12
- New Handheld terminal "TeamPad720A" was added.
Oct. 12
- PalmSecure pages updated.
Aug. 19
- "Environmental Management System" and "Actions on Climate Change" were updated.
Aug. 12
- "Environmental Action Plan" and "Contribution to Local Community" were updated.
Jul. 30
- "FY 2020 First-Quarter Financial Results" was added.
Jul. 17
Jul. 17
- Investor Relations pages renewal.
Jul. 8
- New Airline Printer for embedded device "FUJITSU Printer 9890S" was added.
Jun. 24
- Company Brochure renewal.
Jun. 23
- "Resolutions of the 105th Annual Shareholders' Meeting" was added.
Jun. 12
- "Notice of Convocation of the 105th Annual Shareholders' Meeting" was added.
May 29
- Download of PECTAB Driver(Airline Printer) was updated.
May 20
- "FY2019 Financial Results Briefing" was added.
May 13
"FY2019 Full-Year Consolidated Financial Results" was added.
Apr. 8
- "Foreign Assistance, Disaster Restoration Assistance", "Donations" was added.
Apr. 2
- RFID pages renewal.
Mar. 31
- TeamPoS 7000 M/A Series pages renewal (Brochure & Specifications).
Mar. 3
- New washable RFID tag WT-A543 was added.
Feb. 14
- "Environmental Management System", "Environmental Compliance", "Concept of Social Activities", and "Contribution to Local Community" was added.
Feb. 13
- New event information "EuroShop 2020" was added.
Jan. 29
- "FY 2019 Third-Quarter Financial Results" was added.
Jan. 9
- New event information "NRF 2020 Retail's Big Show" was added.