Environmental Management System
We establish and operate Environmental Management System (EMS) based on ISO14001, to mitigate the environmental risks and to enhance our environmental performance.
Environmental Management System in Fujitsu Frontech Group
We obtained the certification of ISO14001 for the first time in 1998, recognizing the importance of actions on the environment issues as one of the main responsibilities of businesses. After that, we transited to "Fujitsu Group Integrated Certification" in 2005, so as to realize aims such as "Further reinforcement of Group governance", that Fujitsu Group had set.
And, in the case of our Group companies outside Japan, Fujitsu Die-Tech Corporation of The Philippines (FDTP: Philippines) obtained the certification in 2007. In 2009, Fujitsu Frontech North America Inc. (FFNA: U.S.A.) took the certification over from the predecessor of FFNA named Fujitsu Transaction Solutions Inc. (FTXS), which had been a subsidiary company of Fujitsu Limited.
In March 2018, all our EMS sites in and outside Japan finished updating to ISO14001:2015, which had been revised drastically and issued in 2015.
Environmental Organization
We organize "Environmental Business Committee", whose chairman is a president, with the approval of our "Business Committee", composed of directors and executive officers involved in our business execution, to discuss comprehensive issues relevant to our environmental business. In this committee, we, for example, review medium- to long-terms issues, make policies, share risks and opportunities in business derived from climate change, and consider the countermeasures, in the purpose of enhancing the environmental business and reinforcing the governance.
In addition, we also organize "Environmental Management Committee" whose chairman is Site Controller (assuming the level of executives) at each EMS site. In this committee, we, for instance, discuss the whole environmental activities, review issues at a site level, make policies, share risks and opportunities, and consider the countermeasures.
Under each Environmental Management Committee, we also organize "Expertise Committee" related to energy saving, waste management, chemical control and so on, to make plans to solve individual issues and practice them, so that our environmental performance can be enhanced.
Incidentally, in both Environmental Business and Management Committees, we discuss not only issues related to "Environment", but broad ones related to ESG and SDGs or the like, following recent global trends.
Fujitsu Frontech Group Environmental Organization Chart
* The official names of our bases in and outside Japan are as follows.
Kumagaya SSC :Kumagaya Service Solution Center
Omiya SC :Omiya Solution Center
FJFS :Fujitsu Frontech Systems Limited
TEL :Totalizator Engineering Limited
FDTP :Fujitsu Die-Tech Corporation of The Philippines
FFNA :Fujitsu Frontech North America Inc.
Establishment and Operation of Environmental Management System
We, through the EMS established on the basis of ISO14001, implement the PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act) appropriately, which consists mainly of evaluation of risks and opportunities, internal audit, and management review, so that we are able to mitigate the environmental risks and to enhance our environmental performance, and that we can realize our more efficient and more effective environmental business, for example, in response to legal compliance and emergency.
And also, we, as a unit, take actions on the environment at all times, through establishing and practicing "Fujitsu Frontech Group Environmental Action Plan" based on "Fujitsu Frontech Group Environmental Policy" and "Fujitsu Group Environmental Action Plan", so that we can obtain results having positive impacts on our business. Incidentally, we disclose the information on our environmental efforts in our Group report, annually.