Online Instance Creator

The Online Instance Creator automatically generates an input HTML form for XBRL instance data based on taxonomy files, and creates XBRL instance documents using input data. It is a Java and JSP tool set. Using this software to input instance data on a browser, you can build XBRL instance creation systems easily.


Automatic input form generation (HTML)

Based on Presentation Link and Label Link, an HTML form to input instance data is generated automatically.

Flexible screen design

Screen design can be customized easily by changing a layout file, for example, to divide pages, or increase or decrease input columns.

XBRL instance document generation

An XBRL instance document is generated based on input data.

Data validation based on Calculation Link

Input data can be validated according to the information in Calculation Link.

Data validation based on Formula Link

Input data can be validated according to the information in Formula Link.