Cool to Zero

Written by Matt Hobson on 08/6/2022

The world has changed. As a teenager buying trainers the key thing on my mind was ‘would I look cool?’ As I got older my priorities changed and I became concerned more with the technical capabilities of the trainers. Did they have good cushioning? Were they lightweight? Roll forward a few more years and there is a new consideration in my purchases. What is the impact on the environment?

Digital transformation

Cool to Zero

25 billion pairs of shoes are produced each year with a large proportion of those being trainers. They are leaving more than just muddy footprints when it comes to their environmental impact with a typical pair generating approximately 13.6 kg of CO2 emissions.

There are also other impacts to consider. Do they come from a socially responsible source with diversity, equity, and inclusion? Does the workforce enable healthy people and a caring culture? If the answer to these is no, this could be a cause for concern, causing vulnerability for a supplier of trainers whose brand no longer meets the requirements of buyers who are chasing zero inequality.

Fujitsu and SAP can offer enterprise solutions to deliver company-wide functionality and global industry-specific sustainability features that can help you drive sustainability at scale by embedding operations, experience and financial insights into your core business processes.

There are several examples of these enterprise solutions that are making a big difference when it comes to sustainability. Take ESG reporting for example. It allows you to connect your environmental, social and financial data holistically to steer your business toward better decisions and gain the insight required to comply with new regulations. Or climate change solutions, helping you lower your environmental impact by minimizing the carbon footprint of your products and operations. This includes design products and packaging which are biodegradable and environmentally sustainable whilst calculating the environmental costs and simulating impact on the environment.

When it comes to circular economy solutions, moving to circular processes across your entire supply and value chain can eliminate waste, protect our planet and save our world’s species. Having social responsibility solutions enables equality and social equity across your entire workforce and business networks, adopting diversity equity and inclusion to unlock potential. This enables healthy people and a caring culture whilst providing new skills for the digital world.

Engage with us at Fujitsu as a trusted partner committed to sustainability and help reduce vulnerability while supporting a more sustainable future. Worry less about looking cool and just leave the muddy footprints.

Matt Hobson

Written by

Matt Hobson

Fujitsu SAP CTO, NWE at Fujitsu

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