Innovation in Higher Education

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IT plays a pivotal role in higher education. It delivers key services and is an important factor for institutions looking to modernise. Because when it comes to competing for the best and the brightest - the difference is digital.

Today, there's increased focus on student success and course completion. But there are other aspects that are equally important to consider when looking at the role of higher education in students' lives. Their time at university is about much more than getting a degree, It's about the broader social experience along with nurturing future career prospects, for universities, the goal is to develop, implement and deliver an effective digitisation strategy. Allowing you to enhance the student experience with an always-on connected campus. We can help.

Fujitsu Products For Education

We can help you overcome the challenges you face on the road to digitisation. With years of experience, we know how to implement solutions with cutting-edge technology that bring subjects to life. Alongside our experts, you can integrate new digital solutions with ageing legacy systems, at scale. Helping you to improve connectivity and efficiency and delivering the secure and cost-effective technology you need.

Simplified access to AI adoption – Fujitsu AI Test Drive

The global race to AI (artificial intelligence) is well and truly underway. No matter what industry you’re in, the goal is the same: work smarter and more efficiently, not necessarily harder. While still technically difficult, more powerful tools are becoming available that make artificial intelligence technologies more accessible.

Working with industry leading partners Intel, SUSE, NetApp and Juniper, we have developed our AI Test Drive within the Fujitsu DX Innovation Platform. AI Test Drive provides you the unique opportunity to trial the latest, purpose-built AI infrastructure with 100% control and use of your own data for curation, ingestion and cleaning. We assemble the components as you need them for your project and build the scenarios that are relevant for you. You will also have the opportunity to test different reference architecture options to determine which AI platform is right for you.

We also provide you with additional AI expertise as needed through our AI experts and experts from our partner ecosystem to further develop your model into a watertight business case.

Ready to get started?
Register for AI Test Drive today

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