Our Operations and Targets


Reducing our environmental footprint

The Fujitsu Group’s ‘Climate & Energy Vision’ states our goal to be a net zero CO₂ organisation, as well as contribute to climate change adaptation and the decarbonisation of society.

In 2023, the Fujitsu Group elected to fast-track its previous commitment to achieve “zero CO₂ emissions within the Group by FY2050”, instead bringing forward its Vision by 20 years to FY2030. The Group has set the additional target of reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions throughout the value chain by 2040. You can read our Climate and Energy Vision here.

Our global policy and targets

The Fujitsu Group recognises that global environmental protection is a vital business issue. We are committed to effective action on climate change and have been listed on the CDP A List from 2017-2023.


Fujitsu Group Environmental Action Plan (Stage XI) goals and targets

In April 2023, Fujitsu updated its Environmental Action Plan Stage XI, which set out new, more ambitious interim targets to bring forward greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions by 2025. These targets are as follows:

GoalBase year2025
Scope 1,2
  • Reduce GHG emissions at business sites by half of the base year by the end of 2025.
  • Increase use of renewable energy to 50% or more by FY2025
2020At least 50%
Scope 3 (Category 1)
  • Reduce GHG emissions in the supply chain
  • Major business partners should set emission reduction targets (equivalent to SBT WB2°C)
  • Collection of GHG reduction data, construction and deployment of mechanisms
-Goal setting completed
Scope 3 (Category 11)
  • Reduce CO₂ emissions from power consumption during product use by 12.5% or more
2020Reduction of at least 12.5%

Fujitsu Group’s greenhouse gas emissions profile

Fujitsu Group reports on its Scope 1, 2 and material Scope 3 GHG footprint, which is published in the Group Sustainability Data Book.


Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand approach

We have had a comprehensive environmental action plan in place for the Oceania region since 2007. Our ISO14001 certified management system covers all Fujitsu sites in Australia & Aotearoa New Zealand. Our sustainability targets are determined using 2020 as a historical baseline, based on factors including our material environmental impacts, science, stakeholder expectation and accepted guidelines such as Science Based Targets Initiative.

Australia & New Zealand results

FANZ has a relatively large emissions profile within Fujitsu Group, mainly due to our fleet of 6 data centres in Australia. As a result, we recognise that our region has a leading role to play in reducing emissions, and in helping Fujitsu to meet its ambitious emissions reduction targets even earlier if possible.
FANZ's current calculated GHG profile is set out below:

Discover more about our sustainability actions and offerings

In February 2021, Fujitsu Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand launched its Office of Purpose to make a real difference through championing and driving transformative change across Planet, People, and Prosperity. Fujitsu's purpose is to make the world more sustainable by building trust in society through innovation. The Office of Purpose team is pivotal in fulfilling its ambitions and creating shared values to support our customers to achieve theirs.

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