White papers
Download and learn more about FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS.
All-Flash Arrays
- Security Hardening Guide for SnapCenter
- Security Hardening Guide for Active IQ Unified Manager
- Data Availability and Integrity with All SAN Array (ASA)
- MetroCluster Solution Architecture and Design
- Implementing and Configuring Modern SANs with NVMe-oF
- SnapMirror Business Continuity (SM-BC) ONTAP 9.12.1
- Performance Characterization of Cloud Volumes ONTAP for Azure with Application Workloads
- Best Practices for ONTAP SAN Configurations
- Three-Data-Center Disaster Recovery Using SnapMirror for ONTAP 9.7
- SnapMirror Synchronous Configuration and Best Practices ONTAP 9.11.1
- FlexCache in ONTAP ONTAP 9.8
- FabricPool Best Practices ONTAP 9.11.1
- Data Protection and Backup for ONTAP FlexGroup Volumes
- Technical Overview of ONTAP FlexGroup Volumes
- SnapMirror Configuration and Best Practices Guide for ONTAP 9
- The Solution for Ransomware
- Best-Practice Guidelines for ONTAP File System Analytics Solution Deployment
- S3 in ONTAP Best Practices ONTAP 9.13.1
- MetroCluster IP Solution Architecture and Design
- SANtricity Synchronous and Asynchronous Mirroring (11.62 and later) Feature Descriptions and Deployment Guide
- Reference Architecture and Storage Best Practices with Veeam Backup & Replication 12
- ETERNUS AB/HB series and Commvault Data Protection Platform Reference Architecture and Storage Best Practices
- Security Hardening Guide for SANtricity
- SANtricity Remote Storage Volumes Solution Deployment
- SANtricity Management Security
- Technical Report SANtricity Synchronous and Asynchronous Mirroring
- SANtricity Snapshot Feature Overview and Deployment Guide
- SANtricity OS Dynamic Disk Pools Feature Description and Best Practices
- SANtricity Drive Security Feature Details Using SANtricity 11.70
- Managing Certificates for ETERNUS AB/HB series Storage Systems
- Automatic Load Balancing
- NVMe over Fabrics Support
- Oracle Databases on ETERNUS AB series
- Best Practices Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ETERNUS AB series
- Evolving All-Flash Arrays- FUJITSU ETERNUS AF S3 series -
- High-Speed Flash Storage Provides Accurate Estimations of Processing Times
- All-Flash Arrays for Improving Database Performance to Open Up Potential for New Applications - ETERNUS AF
- ETERNUS AF series All-Flash Arrays Best Suited for Databases
- Features and Benefits of Fujitsu All-Flash Arrays for Virtualization and Consolidation ETERNUS AF S3/S2 series
- ETERNUS AF/DX Optimization Features: Automated Storage Tiering and Automated Quality of Service
- FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS AF/DX Storage Cluster
- Arcserve Backup Greatly Reduces the Cost of Backup Using All-Flash Arrays with the Latest LTO Ultrium Technology -Unlimited Backup Capacity and Number of Generations-
- NetVault Backup Greatly Reduces the Cost of Backup Using All-Flash Arrays with the Latest LTO Ultrium Technology -Unlimited Backup Capacity and Number of Generations-
- FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS AF series and ETERNUS DX series: Reducing the Costs of Remote Data Storage
- Capacity Reduction Concept Using the Deduplication/Compression Function of ETERNUS AF series and ETERNUS DX series
- Drive Space Efficiency Using the Deduplication/Compression Function of the FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS AF series and ETERNUS DX series
- Effects of the Deduplication/Compression Function in Virtual Platforms ETERNUS AF series and ETERNUS DX series
- The FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS AF series and ETERNUS DX series Offer a Selection of Suitable Migration Methods
- Online Storage Migration for Minimizing Business Downtime
- FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS AF series and ETERNUS DX series Non-Stop Storage Reference Architecture Configuration Guide
- FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS AF series and ETERNUS DX series Non-Stop Storage Reference Architecture Configuration Procedures for Storage Cluster
- FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS DX series and ETERNUS AF series ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Guide for Secure File Transfers Using the Storage Function
- RAID Protection and Drive Failure Fast Recovery
- Storage Security Guide
Veeam Backup & Replication
- Disaster Recovery Guide for the ETERNUS series with Veeam Backup & Replication
- The FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS AF series and ETERNUS DX series Plug-In for Veeam Backup & Replication Eases High-Speed Backups of Virtual Environments
VMware Integration
- Utilizing VMware vSphere Virtual Volumes (VVOL) with the FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS AF series and ETERNUS DX series Reference Architecture for Virtual Platforms
- Utilizing VMware vSphere Virtual Volumes (VVOL) with the FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS AF series and ETERNUS DX series Reference Architecture for Virtual Platforms (15VM/iSCSI)
Oracle Linux Integration
- End-to-end Data Protection Using Oracle Linux with the ETERNUS AF series or DX series, and Emulex HBA
- End-to-end Data Protection Using Oracle Linux with the ETERNUS AF series or DX series, and QLogic 2600 Series FC HBA
Hybrid Storage Systems
- Security Hardening Guide for SnapCenter
- Security Hardening Guide for Active IQ Unified Manager
- MetroCluster Solution Architecture and Design
- Implementing and Configuring Modern SANs with NVMe-oF
- Performance Characterization of Cloud Volumes ONTAP for Azure with Application Workloads
- Best Practices for ONTAP SAN Configurations
- Three-Data-Center Disaster Recovery Using SnapMirror for ONTAP 9.7
- SnapMirror Synchronous Configuration and Best Practices ONTAP 9.11.1
- FlexCache in ONTAP ONTAP 9.8
- FabricPool Best Practices ONTAP 9.11.1
- Data Protection and Backup for ONTAP FlexGroup Volumes
- Technical Overview of ONTAP FlexGroup Volumes
- SnapMirror Configuration and Best Practices Guide for ONTAP 9
- The Solution for Ransomware
- Best-Practice Guidelines for ONTAP File System Analytics Solution Deployment
- S3 in ONTAP Best Practices ONTAP 9.13.1
- MetroCluster IP Solution Architecture and Design
- SANtricity Synchronous and Asynchronous Mirroring (11.62 and later) Feature Descriptions and Deployment Guide
- Reference Architecture and Storage Best Practices with Veeam Backup & Replication 12
- ETERNUS AB/HB series and Commvault Data Protection Platform Reference Architecture and Storage Best Practices
- Security Hardening Guide for SANtricity
- SANtricity Remote Storage Volumes Solution Deployment
- SANtricity Management Security
- Technical Report SANtricity Synchronous and Asynchronous Mirroring
- SANtricity Snapshot Feature Overview and Deployment Guide
- SANtricity OS Dynamic Disk Pools Feature Description and Best Practices
- SANtricity Drive Security Feature Details Using SANtricity 11.70
- Managing Certificates for ETERNUS AB/HB series Storage Systems
- Automatic Load Balancing
- NVMe over Fabrics Support
- ETERNUS AF/DX Optimization Features: Automated Storage Tiering and Automated Quality of Service
- FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS AF/DX Storage Cluster
- Arcserve Backup Greatly Reduces the Cost of Backup Using All-Flash Arrays with the Latest LTO Ultrium Technology -Unlimited Backup Capacity and Number of Generations-
- NetVault Backup Greatly Reduces the Cost of Backup Using All-Flash Arrays with the Latest LTO Ultrium Technology -Unlimited Backup Capacity and Number of Generations-
- FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS AF series and ETERNUS DX series: Reducing the Costs of Remote Data Storage
- Capacity Reduction Concept Using the Deduplication/Compression Function of ETERNUS AF series and ETERNUS DX series
- Drive Space Efficiency Using the Deduplication/Compression Function of the FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS AF series and ETERNUS DX series
- Effects of the Deduplication/Compression Function in Virtual Platforms ETERNUS AF series and ETERNUS DX series
- The FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS AF series and ETERNUS DX series Offer a Selection of Suitable Migration Methods
- Online Storage Migration for Minimizing Business Downtime
- FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS AF series and ETERNUS DX series Non-Stop Storage Reference Architecture Configuration Guide
- FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS AF series and ETERNUS DX series Non-Stop Storage Reference Architecture Configuration Procedures for Storage Cluster
- FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS DX series and ETERNUS AF series ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Guide for Secure File Transfers Using the Storage Function
- RAID Protection and Drive Failure Fast Recovery
- Storage Security Guide
Veeam Backup & Replication
- Disaster Recovery Guide for the ETERNUS series with Veeam Backup & Replication
- The FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS AF series and ETERNUS DX series Plug-In for Veeam Backup & Replication Eases High-Speed Backups of Virtual Environments
VMware Integration
- Utilizing VMware vSphere Virtual Volumes (VVOL) with the FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS AF series and ETERNUS DX series Reference Architecture for Virtual Platforms
- Utilizing VMware vSphere Virtual Volumes (VVOL) with the FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS AF series and ETERNUS DX series Reference Architecture for Virtual Platforms (15VM/iSCSI)
Oracle Linux Integration
- End-to-end Data Protection Using Oracle Linux with the ETERNUS AF series or DX series, and Emulex HBA
- End-to-end Data Protection Using Oracle Linux with the ETERNUS AF series or DX series, and QLogic 2600 Series FC HBA
- The Storage System Best Suited for OpenStack FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS AF and ETERNUS DX series
- Best Practices for OpenStack and FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS AF series and ETERNUS DX series
- FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS DX series Extreme Cache/Extreme Cache Pool best fit for fast processing of vast amount of data
- How ETERNUS DX contributes to energy efficiency, cost savings and a human-centric intelligent society
- Enhanced Performance and Features of the FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS DX8900 S4
- FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS DX8900 S4 – Hardware Architecture
- [VMware Integration] ETERNUS vCenter Plug-in achieves relations management between ETERNUS Disk storage system and VMware virtual environment
- [Microsoft Integration] FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS DX200 S3 20,000 Mailbox Virtualized Exchange 2013 Mailbox Resiliency Storage Solution
- [Oracle DB Integration] Best Practices White Paper Using Oracle Database 11g R2 Automatic Storage Management with FUJITSU Storage (Linux version)
- [Oracle DB Integration] Best Practices White Paper Using Oracle Database 11g R2 Automatic Storage Management with FUJITSU Storage (Windows version)
- [Veritas Integration] FUJITSU achieves the high compatibility between ETERNUS Disk Storage System and Veritas Operations Manager
Tape Systems
- Disaster Recovery Guide for the ETERNUS series with Veeam Backup & Replication
- Arcserve Backup Greatly Reduces the Cost of Backup Using All-Flash Arrays with the Latest LTO Ultrium Technology -Unlimited Backup Capacity and Number of Generations-
- NetVault Backup Greatly Reduces the Cost of Backup Using All-Flash Arrays with the Latest LTO Ultrium Technology -Unlimited Backup Capacity and Number of Generations-
- ETERNUS LT - Data Encryption and Key Management
- The Future of Tape
Data Protection Appliances
ETERNUS CS800 / CS8000
Storage Software
Third Party White Papers
- FREEFORM DYNAMICS: Everyone's talking about Dedupe
- FREEFORM DYNAMICS: Data Protection and Management in a Box
- FREEFORM DYNAMICS: Modern Storage Options for SMBs
- Storage Review Enterprise Lab: Fujitsu Storage ETERNUS DX200F Review - Storage Review Enterprise Lab
- Gartner: Efficient Storage for Ultimate Performance
- Gartner: Storage Optimization Blueprint
- ESG: Dramatically Improve the ROI of Virtualized Server Environments Using the Fujitsu Storage ETERNUS DX