ETERNUS vCenter Plug-in (hereinafter referred to as "this software") is plug-in software used to extend the user interface for VMware vSphere Client and to display relevant information from Fujitsu ETERNUS AF/ETERNUS DX on the VMware vSphere Client.

Application of this product facilitates visualization of information about the storage systems and allows VMware administrators to understand the physical and virtual mapping of the related virtual machines, datastores and host systems. This in turn enables integrated management of the virtual environment infrastructure.

In addition information that was previously only displayed using the ETERNUS Web GUI can be now viewed from VMware vSphere Client, which greatly improves convenience.

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Before use of this software, Fujitsu requires that you agree with the following "Conditions of use". Do not download this software if you disagree with these conditions.

Conditions of use

You must ensure that the following conditions are met when using this software.
Do not use this software if you cannot comply with these conditions.

  1. This software can be used only with the target model(s).
  2. This software cannot be redistributed.
  3. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software.
  4. Any copyright mark concerning this software may not be revoked.
  5. Any damage occurring following use of this software is at your own risk, Fujitsu will not assume any responsibility for operational problems.


This software is copyrighted by Fujitsu Limited.