Digitalize, modernize and grow your business with a tailored public or private cloud solution

Fujitsu and SAP on Azure

Girl using tablet

Improve your business efficiency, insight and innovation with Fujitsu and SAP on Azure

Migrate your SAP ERP and S/4HANA solutions to the Cloud and build a sustainable business foundation with intelligence firmly at its core.

In any cloud strategy, modernizing for improved agility, resilience and innovation while unlocking data-driven insight to enhance customer experiences, deliver sustainability goals and reduce costs, is essential for business success and growth.

If like many organizations, on-premises SAP systems form your business-critical technology backbone – from financials, sales and operations through to the supply chain – then it may be time to consider a different approach. An on-premises SAP strategy might work fine for you now, but long-term that won’t enable you to transform to innovate, evolve and grow into the future.

There are many approaches to the journey to the cloud and ERP modernization, and many decisions need to be made in your migration planning to minimise a potentially costly and risky process.

Work with Fujitsu and SAP on Azure. Together, we’ll migrate your SAP systems to the Cloud, empowering you to securely transform with speed and confidence so you’re ready to face any future disruption or opportunities that come your way.


Demystifying Your ERP Modernization Journey: A Guide to Migrating to SAP S/4HANA on Azure. Produced by IDC, sponsored by Fujitsu and Microsoft.

Read our short infobite on the different approaches; decisions and considerations needed to move to S/4HANA and 6-point plan for a successful migration.

ArrowDownload the Infographic
  • See below for the research report for more information.

Research - Demystifying your ERP Modernization Journey: A guide to upgrading to SAP S/4HANA on AZURE

ERP modernization is a costly and risky process. Decisions need to be made and you will face many dilemmas on your journey.

You may have decided a migration path, whether it is a move to S/4HANA, a move to the cloud with Azure or to a decision to migrate using RISE with SAP.

Read the IDC research report, sponsored by Fujitsu and Microsoft to help you unlock these dilemmas.

SAP Migration to the Cloud IDC
research sponsored by Fujitsu and Microsoft

Listen to Ashok Patel, Research Manager, IDC discuss the SAP S/4HANA to AZURE migration journey. Looking at both the opportunities and the challenges organizations face on different journeys to the Cloud and the important decisions that must be made to ensure a successful migration.

Microsoft Azure scalable SAP cloud infrastructure - understanding the benefits to reap the rewards sooner

Microsoft Azure for SAP supports the complete SAP ERP suite including S/4HANA workloads of any size. High-performance services, with built-in threat prevention, deliver the agility needed to create new and innovative services and solutions faster and more securely than on-premises SAP systems.

Efficient processes

Manual tasks can add unwanted cost pressures, create work backlogs and leave your people feeling unfulfilled completing the same labor-intensive processes day after day.

Migrate to the Cloud, streamline your SAP estate and reduce reliance on manual actions to:

  • Drive efficiency
  • Manage costs
  • Avoid technical restrictions
  • Gain end-to-end visibility
  • Rapidly provision applications
  • Adapt and evolve at speed

Game-changing insights

If your SAP data lives in silos, is out of date or is not properly combined with non-SAP data, it’s impossible to gain the insight you need to make the right decisions across your business.

Migrate to the Cloud and gain a single real-time view of your data to:

  • Rapidly respond to market trends and competition
  • Set up new business models at speed
  • Plan process improvements
  • Run your business more predictably and safely
  • Gain insight to improve customer experiences

Faster innovation

If your tools are old and rigid, they won’t allow your people to innovate and flourish creatively, but a rip-and-replace approach might take too much time, energy and cost.

Migrate to the Cloud and enhance applications with emerging technologies to:

  • Innovate faster
  • Respond to customer needs on demand
  • Increase agility
  • Gain access to systems and data from various devices through multiple interfaces

The Fujitsu SAP on Azure Assessment

The first step of your cloud adoption journey

Utilizing solutions such as RISE with SAP and SAP Signavio, we help you to exploit cloud services, modernize your ERP landscape and transform your processes to unlock value in your data, innovate at speed and increase resilience to future proof your business.

We begin by working with you to gain a good understanding of your existing SAP environment. We do this by analyzing the underlying infrastructure of your applications, consider your current deployment as well as usage, processes, applications and data. Then, using what we’ve learned, we work with you to develop an effective cloud migration strategy that’s right for you.

Our assessment includes:

  • A discovery of your digital estate
  • A definition of your business outcomes and challenges
  • An evaluation of your cloud maturity
  • An actionable roadmap to help you organize how to achieve your cloud migration goal
  • A consideration of your application migration approach – Brownfield, Greenfield or BLUEFIELD™
Icon for Assessing your SAP environment

Assessing your SAP environment

We carry out an assessment of your current SAP environment. Our experts guide you through the process and the key things you’ll need to consider, such as:

  • Understanding your SAP workload complexity
  • Removing clutter
  • Determining an Azure strategy
  • Accounting for virtual machines
Icon for Migrating SAP to the Cloud

Migrating SAP to the Cloud

We determine which migration strategies can be applied to your environment and help you to understand your options and the differences between:

  • Lift and shift
  • Lift and migrate to the Cloud
  • Lift and shift/migrate to the Cloud and migrate part to HANA
  • Transformation to S/4HANA and the Cloud
Icon for Optimizing SAP applications

Optimizing SAP applications

We help you to understand your options, ensuring that key factors and considerations remain at the front of your mind, such as:

  • Azure technology and available VMs are always advancing
  • There’s no value in wasting time on systems and data you don’t need
  • Design for high availability in your production systems
  • Take advantage of quiet periods
Icon for Safely managing SAP in the Cloud

Safely managing SAP in the Cloud

We advise you on critical SAP systems and business data protection ensuring that you understand the important issues to remain aware of, such as:

  • Public cloud compliance
  • Balancing security needs with troubleshooting
  • Capturing all legal requirements from the start

Innovation for a smooth, quick and risk-free Azure migration

Using three key technologies, our SAP on Azure experts can help you to choose the right approach.

Icon for Cloud Move for Azure

SNP’s Cloud Move for Azure

Working with SNP’s Cloud Move for Azure solution, we determine optimal cloud sizing to map an existing SAP system to a new Azure environment. We identify gaps in your SAP migration and prepare what’s needed to fill them.

  • Eliminate downtime
  • Migrate at scale
  • Reduce risk
  • Know the cost ahead of time
Icon for Azure NetApp Files

Azure NetApp Files

Using Azure NetApp Files, we help you to make the best use of your data and reduce your operational management costs. We simplify your storage portfolio to deliver your SAP projects faster and future-proof your investment.

  • Manage less software
  • Increase service quality
  • Reduce operational costs
  • Save on your resources
Icon for SpringBoard ™ for Azure

SpringBoard ™ for Azure

Using SpringBoard ™ for Azure, we help you to easily scale and grow. Working within the eight core areas of design in the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework, we ensure that you have a fully functional immutable infrastructure landing zone in Azure.

  • Innovate faster
  • Create value
  • Save on costs
  • Build your future

Why choose Fujitsu for your SAP on Azure migration?

Icon for global SAP partner

30 years of experience as a Microsoft and SAP partner. Globally, we are responsible for 3,000+ SAP systems and 800,000 users.

Icon for SAP expertise

Whatever the scale of your SAP on Azure migration, we have the tools, expertise, resources and global footprint needed to deliver it.

Icon for delivering shared private cloud on Azure

Expertise in delivering shared private cloud on Azure technology since 2014.

Icon for Industry-leading managed services for Azure

Industry-leading managed services for Azure: global, local, and blended delivery

Icon for Microsoft Advanced Specialization partner

Recognized as a Microsoft Advanced Specialization partner in SAP on Azure

Icon for Certified Microsoft Expert Managed Service Provider

Certified Microsoft Expert Managed Service Provider

SAP on Azure customer stories

Aerospace Company

Aerospace Company

Improved performance through cloud migration.

“We made major transformations in a very short window of time with great results.”

IT Service Delivery Manager, Aerospace Company



Flexible, scalable, and reliable SAP HANA® solution built on Microsoft Azure®

“Fujitsu helped us digitally transform our IT platforms as we became an independent company, optimizing interfaces with other key systems and business partners.”

Jacqueline Grunwald VP and CIO AdvanSix



Creating a Springboard™ to Azure Cloud

“Working as one team across Fujitsu, Whitbread and Microsoft has given us a cloud platform that enables migration to a modern and more sustainable environment.”

Simon Maddock, Head of Infrastructure, Whitbread

SAP Solutions

Fujitsu and RISE with SAP

Fujitsu and RISE with SAP
Intelligent automation

Modernize your ERP landscape and future-proof your business with RISE with SAP and Fujitsu.

  • Business process automation that increases efficiency
  • Game-changing data-driven insight for faster and improved decision-making
  • Greater process visibility and controls to meet sustainability goals

Explore how Fujitsu and RISE with SAP can help you to secure your business future.

Fujitsu and SAP Signavio

Fujitsu and SAP Signavio
Process transformation

Redesign, transform and improve your processes to unlock business value with SAP Signavio and Fujitsu.

  • Process intelligence that improves enterprise visibility and insight
  • Process optimization that increases efficiency
  • Process management and governance
  • Process analysis and process mining

Learn more about Fujitsu and SAP on Azure

Get in touch with one of our Fujitsu SAP on Azure experts to discuss your SAP migration requirements.

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