FUJITSU Software Interstage XWand
XBRL and Fujitsu
Fujitsu has been a member of the XBRL consortium since the creation of XBRL Japan. Fujitsu has made a strategic commitment to the XBRL standard and has been actively involved in the creation of the standard as well as in promoting its adoption on a global scale. Members of the Fujitsu XBRL team have chaired various specification working groups over the years and have provided resources to evangelize XBRL across international boundaries. Fujitsu also leverages its experience delivering XBRL-enabled solutions to clients globally to help guide the further development of the specification and with creating best practices. Fujitsu continues to provide tools to support XBRL consortium activities and pilot projects.
XBRL International
Fujitsu has actively led XBRL-related consortium initiatives across the globe. Members of the Fujitsu XBRL team have chaired specification working groups, been At-large members, and have participated in the Best Practice Board. Fujitsu XBRL experts have contributed to the latest developments to the specification including FRTA, FRIS, LRR, XBRL Dimensions, Formula, XBRL Versioning, XBRL Rendering, and conformance suites. The company has further the worldwide adoption of XBRL by participating in multiple pilot projects and taxonomy development initiatives. Fujitsu provides tools for consortium-related activities that are downloaded over 200+ times a month.
XBRL Japan
XBRL Japan is one of the local organizations of XBRL International. Fujitsu contributes to the activities as a founding member and as a vice chairman. Fujitsu belongs to all five committees within XBRL Japan - Steering Committee, Development Committee, Market and Communications Committee, Education Committee, and General Ledger Committee.
Other Regional XBRL Consortium Activities
XBRL Adoption within Fujitsu
The benefits of XBRL were directly aligned with Fujitsu's internal goals of standardizing international accounting, addressing local compliance laws, and improving continuous business operation and information security. Fujitsu is also committed to promoting methodologies that improve responsible corporate citizenship and transparency. Fujitsu has successfully leveraged XBRL in its own financial reporting and built a wealth of experience to help its own customers with their XBRL implementations.
Learn more about how XBRL transformed Fujitsu's internal IT platform
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