Highly available system - DVCF and File Duplication Controller

ETERNUS DX are especially suited for mission critical systems. They enable the building of highly available environments that can protect data even in the event of a failure that spreads through an entire storage system. This is achieved by the combination of DVCF software that duplicates data volumes, and File Duplication Controllers in the ETERNUS DX. The File Duplication Controller also provides the high-speed I/O processing.

  • Benefit

    • "Mission Critical" high availability

    Product Requirements

    Supported StoragesETERNUS DX8700 S3/S2, ETERNUS DX8900 S4
    ETERNUS DX8000 series
    Supported ServersGlobalServer (MSP-EX, XSP)
    Required SoftwareDVCF

Further Information

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