Pre-failure replacement with redundancy - Redundant Copy

The Redundant Copy function enables preventive replacement of a disk while ensuring data redundancy. When a disk is diagnosed for preventive replacement, this function creates data using other disks in the same RAID group and writes that data to a hot-spare.
Once the write is complete, the hot-spare takes over its functions and the disk at fault is detached.

  • Benefits

    • Provides stable non-stop operation by pre-failure detection, data protection and fault resolution

    Product Requirements

    Supported StoragesAll-Flash ArraysETERNUS AF150 S3
    ETERNUS AF250 S3/S2, AF250
    ETERNUS AF650 S3/S2, AF650
    Hybrid Storage SystemsETERNUS DX60 S5/S4/S3
    ETERNUS DX100 S5/S4/S3, DX200 S5/S4/S3
    ETERNUS DX500 S5/S4/S3, DX600 S5/S4/S3
    ETERNUS DX900 S5
    ETERNUS DX8700 S3/S2, DX8900 S4/S3
    ETERNUS DX60 S2, DX80 S2, DX90 S2
    ETERNUS DX400 S2 series
    • *Note:
      Products/features/support content introduced on this page may be modified without notice.

Further Information

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