Incident Response Management Assessment

Assessing your Incident Response Management


How do you respond to incidents? Are you prepared to quickly master multiple challenges?

Preparation is key: you can reduce the risk of serious harm to your business, brand, customers, partners and employees and you reduce the stress-level when dealing with an incident. With concise processes, you can speed up mitigation and minimize the risk of errors.

The main tasks when a security incident happens are:

  • Identify the real issues and problems – and deal with them effectively
  • Ensure smooth operations and keep the business running
  • Inform all stakeholders at once: including management, customers, and regulators
  • Meet all compliance and reporting requirements
  • Assign security staff to the top priorities ensuring that security experts attend to the top priorities first

You know your response is effective when:

  • Operations show responsiveness and support business continuity
  • Compliance and reporting requirements are met
  • Communication to the stakeholders provides precise and reliable information which maintains confidence in your actions
  • You respond to the threats – effectively and cost-efficiently
  • Resources are allocated effectively to tackle the challenges, and are supported by excellent processes

Introducing Fujitsu Security Incident Response Assessment

Fujitsu Security Incident Response Management Assessment is a robust assessment of your incident response capability based on common standards, and enriched by our vast security and data center operations experience. In addition, we include the latest developments in the areas of service orchestration and automation.

With our structured approach, we validate and evaluate your incident response. We check principles, processes, procedures, documentation, tools and the skills of the incident response teams. And we give recommendations for improvement for all dimensions of incident response.

This assessment provides you with:

  • A clear profile of your incident response capabilities
  • A detailed outline of improvements and next steps
  • Suggested improvements for your business continuity processes
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