Fujitsu Perspectives

Thought Leadership

Byline Articles

A visionary selection of deep dive articles authored by Fujitsu’s subject matter experts and thought leaders.


A selection of supporting documents that provide background information on Fujitsu’s main strategic initiatives and global business strategy.

Byline Articles

Hybrid IT

Actionable insights to address Enterprise 5G cybersecurity threats

Is your organization considering Enterprise 5G (E5G) as part of a digital transformation program? Because more and more organizations are. And there are several good reasons why it might be on your agenda.

Private 5G at the edge – the great unshackling

If data lies at the heart of digitalization, then freedom from the need to shuttle it around it via cables — with wireless technologies — can take things to another level.

Unlocking data is the silver lining in revamping OT security

There’s an upside to everything. The silver lining of implementing much-needed revamps to OT security is how it opens new horizons, creating actionable insights from fresh data sources. In the world of operational technology (OT), evolution happens slowly. Many OT control systems like SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and DCS (Distributed Control Systems) have been running flawlessly for years, if not decades.


How to make frictionless retail work

A swan gliding across a lake looks effortless, but you know a lot is going on below the waterline. In your local grocery store, similar levels of investment are taking place to ensure that your future shopping experience is frictionless. Grab-and-go stores are the current poster child of the retail groceries industry in pioneering new ways to make the shopping experience smoother to drive higher turnover and increase customer loyalty in a low-margin, high-volume business.

Three ways retailers can grow sales and reduce costs — and do it sustainably

As deadlines get unnervingly close for commitments to achieve net-zero carbon and to meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), stresses and strains are starting to appear. We are at the point where retailers must make real decisions about sustainability – and when costs are involved.

The retail front end is breaking up

The time for yet more hard coded add-ons to retail front ends is over, says Richard Clarke, Head of Global Sales, Consumer Industries at Fujitsu. Instead, retailers need to architect a new road map that embraces API enablement and microservices.

Retail’s economic model is breaking:can stores still cover their fixed costs in 2024?

Stores are retail’s problem child, says Richard Clarke, Head of Global Sales, Consumer Industries at Fujitsu. It seems many retailers can’t live with them or without them.

Early-win retail AI business cases will emerge in 2024

AI-powered retail apps are slogging it out, according to Richard Clarke, Head of Global Sales, Consumer Industries at Fujitsu. Only those with a real business case will make it. He expects to see the first long-term winning use cases emerge in 2024.

Responsible Business

Are we losing sight of what ESG is really for?

After a period of rapid adoption, there have been signs of ESG fatigue setting in, writes Colm McDaid, Interregional Engagement Environment Lead at Fujitsu. One reason for this, he argues, is that we may have lost sight of ESG's core role as a roadmap for transparent strategy and stakeholder assurance.

Beyond compliance: Ensuring the EU’s CSRD catalyzes progres

New EU regulation around sustainability reporting is tightening compliance standards, writes Colm McDaid, Interregional Engagement Environment Lead at Fujitsu. But will the effects of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) be wholly positive

“Do no harm” is no longer enough in ESG

The ESG movement has started an important conversation, but it does not go far enough, argues Colm McDaid, Interregional Engagement Environment Lead at Fujitsu. We must expand our thinking from “doing no harm” to healing and regenerating the natural systems that sustain all life.

Technology for a Data-Driven World

A raft of risks is pointing customers toward on-premises generative AI

On-premises generative AI is suddenly big, says Marcus Schneider, Deputy Head of Global Portfolio Management, at Fujitsu. Organizations want the astonishing upsides of today’s AIs but are concerned that public cloud models may come with too many risks attached.

ESG commitments are important – but don’t overlook obvious quick wins

Most major corporations are now on board with the ESG (Environment, Society, Governance) agenda to reduce CO2 emissions to net zero, writes Leigh Schvartz - Head of Consultative Sales at Fujitsu Europe’s Platform Business. However, obvious quick wins remain relatively untapped, notably consumption-based IT procurement.

Smart players adapt everywhere

VDI takes you a long way toward your competitiveness, agility and resilience agendas, writes Leigh Schvartz, Head of Consultative Sales, Fujitsu Europe Platform Business. So, how will you ensure it works in your specific circumstances?

It has never been easier to explore how containers can accelerate AI development and DX

Containers are at the heart of cloud-native platforms and AI development, which makes them integral to digital transformation, says Glenn Fitzgerald. The launch of a new, free Kubernetes “test drive” platform by Fujitsu ensures enterprises can review their current and future containerization landscape.

Five Steps to Data Resilience

What we value in business changes over time. The Greeks and Romans traded huge amphorae of olive oil across the thenknown world. Medieval European merchants built fortunes on silks and spices. The industrial revolution transformed the scope and scale of business through mechanization. And over the last 50 years, some of the world’s biggest, fastest-growing companies focused on the technology of information – computer hardware, software, the internet, and, increasingly, the data contained in these environments.

Sustainability is also about affordability

New approaches to make SAP S/4HANA sustainability objectives more affordable with consumption-based models. There is an exciting ambiguity in the English word “sustainability”. Its sense of being supportable and viable over the long term has recently been heavily linked with environmental issues — particularly net zero. It can also be applied to being practical in terms of economics or organizational resources.

Moore’s Law Turns to Highlighting Power Savings in Data Centers

In the past year, the focus on power consumption and running costs in data center infrastructure has reached unprecedented levels. Power efficiency has become a crucial factor that most customers prioritize when selecting new systems.

Business Solutions and Partnerships

5 Ways B2B companies can achieve CX transformation

Customer Experience (CX) transformation is one of the most powerful strategic changes an organization can undertake. Consultants at McKinsey & Co say that “A fundamental change of mind-set focusing on the customer, along with operational and IT improvements, can generate a 20-30% uplift in customer satisfaction, a 10-20% improvement in employee satisfaction, and economic gains ranging from 20-50% of the cost base addressed in the various journeys.”


Fujitsu on: Partner Ecosystem

Partner-led sales represent more than 80% of Fujitsu’s business in the EMEA region – consequently, for Fujitsu to be successful, its partners must also be successful.In May 2024, Fujitsu announced a substantial overhaul of its partner program to create the Fujitsu Partner Ecosystem.

Fujitsu on: Digital Annealer

As competition increases, organizations need to continuously optimize production processes, delivery routing, and many other core aspects of how they operate. However, many complex optimization challenges are hard to solve efficiently on conventional computers.

Fujitsu on: Computing: Quantum

As silicon-based classical computing approaches its technological limits, quantum computing offers the potential to find new solutions to the most complex business and societal challenges.

Fujitsu on: Private 5G

5G is the fifth-generation technology standard for broadband cellular networks, which operators began deploying worldwide in 2019. 5G networks have higher download speeds, eventually up to 10 gigabits per second, and low latency.

Fujitsu on: Responsible Business

The Fujitsu Purpose, announced in 2020, focuses resources on "making the world more sustainable by building trust in society through innovation". Through this purpose, Fujitsu aims to help its customers remain at the cutting edge of technology innovation, and connect people, communities, organizations, things, and data within its business activities, sustainably and responsibly.

Fujitsu on: Computing

Society, business, science, and the systems that support all these are becoming more complex. They rely on ever-greater computing power and technical levels to provide essential analysis, insight, optimization, and control. The process is symbiotic — greater complexity demands greater computing power. In turn, this enableseven greater complexity.

Fujitsu on: Hybrid IT

Society is rapidly becoming ever more connected. Every aspect of our lives – from work to leisure, family life to health and wellbeing, commerce to sustainable development — depends on digital connectivity of people, things, places, and organizations. That, in turn, depends on digital Infrastructure, built on technologies that are seamlessly connected.

Fujitsu on: the PRIMERGY M7 Server Series

Fujitsu’s next-generation PRIMERGY M7 servers leverage the new 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processor technology.










Manufacturers Must Optimize Data as Economies Weaken


How Fujitsu is embedding the UN SDGs in its working culture.pdf





Manage_Multi-Cloud_Complexityby_Keeping_Dev_and_Ops_in_SynchNov 2021.pdf

2111_byline_Fernanda_Catrino_ Women_in_tech.pdf


Exploring deeper in the data jungle

FY2020 Corporate Fact Sheet


The rise of the dedicated device a new lease of life for hardware

It's time for IT Leaders to capitalize on Covid-momentum, consolidate their leadership and drive their cloud strategies

Fujitsu on: Partner Ecosystem

The sky is full of clouds? Find the right one for you!

How digitalized rice trading is improving global food security

Fujitsu Goes Global with SDG Communities Rollout






Computing_Explainer_DA_May 24










Sustainability is also about affordability

Are we losing sight of what ESG is really for?






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