Tohoku University
Name of organization
Fujitsu x Tohoku University Discovery Intelligence Laboratory
Date of founding
October 1, 2022
Office location
Tohoku University Innovation Center for Creation of a Resilient Society
(Address: 6 -3 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980 -8578 (Aobayama Campus))
Photo: Innovation Center for Creation of a Resilient Society, Tohoku University
Research subject
Research and development of discovery intelligence to solve social issues through causal discovery and mathematics
Contents of research
In recent years, a vast amount of data has been accumulated and made available on the properties of materials, natural phenomena, human and social activities, etc. While it is believed that the key to solving various social issues are inherent in these data, it is difficult to find information that leads to solutions even though the correlation between the data can be confirmed, and the reality is that we often rely on the experience of experts. In order to solve these issues, it is necessary to identify the important factors involved in the problem and then extract causal relationships that represent the causes and effects of the data.
In addition, in order to find information that will lead to solutions, it is essential to have experts who have experience in humanities, social sciences and economics and solve social issues with technology , as well as engineers involved in data utilization and AI.
Fujitsu and Tohoku University have established the “Fujitsu x Tohoku University Discovery Intelligence Laboratory” by combining their respective technologies, achievements, and knowledge with the aim of contributing to solving social issues through the development of new technologies and human resources, and will start joint researches.
Aiming for the end of fiscal 2022, the two parties will establish an environment for the use of Fujitsu's “Causal Discovery Technology” within the co-creation laboratory and will also identify social issues to be solved in multiple fields including materials science and economics. In fiscal 2023 and beyond, we will conduct R & D on “Discovery Mathematics” while deepening technological collaboration to create concrete solutions, and develop “Discovery Intelligence” that can be applied to solve issues in various fields after verifying its effectiveness in multiple fields. Furthermore, we will contribute to solving social issues by creating a platform that makes “Discovery Intelligence” easy to use widely in society, and by establishing a community that aims to use it broadly beyond the framework of both. At the same time, we will work to develop a diverse range of human resources, including engineers who conduct fundamental research and researchers who are well-versed in humanities and social sciences related to various social issues.
Roles of both parties
Research and development of fundamental and applied “Discovery Mathematics” based on “Causal Discovery Technology”, and construction of platform for verifying effectiveness of the technology with various data.
Tohoku University
Application of “Discovery Mathematics” to a wide range of scientific and technological fields and examination of mathematical approaches to technological issues.
Image of Fujitsu x Tohoku University Discovery Intelligence Laboratory
Main members
- Specially Appointed Professor Hiroyuki Higuchi [Mathematical Science Center for Co-creative Society, Tohoku University] (Senior Research Manager, AI Innovation Core Project, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Fujitsu Limited)
Administrative Support
- Professor Hiroshi Suito [Research Alliance Center for Mathematical Sciences/Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University]
Participating faculty
- Professor Masaaki Harada [Research Alliance Center for Mathematical Sciences/Graduate School of Information Science]
- Professor Hiroyasu Ando [Research Alliance Center for Mathematical Sciences/Advanced Institute for Materials Research]
- Professor Tatsuya Tate [Research Alliance Center for Mathematical Sciences/Graduate School of Science]
- Professor Yoshifumi Muroi [Research Alliance Center for Mathematical Sciences/Graduate School of Economics and Management]
- Professor Yuji Hattori [Research Alliance Center for Mathematical Sciences/Institute of Fluid Science]
In addition, many researchers from both Fujitsu and Tohoku University are planned to participate.
Related Web Site
Fujitsu x Tohoku University Discovery Intelligence Laboratory
Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University