Yokohama National University

Name of organization

Fujitsu - Yokohama National University Typhoon Science and Technology Research Center Collaborative Research Laboratory
(Fujitsu - Yokohama National University Research Laboratory)

Date of founding

November 1, 2022

Office location

Typhoon Science and Technology Research Center, Institute of Multidisciplinary Sciences, Yokohama National University (Address: 79 -5 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-Ken 240-8501, JAPAN)

Research subject

Meteorological studies about typhoon using AI and HPC technologies

Contents of research

The disasters induced by typhoon is getting to become more severe and that raises an important social issue to realize the sustainable society. For disaster prevention and mitigation, we are tackling typhoon studies with the synergy effect between the conventional model-driven simulation techniques and the data-driven AI techniques. We believe that the progress in the AI and HPC technology will lead to improvement in predicting of typhoon.

Roles of both parties

Yokohama National University

Overall management of joint research projects, exploring the research subjects, analysis, provision of typhoon data and tools, and evaluation of the skills for the developed techniques in this joint research.

Fujitsu Limited

Exploring AI and HPC technologies suitable for meteorological research, innovating a state-of-art technology for AI and HPC, development of analysis tools, and improvement of computing performance.

Main members

Yokohama National University

  • Hironori Fudeyasu (Professor, Director of Typhoon Science and Technology Research Center, Institute of Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Fujitsu Limited

  • Nobuhiro Yugami (Senior Director, Computing Laboratory, Fujitsu Research)
    (IMS Visiting Professor, Typhoon Science and Technology Research Center, Institute of Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Related Web Site

Typhoon Science and Technology Research Center, Institute of Multidisciplinary Sciences, Yokohama National University

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