Thanks to the Fujitsu team's expertise and dedication, we managed to complete a mammoth project under extreme conditions, one that involved a relocation and an upgrade at the same time.

Jörg Neuber, Head of the DCS Control department, Dataport
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Server relocation of superlatives


Data Center Steuern (DCS), which is part of Dataport, provides IT services for the smooth running of production workflows and handling the programs of tax authorities in six German states: Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Schleswig-Holstein.


Two data centers operated by Data Center Steuern (DCS) had to be relocated, along with the data of 17 million taxpayers. The migration had to take place during ongoing operation – and entirely remotely and virtually, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Migration of two BS2000 mainframe computers and more than 4,700 virtual machines to a future-oriented twin data center
  • Comprehensive refreshing and exchange of network and computer infrastructure


  • Migration of more than 4,700 virtual machines
  • Relocation of two BS2000 mainframe computers with the aid of a temporary workaround system for interim use
  • Future-oriented, state-of-the-art server technology
  • Significant savings in terms of energy, CO2 emissions and costs, due to slimmeddown IT infrastructure

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