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MELCO Investments
How Digital Annealer is pushing the boundaries
As the investment management arm of MELCO Holdings Inc, MELCO Investments is focused on contributing to the steady growth of management assets for clients including institutional investors, pension plan sponsors and enterprises. MELCO Investments provides asset management services that offer longterm, stable returns.
MELCO Investments previously used conventional approaches such as quadratic programming to determine optimal portfolios. However, these techniques have been increasingly unable to cope with the huge combinations of trading units and target stocks now available to investors. As a result, MELCO Investments had to create portfolios reflecting a degree of tolerance and contingency.
MELCO Investments deployed Fujitsu’s Digital Annealer architecture, which solves combinatorial optimization problems at high speed, to the portfolio optimization calculation. This has significantly increased the accuracy of the calculation results.
- Digital Annealer can calculate accurate portfolios of stocks to meet the most demanding requirements of asset management experts.
- The approach has given MELCO Investments a competitive advantage by providing them with more thorough analysis from which to base their investment recommendations.
- MELCO Investments is now able to provide steady growth of client assets based on a thorough risk-return analysis.