We can put the money we save by using the FUJITSU IoT Solution UBIQUITOUSWARE Remote Monitoring Station into our facility, to provide an even better worry-free environment for senior citizens to live in.

Yasufumi Shimoyama, Secretary White Hat House
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White Hat House

White Hat House improves elderly residents’ life by using UBIQUITOUSWARE as an effective IoT-based surveillance system


White Hat House’s parent organization “Tanpopo No Kai” was established in 1985 as a day care service. The organization then expanded its activity to include initiatives such as creating a network to find elderly people who had become lost, and surveying the situation of in-home nursing care by family members. When the Public Nursing Care Insurance Law was enacted in 2000, White Hat House was established as an NPO and began running its senior citizens care facilities.


White Hat House wanted to be able to watch over residents 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, without having to pay excessive costs. It needed a surveillance system that respects residents’ privacy and allowed for immediate response in case of emergency.


FUJITSU IoT Solution UBIQUITOUSWARE Remote Monitoring Station was installed in residents’ rooms to collect sounds of them moving around and talking. A designated system based in the cloud analyzes this sound data, and if any abnormalities are detected, the resident receives a phone call from a nurse at a call center. The call center is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


  • Cut nighttime facility operation costs by 80% using acoustic sensors
  • Created a system that protects residents’ privacy as it only analyzes the sounds inside the rooms
  • A call center contacts the resident to confirm their safety if the sensor detects any abnormal sounds

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