Data and Security technologies

Leveraging the power of data and security

In today's data-driven world, organisations face the formidable task of safeguarding and managing vast amounts of information while adhering to stringent regulations. Fujitsu, recognising the critical role of data and security in driving innovation and business success, is dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions that empower organisations to unlock the true potential of their data.

The data and security landscape is constantly evolving, with new challenges emerging at an unprecedented pace. From cyberattacks and data breaches to regulatory changes and compliance obligations, organisations must continuously adapt and strengthen their defences.

Fujitsu Data & Security Technologies for Sustainability Transformation

Overview of Fujitsu Data & Security Technologies that underpin the Fujitsu Uvance key focus areas. We explain with examples how we help solve organizational and social challenges using our key Data & Security technologies such as Blockchain, Connection Chain and Distributed Ledger Technology, and talk about how we can together build a trusted society.

Securing Your Future: Innovation in Data and Security Solutions

We are committed to developing innovative solutions that address the evolving challenges of data and security.

Secure Data Exchange with Fujitsu Data e-TRUST

In today's data-driven world, securely sharing information between organisations is crucial. Fujitsu's Data e-TRUST empowers businesses to confidently exchange data across systems and services.

What is Data e-TRUST?
Data e-TRUST is a cloud-based service that provides a secure, on-demand, and distributed mechanism for data exchange. It leverages Fujitsu's proprietary technologies to ensure the authenticity, integrity, and traceability of data throughout its journey.

Secure Data Exchange with Fujitsu Data e-TRUST

    • Key features of Data e-TRUST:

      • Secure Data Exchange: Data e-TRUST utilises a distributed ledger technology (blockchain-like) to guarantee the security and immutability of exchanged data.
      • Electronic Credentials: It employs digital identities and electronic seals to verify the legitimacy of data providers and recipients.
      • Flexible Ledger: The scalable ledger allows for secure data exchange between various systems and services, fostering seamless data collaboration.

      Benefits of Using Data e-TRUST:

      • Enhanced Data Security: Data e-TRUST minimises the risk of data breaches and unauthorised access.
      • Improved Trust and Transparency: By ensuring data authenticity and traceability, Data e-TRUST builds trust between collaborating parties.
      • Streamlined Data Collaboration: The secure and efficient data exchange facilitates seamless collaboration across businesses.

      Data e-TRUST: Building a Secure Data-Sharing Ecosystem
      Fujitsu's Data e-TRUST is a powerful tool for organisations seeking to securely share data and unlock the potential of data-driven collaboration.

      Explore our comprehensive Data e-Trust solution in more detail

Unleash the Potential of Web3 with Fujitsu Web3 Acceleration Platform

The digital landscape is undergoing rapid evolution, and Web3 technologies stand poised to revolutionise the way we interact and conduct business. Fujitsu's Web3 Acceleration Platform empowers businesses to harness the power of Web3 by providing a comprehensive suite of tools and resources.

What is Web3?
Web3 refers to the next generation of the internet, characterised by decentralisation, user ownership, and a focus on trustless interactions. Blockchain technology plays a central role in Web3, enabling secure and transparent data exchange.

Supercomputer Fugaku: Help to solve major challenges in the world today

    • How can Fujitsu Web3 Acceleration Platform benefit your business?

      Fujitsu's Web3 Acceleration Platform offers a multitude of advantages for businesses looking to explore Web3:

      • Reduced Development Time and Cost: The platform provides pre-built components and tools that streamline the development process for Web3 applications, saving you both time and resources.
      • Enhanced Security and Scalability: Leverage the inherent security and scalability of blockchain technology to build robust and reliable Web3 solutions.
      • Expert Guidance and Support: Benefit from the expertise of Fujitsu's team of Web3 specialists who can guide you through every stage of your Web3 journey.
      • Collaborative Innovation: Join a thriving community of developers and partners to co-create innovative Web3 solutions for the future.

      Fujitsu Web3 Acceleration Platform: Your Launchpad for the Decentralised Future
      Whether you're looking to build a decentralised application (dApp), explore the potential of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), or simply stay ahead of the curve in Web3, Fujitsu's Web3 Acceleration Platform is the ideal solution.

      Ready to learn more?
      Explore our comprehensive Web3 solutions in more detail

Secure and Seamless Data Exchange: Fujitsu ConnectionChain

The ever-growing volume of data across industries necessitates secure and efficient exchange mechanisms. Fujitsu ConnectionChain addresses this challenge by providing a groundbreaking solution for seamless data exchange across multiple blockchains.

What is Fujitsu ConnectionChain?
Fujitsu ConnectionChain is a pioneering technology that facilitates secure data exchange between different blockchain ecosystems. It acts as a bridge, enabling the free flow of tokens and ensuring end-to-end tracking across connected environments.

Secure and Seamless Data Exchange: Fujitsu ConnectionChain

    • Benefits of Fujitsu ConnectionChain

      • Enhanced Interoperability: Break down barriers between siloed blockchain networks, fostering collaboration and innovation across industries.
      • Streamlined Data Exchange: Simplify and expedite secure data exchange between different blockchain platforms, eliminating the need for complex conversions.
      • End-to-End Tracking: Gain complete visibility into data movement across connected ecosystems, ensuring transparency and accountability.
      • Increased Security: Leverage the inherent security of blockchain technology to safeguard sensitive data during cross-chain transactions.

      Unlocking the Potential of a Connected Future
      Fujitsu ConnectionChain empowers businesses to unlock the full potential of blockchain technology by enabling secure and seamless data exchange across diverse ecosystems. This innovative solution fosters collaboration, streamlines processes, and enhances data security, paving the way for a more connected and efficient future.

      Ready to explore the possibilities?
      Contact our team today to learn more about how Fujitsu ConnectionChain can revolutionise your data exchange processes.

      Explore our comprehensive ConnectionChain solution in more detail

Data and Security in action with Fujitsu

Fujitsu launches new platform to support Web3 developers globally

Fujitsu launches new platform to support Web3 developers globally

Enterprise Award from Blockchain Research Institute for IDYX

Enterprise Award from Blockchain Research Institute for IDYX

Fujitsu showcases cross-border securities settlement using 'ConnectionChain' technology to connect multiple blockchains

Fujitsu showcases cross-border securities settlement using 'ConnectionChain' technology to connect multiple blockchains

Can we maintain trust in data and security in a borderless world?

This article explores how conventional, centralised operating modes in business and society are changing and how emerging Data & Security technologies can help maintain trust in such a “borderless” world.

Shield your digital journey with Fujitsu Cyber Protection

The digital revolution is transforming businesses, but with every leap forward comes potential dangers. To navigate your digital transformation seamlessly, you need a robust cybersecurity strategy built on proactive protection and risk management.

At Fujitsu, we offer an intelligence-driven approach to cybersecurity that empowers you to embrace innovation and change without fear. We'll help you:

  • Assess your cyber risk to identify vulnerabilities.
  • Fortify your defenses with robust security measures.
  • Respond confidently with our incident response expertise.

Customer stories

Botanical Water

Botanical Water

Helping to solve the water crisis.​

Australian Government Health Agency​

Australian Government Health Agency

Mission Critical Health Technology.

Government Health Agency​

Government Health Agency

CyberDefence solution secures Health Services.

Secure Your Data. Safeguard Your Business

Secure your data. Safeguard your business

Fujitsu Data Protection Services offer a comprehensive suite of solutions to safeguard your sensitive information. Prevent data leaks, combat web threats, and ensure consistent security across cloud services.

  • Data Loss Prevention: Prevent data leaks and ensure compliance.
  • Web & Email Security : Shield against web threats, spam, and phishing.
  • Cloud Access Security Broker: Enforce consistent security across cloud services.


Drive insight and new value with data

Drive insight and new value with data

The chaotic nature of many organisations’ data storage and sharing habits means the intelligence and innovations hiding in their data can be hard to realise. Our comprehensive guide helps you plan for new possibilities using emerging tech.

Impact of emerging technology on the economy

Impact of emerging technology on the economy

Dr Keith Dear, Managing Director at Fujitsu’s Centre for Cognitive and Advanced Technologies looks at the impact of emerging technology on the economy, and discusses workplace skills and how the UK could benefit by building an innovation bridgewith Japan.

Extract the full value from emerging tech

Extract the full value from emerging tech

Emerging technologies continue to evolve at speed, yet time frame for realising business gains varies between 2-10 years. Fujitsu’s Value Assessment consultancy service help organisations to identify the right technologies, understanding the role they can play, and how their value can be exploited.

Beyond efficiency

Beyond efficiency

Top trends for blockchain and DLT driving sustainability in business.

Towards a Trusted Society

Towards a trusted society

Ready to explore how Web3.0 can create a more equitable and secure global economy?

The Data Mesh Revolution

The Data Mesh Revolution

Learn how Fujitsu can help you leverage Azure Cloud to seamlessly implement Data Mesh and unlock the full potential of your data.

Fujitsu: Your Partner for Data and Security Success

With our deep expertise and proven track record, Fujitsu is your trusted partner in navigating the ever-evolving data and security landscape.

We help organisations transform their data into a strategic asset while ensuring the highest levels of security and compliance.

Contact us to unlock the power of data and security, driving innovation, enhancing customer experiences, and building trust across your ecosystem.

Other Technologies

Explore our key technology areas for a better understanding of how we can exploit technology, together.









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