Find all Fujitsu articles below and stay up to date with the latest digital news!

24 September 2024
Innovation as a Service: a differentiated approach to sustainable competitiveness
In a constantly evolving economic environment, companies must innovate quickly and efficiently to stay competitive.

8 May 2024
Generative AI meets security
Since the momentum that proceeded the launch of Chat GPT in 2022, culminating with the rise and widespread adoption of Generative Ai by organizations of all type and size.

15 April 2024
Fujitsu Kozuchi: High-quality AI solutions that drive business success
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, eploiting the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become imperative for sustainable growth and innovation.

26 March 2024
Fujitsu Luxembourg and itsme®: a new step in Digital Transaction Management
Digital Transaction Management services are emerging as key solutions for quickly and efficiently managing the entire lifecycle of a transaction, from its creation and signature to its storage and archiving.

19 March 2024
Fujitsu Luxembourg transforms Generative AI into real value
On February 27th, Fujitsu Luxembourg brought together over 150 guests for the event "Turning Generative AI into Real Value".

14 March 2024
The future of risk management: Fujitsu’s AI solution for transparency, compliance, and sustainability
In the dynamic landscape of business performance evaluation, transparency and explainability have become paramount, particularly with the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies.

12 March 2024
Driving sustainable transformation
In a world where technological innovation meets environmental responsibility, Fujitsu is leading the charge towards a more sustainable future.

8 March 2024
Celebrating Women in Innovation
On this International Women's Rights Day, we are highlighting 4 inspiring portraits of women who contribute daily to the excellence of Fujitsu Luxembourg.

27 February 2024
2024 Unveiled: The Transformative Year of Enterprise Blockchain - A Journey Through Emerging Trends
In the dynamic world of enterprise technology, blockchain re-emerges as a key player. As 2024 starts, It is crucial to understand how this technology is revolutionizing business operations.

5 February 2024
The European Digital Wallet: a new era of Trust Services and Convenience for citizen
In an age where digital transformation is not just a trend but a necessity, the European Digital Wallet (EDW) is a significant stride towards a connected and secure Europe.

17 January 2024
Fujitsu Luxembourg a key participant in the EIB's first “Innovation Days”
Fujitsu Luxembourg recently had the privilege and pleasure of participating in the first ever 'Innovation Days' organized by the European Investment Bank (EIB).

4 January 2024
New technologies in the service of sustainability: an expert view through three committed voices
Often perceived as a path to dematerialisation, the digital revolution actually has a significant material footprint. Behind every screen, behind every connection, major environmental challenges are emerging

4 December 2023
Innovation and sustainability, when digital technologies become responsible
In this article, Laura Mathieu, Head of Digital Sustainability at Fujitsu Luxembourg, shares Fujitsu's vision for digital sustainability and explains how this vision is integrated into the company's overall ESG strategy.

29 November 2023
Get ready for CSRD: transform your ESG reporting
The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is on the horizon, bringing new challenges to European businesses. To remain competitive and compliant, the shift to digital is imperative.

21 November 2023
Cybersecurity in the service of ESG
Cybersecurity has become an essential pillar of corporate risk management. As part of Sustainability Week, Fujitsu's Western European Cybersecurity team highlighted the critical importance of cybersecurity as part of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG).

16 November 2023
Understanding the security risks and stakeholders in Large Language Model platforms with third-party plugins
In Artificial Intelligence, and more specifically Large Language Models (LLMs), Sofiane LAGRAA, Team Leader of the Cybersecurity Innovation Team at Fujitsu Luxembourg, explores the complex dynamics of these models. LLMs

8 November 2023
From Floods to Firewalls: the importance of cyber resilience
In the idyllic Thessaly region Central Greece, the first days of September were marked by unprecedented flooding that disrupted the lives of citizens, water supplies and health services.

21 September 2023
Fujitsu involved on the Artistic Gymnastics World Championships: embracing excellence in technology
Fujitsu is the proud sponsor of the upcoming Artistic Gymnastics World Championships, set to take place in Antwerp, Belgium, from September 30th to October 8th. This globally renowned sporting event will bring together the world's most talented gymnasts for a breathtaking competition.

21 September 2023
Fujitsu Luxembourg evolves and changes its management
Over the last few decades, Fujitsu Luxembourg has written a story of success and exceptional growth under the leadership of Marc Payal. With over 225 employees in Luxembourg, the company has established itself as one of the most influential companies in our digital ecosystem.

11 September 2023
How AI is transforming human resources management
Are you looking for innovative ways to optimize your processes and make more informed decisions about recruitment and profile management?

30 August 2023
TRUSTEE, the European platform to protect your data
Imagine a world where data sharing is secure, privacy-respecting, and effortlessly crosses borders, fostering unprecedented collaboration among sectors like healthcare, education, energy, space, and more.

1 August 2023
A BOOST for your professional career
Fujitsu Luxembourg presents its innovative career program, BOOST, which places the development of its employees' skills at the heart of its concerns.

3 July 2023
Reinventing the employee experience
Fujitsu Luxembourg places the employee experience at the heart of its values, helping to attract and retain the best talent in a stimulating and rewarding working environment.

29 June 2023
Fujitsu Luxembourg 'pulses' the IT sector
Fujitsu Luxembourg announced the launch of 'Pulse', a new web platform dedicated entirely to IT recruitment, at the 5th Voxxed Days trade fair held on 21 and 22 June at Casino 2000.

20 June 2023
ChatGPT : véritable opportunité ou risque latent pour la sécurité des entreprises ?
Si les produits d'IA ouverts comme ChatGPT sont conçus pour traiter et générer des réponses de type "humain", ils manquent du discernement nécessaire pour comprendre le contexte, l'intention ou les conséquences des informations qu'ils reçoivent.

16 June 2023
Embracing AI Revolution
Bringing together more than 70 participants and moderated by Cédric Jadoul, COO of Fujitsu Luxembourg, and renowned experts, the event was held at the Sofitel Luxembourg Europe in a convivial atmosphere conducive to exchanges.

23 May 2023
Low-code, the solution to accelerate the digitalization of companies?
In a world of constant digital evolution, finding simple and effective technical solutions has become a crucial issue for companies that want to remain competitive.

20 April 2023
Reprendre le contrôle de ses données
Fujitsu étant l’un des partenaires du consortium européen travaillant sur le projet, Sofiane Lagraa et Moussa Ouedraogo, deux experts sécurité chez Fujitsu Luxembourg, nous expliquent en quoi consiste leur rôle dans ce projet.

18 April 2023
Tech Firm of the Year: Fujitsu Luxembourg HITS the Target
Last November at TNT Symposium, Fujitsu Technology Solutions was awarded the Luxembourg Tech Firm of the Year prize.

6 April 2023
What future for UX/UI jobs: interview with Chat GPT
Many of us have been wondering for some months now how far Chat GPT and other AI will go.

31 January 2023
Fujitsu celebrates 10 years of partnership with Namirial
Fujitsu Luxembourg recently celebrated the 10th anniversary of its partnership with Namirial, a Trusted Service Provider specialized in Digital Transaction Management (DTM).

19 January 2023
An application made for our employees
Putting human beings at the very center of attention, we have created a mobile application for our employees sharing the company life aspects, even with collaborators working at the client’s offices.

6 December 2022
8 Tips to launch your Virtual Agent
Launching a Virtual Agent is an exciting and challenging project. There are several aspects to consider making it successful.

2 December 2022
Ready for the Cloud Culture?
According to Darwin’s Origin of Species, it is not the strongest of the species that survive, it is not the most intelligent that survives: it is the one that is the most adaptable to change that survives.

27 October 2022
Placer l'innovation au service d'une approche durable
Avec la crise environnementale, sociale et économique à laquelle nous sommes confrontés, Fujitsu fait de l’innovation un catalyseur de transformation vers plus de durabilité.

5 October 2022
Cyber résilience : quel rôle pour l'IA ?
Alors que l'Intelligence Artificielle révolutionne des pans entiers de la cybersécurité, la Business Continuity fait figure de parent pauvre parmi les fonctions qui composent toute stratégie de cyberdéfense globale et homogène.

20 September 2022
RPA : témoignage de Quintet Private Bank
Depuis plusieurs années, la banque privée Quintet, avec le soutien de Fujitsu, déploie des solutions de Robot Process Automation (RPA).

16 September 2022
Ajuster les plans de formation aux ambitions de carrière
Fujitsu Luxembourg a pris la décision d’adapter son offre de formation en interne. En constituant ce nouveau programme, l’organisation améliore ses plans de formation afin de les adapter aux aspirations des employés.

30 June 2022
Blockchain, a trust and opportunities generator
Cryptocurrencies have contributed to the popularization of the Blockchain concept around the general public.

24 May 2022
Keeping control of your cloud spendings
Cryptocurrencies have contributed to the popularization of the Blockchain concept around the general public.

29 April 2022
How Co-Design enables real transformation
Many businesses and organizations recognize the need for digital transformation but have struggled to successfully achieve the wide-scale transformational impact they desire.

28 March 2022
HyperAutomation: finding an approach that suits your company
Throughout this interview, Joost van Wendel de Joode, Director Business Partners Benelux at UiPath and Steve Heggen, Head of HyperAutomation at Fujitsu Luxembourg

1 March 2022
Design Sprint: the fastest way to imagine digital solutions
Design Sprint is a well-structured methodology to clear up doubts and find inspiration for projects. This is one of the rarest methods which has proven itself worldwide for a few years

23 February 2022
Inclusive Design as a solution to exclusion
If we assume that hearing, seeing, touching, or speaking is natural for everyone, then, our way of seeing a person is wrong.

17 February 2022
UX versus UI: What is the real difference?
There is a recurrent confusion between UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface) but this is understandable: although their roles are different, they complement each other.

11 February 2022
The Experience Studio, a service to shape your digitalization ideas
Have you ever built the house of your dream? You have imagined it, meeting all the desires and needs of your family. You met an architect, who helped you in making your idea concrete.

17 January 2022
Fujitsu Luxembourg's new methodology
Did you know? Fujitsu Luxembourg has developed a brand-new approach to bring you its best expertise on your digitalization projects from the idea generation to the selection and implementation of technological solutions.

15 November 2021
Aller plus loin dans l’automatisation grâce à l’OCR
La BIL, Banque Internationale à Luxembourg, a fait appel à Fujitsu Luxembourg et à la société canadienne Magic Lamp pour utiliser la solution OCR (Reconnaissance Optique de Caractères) Datacap d’IBM, en combinaison avec la plateforme RPA déjà en place (Blue Prism).

28 October 2021
Entamer sa transformation digitale
Fujitsu Luxembourg élargit son offre en proposant une méthodologie complète pour réussir au mieux sa transformation digitale.

29 September 2021
Des expériences digitales... et bien au-delà!
La transformation digitale permet aux différents acteurs du marché, peu importe la nature de leur business (financière, médicale, environnementale,…)

21 June 2021
Embracing the cloud, delivering on a cloud first strategy
Cloud is an increasingly important enabler for businesses to drive internal efficiencies, improve productivity and increase competitiveness.

10 June 2021
Fujitsu accompanies SES on their journey to the Cloud
SES is a leader in global content connectivity solutions, operating the industry’s only multi-orbit constellation of over 70 satellites in Geostationary and Medium Earth orbits.

25 May 2021
Une plateforme d’analyse de données à la pointe pour accélérer l’innovation
Réalisé main dans la main par le LIST (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology) et Fujitsu Luxembourg, en partie grâce à des fonds européens, le projet DAP (Data Analytic Platform)

22 April 2021
Collaboration entre la BIL et Fujitsu pour l’automatisation des ressources humaines grâce au déploiement de l’agent virtuel « Laura »
Dans l’optique de renforcer l’automatisation de ses processus, la BIL a entamé le déploiement d’agents virtuels.

6 April 2021
La transformation digitale demande également une transformation de la sécurité
La sécurité est fortement dépendante de deux facteurs; de la technologie utilisée et du facteur humain.

22 March 2021
L’importance de l’implication des analystes métier dans les projets d’HyperAutomatisation
L’automatisation est devenue en quelques années une préoccupation majeure des organisations.

15 December 2020
L’automatisation à l’aide de robots pour améliorer le service aux clients
L’investissement des entreprises dans le domaine des fonctions de support aux clients, telles que les centres d’appels, peut être très important.

7 December 2020
La société intelligente centrée sur l’humain
La pandémie COVID-19 est probablement l’une des plus grandes menaces que le monde ait subie.

12 October 2020
Ransomware ou rançongiciel, vos données en danger!
Aujourd’hui, la digitalisation de notre monde fait que la majorité des informations qui nous concerne ou que nous utilisons se trouve sous format digital et sont stockées dans notre PC

14 September 2020
Bâloise s’assure un avenir numérique
Accompagnée par Fujitsu et Nvision, la compagnie d’assurances luxembourgeoise entend mieux répondre aux attentes de ses clients, quel que soit le canal qu’ils privilégient pour interagir.

18 June 2020
Co-creating in a virtual world
Over the last 12 months, we have created innovative virtual and real-world spaces to best support groups working together on a common mission.

8 June 2020
The changing cyber threat landscape in the pandemic
In recent weeks Fujitsu’s Advanced Threat Centre (ATC) has been tracking the rapid developments in cyber security threats related to COVID-19 and specifically the influx of associated malware and phishing scams.

4 June 2020
Avoiding ‘Multi-Cloud Monsters’: care and caution needed as your priorities evolve
The emergent challenges of the last few months have seen cloud technologies and services being adopted at an even faster pace than before.

16 December 2020
Building the data-driven enterprise
How can we improve our activities? How can we gain more markets or take better decisions? Are we struggling with lack of data to sustain our AI and analytics initiatives?

16 July 2022
Blockchain: Modernization tool for public services
The major asset of blockchain technology relies in its ability to improve coordination between existing IT systems.