
Applications for Season 9 is closed


Our goal is to provide new values to the world by combining innovative Startup technologies and products with Fujitsu Group products and solution services


Targeted Startups

This program is targeted for early to middle-stage Startups with an existing product and is aiming to enter the Japanese market

For Season 9, FUJITSU ACCELERATOR is accepting applications for the following 15 categories.

Themes by Verticals
  • Technologies and services that create new value in the industrial IoT, network fields, and remote field operation support
    • - Visualization of factory equipment, such as machine tools
    • - Small AI devices of about 10 cm x 10 cm
    • - Failure prediction (Predictive algorithm for voice/vibration data, sensor data, learning data)
  • Advancement of manufacturing through information coordination between design and manufacturing
  • Utilization of accumulated data in the smart store business, and SCM reform
  • Technologies and services to realize smart logistics
  • Support for unmanned and contact-less store operations
  • Reduce friction in digital channels in the financial industry
  • Contribute to innovation in non-face-to-face communication tools and marketing/risk management in financial operations
  • AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and KYC (Know Your Customer) technologies and services for financial institutions
  • Data analysis, AI technologies, and personal disease-free, preventative, and therapeutic applications in the next generation of healthcare
  • Proprietary IoT devices for pharmaceutical/chemical research
Themes by Technology
  • Indoor detecting/ positioning technology
  • Identification technology, authentication technology, and services for identification of ID cards
  • Optical system technologies for image sharpening, such as lighting research, environmental light (Outer Light/Shadow) reduction, and pre-image processing
  • Behavior detection technology (Technology to detect suspicious operation patterns in real time)
  • Technologies and services to support DX innovation in voice network/physical security/office environment solutions for office facilities
  • Technologies and services for sensing and analyzing human emotions using sensors
  • VDI/image compression and transfer technology and services suitable for 3D design work in remote working
  • Products and services that provide stereoscopic and tactile feeling in virtual product reviews
  • Technology and services for unmanned laboratories
  • Services to speed deployment of PDM (Product Data Management) systems
  • CAD, simulation, and patent technologies and services to support the intellectual creation and business innovation of design departments
  • Device Vulnerability Avoidance Techniques
    (Technology to extract not only basic countermeasures but also preventative measures for vulnerabilities publicized through JVN information, etc.)
  • Efficient network security technology that supports zero trust
  • Technologies, products and business models for trusted networks
  • Providing a secure environment for remote development as remote work becomes commonplace
  • Technology for accurately and quantitatively predicting cyber security risks
  • Technologies and services for high-speed processing (Classification and search) of large amounts of data from the viewpoint of security
  • Technologies and services that render endpoints harmless without affecting performance
  • Technology and services for analysis, prediction, and visualization of all aspects of mobility data
  • Communications carrier-related data and 5G technologies and services
    • - Solutions that support applications utilizing broadband and low latency
    • - Using 5G, as the technology to support new style of watching sports
  • Cloud Service Quality Visualization Technology (For identifying response (user comfort) levels on a per-service basis and finding bottlenecks)
  • Service that can be used to restore a system to its original state in the event of a takeover attack
  • Provide network hubs to enable Hybrid IT services
Themes by Purpose
  • Technology that supports working styles that are not tied to time or place (Remote work solutions, business chat tools, workflows, facilities, etc.)
  • Technologies that revolutionize workplace communication and business processes (Business chat tools, workflow, RPA, etc.)
  • Business support solutions for diverse working styles (Communication tools, virtual conference rooms, remote work visualization, etc.)
  • Technologies to improve BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) in the digital marketing field
    • - Clarification of customer image (Customer surveys, customer insights, etc.)
    • - Perception/Interest/Consideration/Purchase (MA, SNS, Web advertising, etc.)
  • Technologies and services to improve customer contact infrastructure
  • Technologies and services such as cloud infrastructure, AI infrastructure, omni-channel CRM, speech recognition, and text mining
  • IP-PBX/Call Center/Voice Recognition Technologies and Services
  • A technology that uses image recognition and character recognition technology to accurately read the contents of round bills with a camera. Image recognition and character
  • recognition technologies that can automate the identification of objects to be photographed (round ticket)
  • Technologies and services that help realize more efficient operations (Automated quote responses, etc.) using natural language processing technologies
  • Technologies and services that create new value by combining data such as open data, customer internal data, SNS data, image data, and sensing data
  • Knowledge extraction technology from graphs, diagrams and tables in technical document information in the field of ECM (Enterprise Content Management)
  • Barcode recognition, voice input, and image recognition technologies and services for MES (Manufacturing Execution System) smartphone application development
  • Technologies and services for converting Fujitsu Group ERP packages to cloud services
  • Technologies and services for improving human resource development for working people
  • Data storing or relating or structuring knowledge for learning
  • Technologies that utilize learning data

Application themes are not limited to the above examples. For a full list of themes, please refer to the program guide.


About the Fujitsu Accelerator Program

What is the aim of the program?
This program’s aim is to bringing new values to the world through open innovation driven by combining Fujitsu group’s products and solution services with Startup’s technologies and products.
What businesses/business plans can apply?
Please refer to the categories themes in the application page.
What makes this program distinct?
Fujitsu’s business stakeholders are part of the program. We will explore potential business plans by exploring/leveraging the large infrastructure that Fujitsu has in place for major business expansion, together with Startups.
Do I need to be in Tokyo for the duration of the program?
There is no need to be in physically present in Tokyo.


Is there a fee to apply for the program?
No costs are incurred for the program, however we do ask that you cover all logistics costs (transport/board, etc.) required as part of the interview/pitch processes.
Online interview (via Skype/Zoom) is an option. Please let us know if you would prefer this option.
Are there any restrictions to apply?
There are no restrictions to apply for this program.

Contractual agreements

How are intellectual property rights handled?
The participating company owns the intellectual rights of any new values/results created or discovered by themselves solely as part of this process. If any Fujitsu intellectual property rights are applicable to values/results created, Fujitsu intellectual property rights will remain protected while the portions/aspects developed by the participating company will remain as their own.

The Program is for private Startups that own products and services developed by themselves. If you are interested in the program, please contact our office.
