Assembler for creating programs in machine code for the /390 architecture.
Current versions: 1.3, 1.4
Assembler is a compiler for converting source code of the identically named symbolic programming language into corresponding machine code. Assembler programs are general-purpose utilities for deployment in all areas of data processing.
Since Assembler is machine-specific by nature (an Assembler language instruction corresponds to each machine instruction), the technical capabilities of the particular CPU involved can be exploited to the maximum extent.
FUJITSU Software BS2000 ASSEMBH is a special Assembler language developed for the instruction set of business servers with /390 architecture. It supports the XS and ESA instruction sets. As Assembler programs can be interfaced with high-level programming languages, these special features can also be accessed from within other languages. Use of the operating system interfaces is enabled via the macro library of the respective BS2000 OSD/BC operating system version..
Further characteristics:
- Structured programming facilities corresponding to COLUMBUS, with utility routines for generating listings
- Symbolic debugging option using AID.
- XS address space used to increase speed of assembly.
- SDF interface with enhanced control options.
- Support for monitoring job variables for automatic job sequencing.
- Extensions to the macro language using clear syntactic and semantic rules.
- Support for up to 100 macro libraries.
- Support for up to 100 COPY libraries.
- Processing of symbolic names with up to 64 characters.