What is the Fujitsu Technology and Service Vision?
The Fujitsu Technology and Service Vision provides a foresight into the future we want to build together with our stakeholders.
We use a backcasting approach, working out what we need to do now to achieve our stated vision of a desirable future society. At the same time, we use a forecasting method to explore possible future scenarios, looking at emerging signals in macro factors such as environmental, societal, economic and technological advancement. By connecting these two approaches, we identify the most important trends and make recommendations to business and societal leaders.
Fujitsu Technology and Service Vision 20211
In the 2021 edition, we introduce five important trends that will shape the new world after the inflection point. We also explain how our commitment to responsible business will help to build a more sustainable world. We share future scenarios in specific focus areas and outline how technology innovations are already making these future scenarios a reality.
Key areas of focus
The World at an inflection point
COVID-19 has had a huge global impact on social and economic activity. Based on our recent survey and discussions with business leaders, we share the five trends that will shape the future.
- 2020 : The World shut down
- 2020 : Responding to the crisis
- Into the human era
- Priorities in a new world
- 5 trends
- Sustainability first
- Finding resilience
- Borderless lives
- Business is ecosystems
- Trusted automation
Purpose and Sustainability
Aside from the huge disruption caused by the pandemic, we also face many long-term societal challenges, from climate change to an ageing population. We explain how our purpose and commitment to responsible business will help to build a more sustainable world.
- Purpose-driven society
- Our purpose
- Toward 2030
- Steps on the digital journey
- Regenerative society and connected ecosystems
- Responsible business
- Contribution to the SDGs
- Our approach to environmental issues
- Working for a decarbonized society
Scenarios for the future
How will business and society change in the future? We introduce transformation scenarios in manufacturing, consumer experience, healthy living, public services and cities, and business management.
- Toward a better future
- Sustainable Manufacturing
- Consumer Experience
- Healthy Living
- Trusted Society
- Business Transformation
Technology Vision
Technology has the power to help us solve the world’s most difficult challenges, transforming societies for the better. We introduce five exciting visions of technology innovation.
- Making the impossible possible
- Human Centric Innovation
- Technology vision
- Borderless experience
- Extended present
- Human + Technology
- Overcoming complexity
- Regenerative society
Exploring our principles2
Human Centric
'Human Centric' is the belief that you need to place people at the center of everything in order to achieve the best possible results. With fast advancing technologies, our world is changing. We are now in the middle of major change brought about by digital technology. We have moved away from the traditional supply-centric business model (based on a vertically integrated industry structure divided according to products and services) in favor of providing new value within a human-centric ecosystem. We believe that the responsibility of technology is to empower people and generate positive outcomes for society.
Our Approach : Human Centric Innovation
Human Centric Innovation is an approach to achieving our vision by empowering people to innovate. Innovation is driven by human creativity, empathy, and the ability to solve problems. New value is realized by bringing together three key value drivers of innovation—the power of the individual, the knowledge derived from information, and the connectivity of things and infrastructure.
Digital Muscles: The Success Factors for Digital Transformation
Digital transformation demands constant innovation through a process of applying digital technology to the core of the business, and then using feedback to continue driving the business forward.
Fujitsu’s digital transformation survey revealed that companies which delivered strong business outcomes through digital transformation scored highly across the following six factors: Leadership, Empowered People, Culture of Agility, Business Integration, Ecosystem, and Value from Data.
These six success factors may be likened to the muscles of the human body. We refer to the six success factors essential for digital transformation as ‘Digital Muscles.’
If athletes want to be successful, they must build muscle strength. This is not something that can be achieved overnight.Competing to win takes discipline, training, and the development of muscle strength.
It’s the same for any enterprise. An enterprise needs to develop these six digital muscle groups to achieve its own digital transformation.
Do want to know how digitally fit your organization is?
Do you want a personalized workout plan for your digital muscles?