Terms and Conditions for Platinum Services

This terms and conditions contained herein shall apply for all PT Fujitsu Indonesia (“FID”) customers who use Platinum services from FID. FID encourages you to read the terms and conditions carefully. By using Platinum services from FID, you expressly accept all terms and conditions contained herein in full. FID has the right to change the terms and conditions at any time, so you are also encouraged to access this page periodically in order to notice the changes (if any).


Platinum is services offered by FID to provide enhanced flexibilities, committed support to meet customer’s ICT requirements. This is a post implementation support service that cover corrective maintenance and service request support, included but not limited to consultation services, remote support (e.g. log analysis, guide via phone, remote troubleshooting) and on-site support to the customer. Platinum service covers Hardware Support services for Non-Fujitsu brand product and Software Support services implemented by Fujitsu Indonesia.

Service Level Agreement

Effective Apr 1, 2020, The following Table contains the SLA that Platinum service cover. Platinum service offered to 24/7 support.




Non-Fujitsu Product

Phone Coverage

(24x7) (Mon-Sun)

Remote/Onsite Coverage

(24x7) (Mon-Sun)

Coverage Area

JABODETABEK & Karawang *

Call Response Time

1 Hour

Remote/Onsite Response Time

4 Hour


1 Manday up to 8 hours / incident


1 Year



*for area outside of Jabodetabek & Karawang, additional fee for transport and accommodation will be charged to customer

  • 1 (one) manday cannot be used for different problem or case, even if the total of 2 (two) or more problems is less than 8 (eight) man-hours. We will calculate of the use of manday per problem or case.
  • The calculation of the manday starts at the time of our engineer conducts the service and ends at the time the problem or case solved or the customer ask us to stop the service.
  • Any leftover manday(s) or unused manday(s) are not transferable and extendable from the validity period.

FID Included Service Coverage

  • Minor configuration changes
  • Technical Discussion
  • Remote Support or On-Site Support Activities for troubleshooting Incidents
  • Technical Activities, Discussion & Updates
  • Problem Analysis
  • Problem Isolation
  • Problem Escalation
  • Problem Reporting

FID Excluded Service Coverage

  • Problem Escalation
  • Complex Configuration Changes
  • Document Creation
  • Preventive Maintenance
  • Sites Migration
  • DC-DR Activities
  • Part Replacement
  • Project Managing

Intellectual Property Rights

  • The customer acknowledges that the services and products subject to a license granted by either the owner of the services and products and no transfer of ownership of such services and products shall occur. All services and products shall be used in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying them.
  • The customer agrees that the copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the reports and data, concepts, utilities and/or deliverables developed by FID, its affiliates and its subcontractor as part of or in connection with the services, including but not limited to all ideas, discoveries, innovations, inventions, computer programs, formulas, processes, techniques, know-how, data or improvements (“Work Products”) shall belong to and vest absolutely in FID, its affiliates and/or its licensor(s)/subcontractor, and FID, its affiliates and/or its licensor(s)/subcontractor shall have worldwide, exclusive and unrestricted rights in respect thereof.
  • FID owns various brands, logos, and applications for FID’s products and all of them are protected under Indonesian law. You are not allowed to use, duplicate, implement, and apply any brands, logos, and/or applications without any written consent from FID. You are not allowed to use any Intellectual Property Rights owned by FID, including associating yourself with FID without any legal rights. FID has the right to sue you for any illegal usage of their Intellectual Property Rights according to the law.

Price and Tariff of FID Products

  • The price scheme for FID services and products can be changed at any time, following the price policy set by FID.
  • FID has the right to change/terminate/add any parts of the services or price structure at any time, following the policy set by FID and/or the Government’s approval.
  • FID can apply different tariff or rates, depends on certain location and time, following FID’s price policy.

Service Renewal

  • On running its services, FID has the right to renew the services under, but not limited to, the following conditions:
    1. Set by the authorized institutions;
    2. The service is no longer suitable for the current development and latest technology;
    3. The service is no longer used and it will be converted to another similar service; and
    4. Any other considerations that are deemed appropriate and/or necessary by FID.
  • With the renewal of a certain service, customers agree to exempt FID from any claim and legal responsibility that arise from the stated policy.

Service Suspension and Blocking

FID has the right, under the policy and comfort of their customers, to block and/or suspend the service under the following, but not limited to, occurrences:

  • If there is an official request from an authorized institution;
  • If there is any indication of service misuse in any way that causes disadvantages to FID and other parties;
  • If there is a violation of these terms and conditions;
  • If there is a strong and valid evidence of any illegal activities using FID services and products such as, but not limited to, fraud, as stated in Indonesian law and regulations.

Under those suspension or blocking circumstances, customers are not allowed to demand any compensations from FID.


Force majeure is an unforeseeable circumstance that happens outside of FID’s control and can potentially cause any disruption in using FID’s service comfortably, such as, but not limited to:

  • Earthquake, storm, fire, explosion, flood, war, riot, terrorism;
  • Any action or condition of other parties that prevents FID to provide services to customers;
  • Technical issues or any other issues outside FID’s control.

Under those forced circumstances, FID is exempt from any responsibilities.


  • FID has the right to reclaim their services from customers temporarily or completely if there is any technical errors and/or service misuse, and customers agree to exempt FID from any claims and responsibilities.
  • Every new terms and condition informed on the website or other media set by FID from time to time are parts of the subscription terms and conditions applied for FID customers.
  • FID is not responsible for any loss caused by FID products misuse done by other irresponsible parties.
  • These terms and conditions can change at any time without prior notice, therefore customers are encouraged to access this page periodically to notice the changes (if any).
  • If any provision of this terms and conditions or the application thereof to any Party or circumstances shall be declared void, illegal or unenforceable, the remainder of this terms and conditions shall be valid and enforceable to the extent permitted by applicable law.
  • This terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Indonesia without giving effect to principles of conflicts of laws. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this terms and conditions and Token, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in Indonesia in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Indonesian Arbitration Board for the time being in force, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this terms and conditions.