Ansvar og vision
Med rødder i japansk virksomhedskultur har Fujitsu fuldt fokus på at være en ansvarlig virksomhed. Det er afgørende for os at tage hensyn til mennesker, miljø og det samfund, vi er en del af. Vores værdier er forankret i vores virksomhedsfilosofi ”The Fujitsu Way”, som netop tager udgangspunkt i at drive forretning på en ansvarlig og bæredygtig måde.
Læs mere om, hvordan vi arbejder globalt med eksempelvis bæredygtighed, mangfoldighed og etik her.
"In this digital age IT is essential to our everyday lives. Fujitsu remains committed to making a positive impact to the society in which we operate through the solutions we develop and our commitment to the UN Sustainable Business Goals. This commitment to responsible business, embodied in our ongoing Responsible Business program, remains at the heart of our long term strategy"
Paul Patterson SVP and Head of Northern and Western Europe, Fujitsu
Responsible Business in Denmark
"Shaping tomorrow with you" is Fujitsu's global brand promise. At Fujitsu Denmark, we see Responsible Business as an important way to support this brand promise by "protecting tomorrow" through working towards the following goals:
- Minimizing our impact on the environment by implementing environmental-friendly measures
- Strengthening our support to the local community by being involved in e.g. educational system and charity/donation
- Attracting future employees by focusing on diversity and inclusion, and by offering employment to student workers and trainees
- Retaining employees by maintaining focus on their development, motivation and wellbeing
- Ensuring that we are compliant with local legislation and that we act with integrity and ethics in everything we do