
"TeamPoS8000C Series (Model C and Cs)" won the Good Design Award 2024. (October 2024)  NEW

Our "TeamPoS8000C Series (Model C and Cs)" won the Good Design Award 2024, sponsored by the Japan Institute of Design Promotion.
This product is an all-in-one POS terminal that flexibly adapts to diverse checkout styles. Its industry-leading compact footprint allows for optimal placement in various store layouts and offers modularity with interchangeable screens and printers. The fusion of engineering and design was recognized as a benchmark for future POS terminal design.
We will continue to contribute to sustainable store operations by providing user-friendly products and solutions for both operators and customers.

*The Good Design Award is Japan's largest comprehensive design evaluation and promotion system, run by the Japan Institute of Design Promotion. This award is given to designs that enrich people’s lives and society across diverse fields, including products, architecture, software, systems, and services.

TeamPoS8000 C Series (Model C, Model Cs)

Received the JDMC 2024 Data Management Award "Data Integration Award" (March 2024)

Fujitsu Frontech received the "Data Integration Award" at the 2024 Data Management Awards sponsored by the General Incorporated Association Japan Data Management Consortium (JDMC).
Niigata Plant of Fujitsu Frontech, primarily led by the manufacturing department and in collaboration with other departments, has been committed to data coordination, including design and procurement systems, resulting in a 250% improvement in productivity and a 45% reduction in production lead time compared to 2018. It has been recognized as a model for the many manufacturing factories, which is tackling digital transformations by boldly integrating master data, which has been difficult in the past.

* The Data Management Award is a recognition system that is awarded to companies and institutions that are implementing activities in data management that serve as a model for others.

Award ceremony at "Data management 2024"

"Fujitsu Financial Solutions FACT-X" wins the Gold Award at the "IAUD International Design Award 2023" (February 2024)

Our ATM, "Fujitsu Financial Solutions FACT-X", won the gold award in the product design category of the "IAUD International Design Award 2023" conducted by the International Association for Universal Design (IAUD). (Share the gold award with Fujitsu Limited)
The "IAUD International Design Award" is an international recognition of universal design activities aimed at realizing a sustainable symbiotic society. We will continue to engage in responsible business activities that respect diversity.


Fujitsu Frontech Employee received Medal of Honor with Yellow Ribbon in the 2023 Autumn Conferment (November 2023)

Mitsuhiko Aiba, an employee of Fujitsu Frontech, was awarded the "Medal with Yellow Ribbon" in the 2023 Autumn Conferment.
He was honored for "High-precision inspection of metal parts and establishment of surface finishes for difficult-to-cut materials," in recognition of his dedication to his work as a product inspector for many years, as well as his efforts to pass on skills to younger technicians and develop human resources.

* The Medal with Yellow Ribbon is awarded to those who have worked diligently in agriculture, commerce, industry, etc. and have skills and achievements that serve as role models for others.

Award Ceremony of 2023 Autumn Conferment

Certified as the Master Craftsman of Niigata (November 2022)

Yukio Koyama, an employee of Fujitsu Frontech, was certified as the Master Craftsman of Niigata for his outstanding skills. This was the first certification in the field of electronic parts assembly worker.
It was recognized for his outstanding skills in all aspects of manufacturing operations, from the accurate assembly of mechanical modules embedded in ATM for financial institutions and automatic vending and refunding machines for public racing to the assembly and testing of equipment.
He was also recognized for his contribution to the training of technicians as an instructor in practical skills and academic test (electronic equipment assembly type), and for his efforts to pass on skills to younger technicians and develop human resources.

* This award grants awards to outstandingly skilled workers who live in Niigata Prefecture, have won prizes at various technical competitions, and are highly evaluated in other prefectures.

Award ceremony for the Master Craftsman of Niigata

Received the distinctive achievement award in environmental activities from Gunma Prefecture (January 2022)

Fujitsu Frontech Systems Limited, our group company, received the distinctive achievement award in environmental activities of the FY2021 from Gunma Prefecture.
Fujitsu Frontech Systems Limited has organized volunteer activities for community cleanup as a part of its environmental conservation activities since 2008 and was highly evaluated that it had engaged in forest maintenance in collaboration with local community and contributed to conservation of forest resources.

*Distinctive achievement award in environmental activities from Gunma Prefecture is a system to honor individuals and organizations engaged in outstanding environmental activities, such as research, study, and nature conservation activities to contribute to raising the environmental awareness of prefectural residents.

Award ceremony for the distinctive achievement award
in environmental activities of FY2021 from Gunma Prefecture

Received the Excellent Award of Climate Change Report as part of the 24th Environmental Communication Awards

"Fujitsu Frontech Group Environmental Report 2020" received the Excellent Award of Climate Change Report (Global Environmental Forum Chairman's Award) as part of the 24th Environmental Communication Awards. The report was highly regarded for promoting initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout its business activities in accordance with its road map towards zero CO2 emissions by year 2050 and aiming to achieve the target by providing solutions from the perspective of lifecycle.

* The awards, which are sponsored by Japanese Ministry of the Environment and the Global Environmental Forum, are designed to revitalize environmental efforts of enterprises and improve their environmental communication by recognizing excellent environmental reports.

Received Award for Outstandingly Skilled Workers (Contemporary Master Craftsman)

Mitsuhiko Aiba, an employee of Fujitsu Frontech, received awards for outstandingly skilled workers (contemporary master craftsman) of FY2020. It was highly evaluated that he contributed to mass production and maintaining superior quality by realizing high-precision parts inspection and surface finish accuracy in µ (micron) units.

* This award grants awards to outstandingly skilled workers who are considered as leading skilled workers in respective fields.

(above) scene of inspection work, (below) commemorative prize

Received Niigata Prefecture Eco Business Facility Awards

Niigata Plant of Fujitsu Frontech was recognized to be "Niigata Prefecture Eco Business Facility" of FY2019 as a business site which addresses measures against the global warming continuously.

* Niigata Prefecture Eco Business Facility Awards is a system that invites business facilities which take initiatives in reducing CO2 emissions actively, and works together with the facilities to promote Niigata Prefecture's measures against the global warming.

Award ceremony at "Niigata Environmental Festival 2019"

Received "Kumagaya City Gender Equality Promotion Award of FY2019"

Kumagaya Service Solution Center of Fujitsu Frontech received "Kumagaya City Gender Equality Promotion Award of FY2019" from Kumagaya City, as its efforts to create work environment that was supportive of women to work actively were evaluated highly.

* This award recognizes citizens and business facility (individuals, corporations and other organizations operating in Kumagaya City), which actively address initiatives to promote gender equality, such as improvement of work-life balance, aiming to create work environments where both men and women can work comfortably.

Award ceremony at "Forum Kumagaya 2019"


Certified the highest level in the "D&I AWARD 2024" for two years in a row (December 2024)  NEW

Fujitsu Frontech was certified as "BEST WORKPLACE for diversity & inclusion", the highest of the four levels of certification, in the "D&I AWARD 2024" which recognizes companies that engage in diversity and inclusion (D&I). We were certified at the highest level for the second consecutive year.
Also, Fujitsu Frontech Systems Limited, our group company, was certified as "BEST WORKPLACE for diversity & inclusion", the highest of the four levels of certification.
We were recognized as an advanced company that promotes D&I at a high level, fosters a corporate culture of D&I, and encourages every employee to proactively promote D&I.

The D&I AWARD, newly established by JobRainbow Co., Ltd. in fiscal 2021, is the first recognition and award system in Japan for companies that engage in D&I. This award evaluates the five categories of "Gender", "LGBTQ+", "Disability", "Cultural Diversity", and "Child Care and Nursing Care" on a scale of 1 to 100, and recognizes companies with a score of 81 or more as "BEST WORKPLACE for diversity & inclusion".
We will continue to strive to create a more supportive and inclusive work environment that respects the individuality of each employee.

Certified as the 3-star class in the Nikkei Sustainable Comprehensive Survey 2024: SDGs Management Edition (November 2024)  NEW

Fujitsu Frontech was certified as the 3-star class in the Nikkei Sustainable Comprehensive Survey: SDGs Management Edition, which recognizes progressive companies that link business management to SDGs, address social, economic and environmental issues through business activities and refine corporate value. We were certified as the 3-star class for six years in a row from the first survey.
This survey, which Nikkei Inc. has implemented since 2019 targeting listed companies and leading non-listed companies in Japan, is rated on a 5-star scale across 4 perspectives, "SDGs strategy and economic value", "social value", "environmental value" and "governance".

In the survey of this year, we were highly rated for "SDGs strategy and economic value", which measures "business contribution" and "policy".
Fujitsu Frontech Group will comply with Fujitsu Way, and has established Fujitsu Frontech Purpose of "To create a tomorrow with new connections between people and companies, people and society" and is strongly working as a group. And we will create an affluent and vibrant corporate culture, promote efforts to achieve SDGs, the common goals of the international community, and contribute to realize the sustainable society.

Certified as the 3.5-star class in the Nikkei Sustainable Comprehensive Survey 2024: Smart Work Management Edition (November 2024)  NEW

Fujitsu Frontech was certified as the 3.5-star class in the Nikkei Sustainable Comprehensive Survey: Smart Work Management Edition, which recognizes progressive companies maximizing corporate value through optimized human resources, accelerated human capital investment, and resulting innovation and productivity improvement. This is the third consecutive year Fujitsu Frontech has received a 3.5-star class.
This survey, which Nikkei Inc. has implemented since 2017 targeting listed companies and leading non-listed companies in Japan, is rated on a 5-star scale from the 3 factors, "human resource utilization", "human resource investment" and "technology utilization".

In the survey of this year, our "technology utilization" was highly rated as S rank. We are also recognized A++ ratings for our "human resource utilization" and "human resource investment".
Fujitsu Frontech Group will comply with Fujitsu Way, and has established Fujitsu Frontech Purpose of "To create a tomorrow with new connections between people and companies, people and society" and is strongly working as a group.
We will continue to promote "Smart Work Management" with the aim of creating an environment that can encourage employees, who are important management resources, to maximize their potential.

Certified as the Health & Productivity Management Organization 2024 (large enterprise category) for five years in a row (March 2024)

Fujitsu Frontech was certified as "Health & Productivity Management Organization 2024 (large enterprise category)" for five years in a row by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and The Nippon Kenko Kaigi as a company that focuses on and strategically carries out efforts with regard to their employees' health from a management perspective. Also, Fujitsu Frontech Systems Limited, our group company, was certified as " Health & Productivity Management Organization 2024 (small and medium enterprise category)" for three years in a row.
The Certified Health & Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program honors outstanding enterprises including small, medium and large sized companies, engaging in efforts to advance health and productivity management, based on initiatives that address local health issues and health promotion activities promoted by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi.

Based on the Fujitsu Frontech Group Health Statement, Fujitsu Frontech Group provides a work environment in which employees can work in a healthy and energetic manner, and promotes the health of employees and their families by placing employee health as the foundation of management.

Our Major Initiatives

  • Appointment of the director in charge
    The director in charge is assigned, and the Health Management Office and divisions in charge of each Group company exchange opinions closely with the secretariat, and measures are developed through the Safety, Health and Disaster Prevention Committee and the general manager.
  • Priority activity targets: "Raising awareness of mental and physical health and maintaining and promoting health"
    Stabilization of mental health:
    We will take preventive measures to maintain our mental health. We will also work to strengthen our support system for early detection and treatment of anxiety and create a workplace with high psychological safety.

    Reducing risk of lifestyle diseases:
    We are working to improve the lifestyle of our employees and to strengthen support for them. For example, we are holding walking events to help employees establish their exercise habits and disseminating health-related information from health staff and registered dietitians.

Received "Kurumin Certification" as a Company Supporting Childcare (August 2023)

In recognition of our efforts to balance work and child-rearing of employees, we received "Kurumin Certification" from the Tokyo Labor Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) on August 28, 2023.
"Kurumin Certification" is a system in which MHLW certifies companies that have established general employer action plans based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, and that meet certain criteria in addition to achieving the goals set forth in their plan.
Companies are eligible for Kurumin certification if they meet 10 criteria, including a 75% or higher rate of women taking parental leave, the ability to choose how to work if they have children before elementary school, and the male rate of taking parental leave.
We will continue to support the balance between work and child-rearing, while striving to create a working environment in which all employees can work actively and make the most of their abilities.

Kurumin Certification mark

Related Links

  • Company introductory movie 2019
  • Company Brochure
  • YouTube FUJITSU FRONTECH Official Channel
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