Seedr by Fujitsu Belgium

About Seedr

What is Seedr?

Seedr is Fujitsu Belgium's innovation hub, dedicated to driving co-creation and sustainability in order to foster new business models. Our main objective is to transform the creative ideas of our internal employees into successful microenterprises, thereby identifying new motors for long-term growth. Seedr defines a microenterprise as a self-sustainable business unit that can operate independently within the larger organization. It's an innovative solution that allows new units to grow at the speed of a startup, while keeping the benefits and support of the parent company.

At Fujitsu Belgium, we strive to de-risk our innovation ventures by facilitating and engaging in idea exploration, validating, and selecting business initiatives, and facilitating the execution of new (venture) ideas alongside “founders”.

Collaborative approach

We employ a collaborative approach that brings together the expertise of our team, the founders, and our partners. We work to identify and evaluate potential opportunities, analyze the market and customer trends, and develop strategies and solutions to create real value before we set business models into the market.

What is our vision?

We strive to be at the forefront of technological innovation, leveraging emerging technologies to turn an employee’s idea into a successful microenterprise. We are committed to staying ahead of the curve and continuously exploring innovative ideas and opportunities.

We are dedicated to helping Fujitsu Belgium achieve its full potential and become a leader in the digital economy. With our commitment to innovation and sustainability, we strive to create a better future for our partners, our clients, and society as a whole.

How does it work?

Seedr follows a collaborative and agile approach to turn employee ideas into successful microenterprises. We work through a series of processes that aims to minimize the overall risk of our initiatives.

How do we work?

  • Ideation

    Seedr begins by soliciting and collecting ideas from internal employees at Fujitsu Belgium. These ideas are evaluated based on their potential impact, feasibility, and alignment with the company's strategic goals.

  • Market Fit

    The most promising ideas are then subjected to a rigorous market assessment, which includes researching the competitive landscape, analyzing customer needs, and validating the idea's economic viability.

  • Creation of Microenterprise

    Once an idea has been thoroughly vetted, a dedicated team is assembled to turn it into a self-sustaining microenterprise. This team includes internal employees and external partners who bring a diverse range of skills and expertise to the project.

Who can get involved in Seedr?

At Fujitsu, we believe that innovation can come from anywhere and anyone. Seedr is a unique opportunity for all our employees to unleash their potential and be part of our journey towards creating new microenterprises that drive our growth. Whether you're a seasoned expert or a newcomer to the company, we welcome your ideas and perspectives. Join us and help us shape the future of Fujitsu Belgium.

The ultimate goal of Seedr is to establish microenterprises that are integrated into and owned by Fujitsu Belgium. However, Seedr also offers opportunities for collaboration with external partners and entrepreneurs, enabling us to explore and develop new business opportunities together.

How to get involved?

To get involved with Seedr, you can submit your business idea on the Seedr website. Alternatively, you can contact the Seedr team directly through LinkedIn to discuss your idea and explore potential collaboration opportunities. Keep in mind that Seedr primarily operates in Belgium and focuses on ideas related to IT and digitalization.

Once you have submitted your idea, Seedr will review it and determine if it is a good fit for the program. If your idea is selected, you will have the opportunity to work with the Seedr team to bring it to life and potentially even lead the microenterprise yourself.

Who is the Team behind Seedr?

  • Nicoleta Nistor
    Co-Founder & Head of Innovation, Partnerships & Growth at Fujitsu Belgium.

  • Thierry Rega
    Co-Founder & Head of Presales at Fujitsu Belgium.

  • Jeroen Segers
    Innovation Consultant.

Together, the Seedr team leverages its collective knowledge, experience, and expertise to drive innovation and growth for Fujitsu Belgium. Their passion for creating new business opportunities, combined with their strong background in innovation, partnerships, sales, customer management, and presales, lays the groundwork for the success of every initiative.

While the Seedr team provides a strong foundation and support throughout the process, the sustainability of the microenterprises ultimately depends on the drive, motivation, and capabilities of the founder team. We work closely with founders to ensure they have the resources and guidance they need to succeed in their ventures.

Success Stories & Testimonials

We partnered with the founders of the Power Apps team in one of our latest sprints, where they came to us with a clear goal and business model in mind. Together, we created Fujitsu's Managed Platform focused on Microsoft Power Apps that allows companies to rapidly create apps in a cost-effective way. Automating our clients’ processes hereby increasing efficiency and reducing time spent on time-consuming tasks. The microenterprise is now initiating their go-to-market strategy and has already been recruiting new talent to strengthen the team.

Read More


Approved by Seedr:

  • "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries: a popular book on building successful startups through experimentation and iteration.
  • "Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days" by Jake Knapp: a book on a five-day process for solving big problems and testing new ideas.
  • "Business Model Generation" by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur: a book that provides a framework for developing and refining business models.
  • "The Innovator's Dilemma" by Clayton Christensen: a classic book on the challenges of innovation in established companies.
  • "Harvard Business Review": a leading business publication with articles on a wide range of topics, including innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • "Zone to Win" by Geoffrey Moore is a strategy book that helps companies identify and prioritize their innovations and investments to drive growth and success.
  • "Entrepreneur": a publication focused on startups and entrepreneurship, with articles on everything from fundraising to marketing to leadership.
  • "Where to Play: 3 Steps for Discovering Your Most Valuable Market Opportunities” by Marc Gruber: a book and frameworks that offers a systematic approach to identifying and evaluating potential business opportunities and choosing the most promising ones to pursue.


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