Remaining secure throughout the Cloud lifecycle

For organizations around the world, cloud-based services have become an enabler for an efficient, agile and flexible IT model that delivers significant cost savings. However, despite the benefits cloud services offer, there are few long-established organizations that have yet managed to switch 100% to the Cloud, which is due to their massive investment in on-premise infrastructure.

While new start-ups are fortunate to be able to source all their services from the Cloud right from the beginning, for established organisations still needing to work with mission-critical legacy IT, a manageable hybrid IT approach is needed that mixes cloud-based services with traditional existing IT. For these organizations, the challenge is bolting all elements together with consistent security throughout.

The complexity of Cloud security

Today, organizations tend to buy in multiple cloud services from multiple vendors, and not all have high-level security built-in. In addition, while some private mission-critical cloud services might have high-level security, combining these different services with different protocols, makes the overall security situation highly complex and much harder to effectively orchestrate and manage. In the complicated IT landscape created, intelligence and insight are the only ways to combat sophisticated cyber security threats.

What does all this mean for your organization?

While some organizations still view cloud services as a risk to IT security, in reality, it's only a risk if you select cloud services that don’t have an appropriate level of security built-in. You can take advantage of the benefits more flexible IT brings without opening yourself up to attack. By undertaking a risk assessment before you buy, you can ensure that you choose the right service with the most appropriate security built-in right from the start.

By choosing to implement cloud services with heightened levels of protection, you can use what you learn and apply the same kind of protection to your on-premises IT infrastructure. With Cloud, you could eradicate erratic security and set new standards across your entire hybrid IT estate.

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