Touch Panels - Datasheet Index

Welcome to Fujitsu Components' touch panel index. If you know the part number you need, just scan the list to find your product. If you aren't sure of the part number you need, we suggest you try our Product Selector to sort through the product attributes that are important to you and to find the datasheet you need.

Status: Active = Active; To Be Discontinued =Not For New Design / To Be Discontinued; Discontinued = Discontinued

4-Wire Resistive
Active Light Touch 4-Wire
Active FID-1300 Custom 4-Wire
Not for new design Standard and Light Touch 4-Wire

4-Wire Embossed Resistive
Active FID-1320

5-Wire Resistive
Active FID-1520
Active NC01520

7-Wire Resistive
Active FID-550

Projected Capacitive
Active FID-15x
Active PCAP-S

Other Datasheets
Active Control board (single input)
Active Control board (dual input)
Active 55X/EVAL Evaluation Kit