Business Continuity & Data Protection Solutions

Why Data protection solutions from Fujitsu?

    • Fujitsu is a trusted IT infrastructure and services provider, providing backup and archive solutions for more than 50 years. We offer mainframe-class know-how and dependability. Our close cooperation with well-established user groups enables us to understand storage trends and solve customer challenges.
    • The world’s fastest and most reliable data center storage platform is used in data-intensive environments to store and manage backup, archive, second-tier and object data. This solution is called ETERNUS CS8000, represents the backbone for reliable business processes and reduces the overall data protection TCO drastically, while protecting mission critical data.
    • Data has to be protected against various reasons for data loss. But nowadays, also more universal concepts need to be realized to face challenges like GDPR or businesslike Ransomware attacks. Having one of the world’s leading data protection portfolios, combining innovative in-house developments with technologies for market leading partners, Fujitsu designs, builds, deploys, maintains and supports complete IT solutions.
    • It doesn’t matter whether you need to protect business applications, virtualized or hyper-converged environments. Fujitsu is specialized in mapping the right technology for your individual needs. And as a solution provider Fujitsu is not a vendor of storage products, but serves with end-to-end approaches, based on decades of experience, competence and partnerships.
    • Fujitsu is one of the few IT providers who give customers the comprehensive support they need. We know that the road to the digital world is not just a matter of having the right technology, but also depends on having just the right digital strategy for your business. We are at your side, helping to boost your business success.

Data Protection Products from Partners

By combining ETERNUS storage systems with products from partners and our services, we deliver complete storage solutions for all data protection scenarios

Partners: Veeam
Partners: Veritas
Partners: Commvault
Partners: Quantum
Partners: Oracle

Case studies