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Fujitsu Group Environmental Action Plan (Stage VII) and Performance

Action Plan and Activity Targets for the Period FY 2013-2015

In April 2013, the Fujitsu Group newly formulated the Fujitsu Group Environmental Action Plan (Stage VII) for the period FY 2013-2015.

Our world faces many challenges relating to population growth. These include the security of supply of energy, other resources and food, climate change, the increasing frequency of natural disasters, and loss of biodiversity. These social and environmental issues are deeply interconnected, and cannot be managed in isolation. Society expects businesses to proactively take actions to address these challenges.

Through our business activities, Fujitsu endeavors to tackle these social and environmental challenges, by increasing the deployment of ICT sustainability solutions throughout society and developing new innovative technologies. As a leading ICT company, we will continue working together with our stakeholders in the global value chain including our customers, partners and suppliers to shape a sustainable and prosperous society. To achieve that, we have specified 17 concrete activity targets.

All the Targets in the Fujitsu Group Environmental Action Plan (Stage VII) Achieved

The Fujitsu Group successfully achieved all the targets in the Fujitsu Group Environmental Action Plan (Stage VII) over its duration of three years, including the items where hurdles were raised, such as “Contribution to Society by ICT: Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions”, “Design and Deliver Eco-efficient Products: Resource Efficiency” and “Efficient Supply Chain: Logistics”.

Our Society

Target items FY 2015 Results Achievement
Contribution to Society by ICT: Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions for our customer and society over 38million tons. *1
Contributed 39.99 million tons (Japan: 25.64 million tons; overseas: 14.36 million tons) Archived
Contribution to Society by ICT: Increase Solutions
Increase the deployment of sustainability solutions.
Communicated information inside and outside Japan on 12 solutions (selected the previous fiscal year) that contribute to sustainability Archived
Design and Deliver Eco-efficient Products: Energy Efficiency
Achieve top-level energy efficiency*2 of more than 50% of the newly developed products.
52.8% Archived
Design and Deliver Eco-efficient Products: Resource Efficiency
Increase resource efficiency of newly developed products by 35% compared to 2011*3.
44.8% improvement Archived
Leading Edge R&D
Develop innovative technologies that enable solutions and products to reduce the environmental load.
Announced 25 key green technologies Archived
Corporate Citizenship: Social Challenges
Support initiatives that address the complex social and environmental challenges, e.g. biodiversity conservation.
Provided funding, technology, and human resource support Archived
Corporate Citizenship: Social Activities
With society, support our employees to volunteer social activities.
Dedicated 169,000 hours to social contribution activities by employees Archived

Our Business

Target items FY 2015 Results Achievement
Efficient Business Operations: Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emission
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our business facilities by 20% compared to 1990.
34.7% reduction Archived
Efficient Business Operations: Energy Intensity
Improve energy intensity in our business facilities over 1% each year.
2.9% improvement Archived
Efficient Business Operations: Data Centers
Improve environmental performance of our major data centers.
Approx. 2% improvement in PUE Archived
Efficient Supply Chain: Logistics
Reduce CO2 emissions*4 per sales from transport over 1% (on average) compared to FY2013*5.
15% reduction Archived
Efficient Supply Chain: Procurement
Expand activities of reducing CO2 emissions to all types of suppliers.
Reached 100% of business partners implementing CO2 reduction or limitation measures Archived
Efficient Use of Resources: Renewable Energy
Increase generation capacity and procurement of renewable energy.
Added the amount of electricity purchased that was generated by hydro power in Finland Purchased approx. 28,000 MWh of green power Archived
Efficient Use of Resources: Water
Continue efforts for efficient use of water, e.g. water recycling and water saving.
Water usage: 15,830,000 m3 (reduced by 4.6% compared to FY 2014) Archived

Continuous targets*6

Target items FY 2015 Results Achievement
Reduced Environmental Impact: Chemicals
Reduce chemical emissions to less than the average level of 2009-2011 (PRTR: 21t, VOC: 258t).
PRTR: 19 tons; VOC: 201 tons Archived
Reduced Environmental Impact: Waste
  • Reduce the amount of waste to less than average level of 2007-2011 (amount of waste: 31,134t).
  • Keep Zero Emission in factories in Japan.
  • Waste generated: 20,660 tons
  • Achieved zero emissions at domestic business sites
Reduced Environmental Impact: Recycling
Maintain over 90% resource reuse rate of business ICT equipment at Fujitsu recycling centers.
94.5% Archived

*1 38million tons:
Calculate the numeric target by multiplying annual sales of each solution category by a conversion factor of CO2 e savings per sales which is based on around 300 case studies of Environmentally Conscious Solutions in Japan.There was an upward revision of the target at the end of FY 2014.

*2 Achieve top-level energy efficiency:
Achieve more than 25% of market benchmark in energy efficiency such as top-runner products (first in the world or industry, top of the world or industry)

*3 35%:
An upward revision of the target at the end of FY 2014.

*4 Reduce CO2 emissions:
Calculate emissions of CO2 equivalence from energy consumption

*5 1%:
As the initial target was achieved, from FY 2014 the Fujitsu Group has changed the target.

*6 Continuous targets:
Targets to be achieved through business activity because already achieved high level performance.