NOTE: this is an archived page and the content is likely to be out of date.
In April 2010, we created the Fujitsu Group Environmental Protection Program (Stage VI) to run from FY 2010 to the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013 (FY 2012).
The program is based on the three targets established in Green Policy 2020 and defines six key areas: strengthening advanced green ICT R&D, improving the environmental value of products and services and strengthening the development and provision of green ICT, strengthening efforts to reduce the environmental burden of the Group itself, strengthening our foundation for environmental management, promoting activities that make environmental contributions to society, and promoting activities that conserve biodiversity. Moreover, we have established a further 18 items to serve as specific program targets.
In FY 2012, the final year of Fujitsu Group Environmental Protection Program (Stage VI), we achieved all of the fiscal year targets, thereby, also achieving all of the targets for the three years covered by the program. Among those were targets revised upward for FY 2011; namely, advanced green ICT R&D, environmental efficiency factors, renewable energy, and CO2 reduction in distribution and transportation.
Category | Performance
(FY 2010) |
(FY 2011) |
(FY 2012) |
(FY 2012) |
Strengthening advanced green ICT R&D | ||||
Develop technologies for next-generation datacenters and networking that will at least double overall efficiency of ICT products by the end of FY 2012. | 1.3 times | 1.5 times | Over 2 times | Over 2 times |
By the end of FY 2012, more than 70% of all technology developed will be solutions for reducing burden on the environment. | 58% | 61% | 70% | 73% |
Category | Performance
(FY 2010) |
(FY 2011) |
(FY 2012) |
(FY 2012) |
Develop and deliver green ICT to contribute to customers and society | ||||
Provide green ICT that will reduce cumulative CO2 emissions by 15 million tons or more over the FY 2009-12 period. | 5.60 million tons | 9.98 million tons | 15 million tons or more | 15.61 million tons |
Develop and provide eco-friendly products (Super Green products) | ||||
With respect to newly developed green products in all departments, Super Green products that contribute to reduced environmental footprints through low energy and resource demands must comprise 30% by end of FY 2012. | 17% | 33% | 30% or more | 39% |
Develop and provide eco-friendly products (environmental efficiency factors) | ||||
With respect to newly developed green products in all departments, the environmental efficiency must be raised to 4.0 times FY 2008 value by end of FY 2012. *1 | Raise to 3.2 | Raise to 4.1 | Raise to 4.0 | Raise to 4.6 |
Promote product recycling | ||||
Sustain 90% resource reuse rate of business ICT equipment globally at Fujitsu recycling centers. | 93.3% | 94.1% | Sustain 90% | 94.3% |
Develop and provide environmental solutions | ||||
Promote development and provision of environmental solutions in all areas, including industry, transport, business, households, and energy conversion sectors. | Departmental and regional coverage rate: 78% | Departmental and regional coverage rate: 89% | Departmental and regional coverage rate: 100% | Departmental and regional coverage rate: 100% |
Expand provision of environmental solutions in major regions, including Japan, Europe, the Americas, and Asia-Pacific. |
Category | Performance
(FY 2010) |
(FY 2011) |
(FY 2012) |
(FY 2012) |
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions | ||||
Reduce total greenhouse gas emissions associated with manufacturing globally to 6% below FY 1990 levels by end of FY 2012 (CO2: 5% reduction, other greenhouse gases: 20% reduction). | 11.7% reduction | 18.2% reduction | 6% reduction | 24.4% reduction |
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions (renewable energy) | ||||
Increase use of renewable energy sources to 10 times FY 2007 levels by end of FY 2012. *1 | 4.8 times | 11 times | 10 times | 11.9 times |
Reduce CO2 in transport and distribution | ||||
Reduce CO2 emissions from domestic transport to 15% below FY 2008 levels by end of FY 2012. *1 | 18% reduction | 24% reduction | 15% reduction | 32% reduction |
Promote business partners' greenhouse gas reduction | ||||
Promote procurement from business partners that limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions. | 62.7% | 98.4% | 100% | 100% |
Factory improvements (chemicals) | ||||
Reduce output of priority chemicals to 10% below FY 2007 levels by end of FY 2012. | 48% reduction | 60% reduction | 10% reduction | 62% reduction |
Factory improvements (waste) | ||||
Reduce waste generation to 20% below FY 2007 levels by end of FY 2012. | 20.1% reduction | 27% reduction | 20% reduction | 29.6% reduction |
Maintain zero waste emissions at factories in Japan. | Status maintained | Status maintained | Status maintained | Status maintained |
Office improvements | ||||
Achieve four-star rating or better under the Green Office plan for every office by end of FY 2012. | Japan: Trials using new standard | Japan: 80% | Japan: 100% | Japan: 100% |
Internationally: Field survey (completed) | Internationally: completed draft evaluation standards | Internationally: Trial implementation | Internationally: Trial implementation |
Category | Performance
(FY 2010) |
(FY 2011) |
(FY 2012) |
(FY 2012) |
Continuously improve globally integrated environmental management systems | ||||
Promote further ICT deployment for environmental management, build smart environmental management systems. | Trial implementation | Block application rate: 60% | Block application rate: 75% | Block application rate: 100% |
To improve environmental performance, by end of FY 2012 we intend to apply a framework of assessments for the extent of target achievement and a compliance of 100% in regard to the Group's main domestic production companies. | Performance assessment procedures established | Trial implementation | Expand as far as domestic manufacturing group companies | Apply to all 23 covered business sites |
Promote environmental management through communications with stakeholders | ||||
Promote environmental communication at all levels to improve environmental management | Both internal and external information dissemination improved | Both internal and external information dissemination improved | Improved communication of environmental information | Both internal and external information dissemination improved |
Category | Performance
(FY 2010) |
(FY 2011) |
(FY 2012) |
(FY 2012) |
Further elevate the environmental awareness of employees through environmental and social contribution activities | ||||
Construct the "Act-Local-System" for sharing information on social contribution activities by the end of FY 2010, and share information on environmental and social activities underway at business sites across the globe. | Network construction completed | Japan network operating. Overseas network operating | Japan network operating. Overseas network operating | Japan network operating. Overseas network operating |
Continue environmental and social activities underway at business sites across the globe, and use the "Act-Local-System" to engage in activities that are more oriented toward local communities. | Japan: Implemented at all business sites | Japan: Implemented at all business sites | Japan: 1x/year | Japan: Implemented at all business sites |
Internationally: Implemented at 54% of business sites | Internationally: Implemented at 65% of business sites | Internationally: 1x/3 years | Internationally: Implemented at all business sites as of the end of FY 2012 |
Category | Performance
(FY 2010) |
(FY 2011) |
(FY 2012) |
(FY 2012) |
Reduce impact of company's operations on biodiversity | ||||
Develop numerical indicators to measure impact of operations on biodiversity and build system to expand contribution of ICT to reducing that impact. | Completion of numerical indicator development | 4.6% reduction in level of impact (in main business areas) compared to FY 2009 as evaluated by BD integration index | 3% reduction in level of impact (in main business areas) compared to FY 2009 as evaluated by BD integration index | 9.6% reduction in level of impact (in main business areas) compared to FY 2009 as evaluated by BD integration index |
Promote procurement from business partners that work to preserve biodiversity. | 60.9% | 99.2% | 100% | 100% |
Contribute to community-building that conserves biodiversity | ||||
Build case studies that contribute to biodiversity through ICT in all major offices by end of FY 2012. | Survey implementation | Pilot project based on survey results | Development at main business sites | Development at main business sites |
Conduct biodiversity preservation/education programs in all offices by end of FY 2012. | Japan: Implemented at all business sites | Japan: Implemented at all business sites | Japan: Once a year | Japan: Implemented at all business sites |
Internationally: Implemented at 30% of business sites | Internationally: Implemented at 41% of business sites | Internationally: Once every three years | Internationally: Already implemented at all business sites as of the end of FY 2012 |
Target revised upward.