Our Engagement for SDGs
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the United Nations in 2015, are universal goals that should be achieved by countries around the world including developed countries by 2030. Toward the achievement of these goals, there are strong calls for actively using technologies and innovation capability of private companies.
Fujitsu Semiconductor Memory Solution has been working to contribute to achieving the SDGs through developing and providing environmentally conscious devices and solutions.
Contribution to achieving SDGs by our products and solutions
We have been focusing our efforts for developing and providing environmentally conscious devices and solutions that reduce environmental load on customers by supporting customers' businesses with environmentally conscious semiconductor technologies as well as promoting eco-design.
By taking advantage of our memory products, low power consumption, compact size and lighter weight, we contribute to creating a sustainable society in line with the SDGs together with customers.
Examples of Contribution to Achievement of SDGs
The following introduces the examples of Fujitsu Semiconductor Memory Solution products that contribute to achieving the SDGs.
Contribution to "Goals7: Affordable and clean energy" by providing memory products
As a result of the advances in digital network technologies, the functionality of various information and electronics equipment has been increasingly sophisticated. Our opportunities to use information and electronics equipment have increased, and accordingly, the amount of power consumed by such equipment is trending upward.
Under these circumstances, we have been striving to provide devices and solutions that reduce power consumption while supporting the evolving of information and electronics equipment.
Contribution to "Goals12: Responsible consumption, production" by providing batteryless solutions
For keyboards, remote controllers, sensors, electronic paper, display, and so on, many batteries are used and then discarded. By replacing such batteries with the battery-less solution, we can contribute to not only saving energy, but also reducing factors adversely affecting the environment due to disposing batteries and the like.
Contribution to "Goals4: Quality education" by providing products to universities and science museums
Looking to increase people's interest in semiconductor technology, we provide our products to university research labs (rocket development) and science museums, thereby contributing to the provision of effective learning environments enabled by cutting-edge technologies.