G610 Bill Recycling Unit Specifications

Obsolete product information

G610 Bill Recycling Unit has been discontinued.

Dimensions (W x D x H) 360mm x 610mm x 755mm
A cradle and slide rails are included.
Weight (W/O media) Approx. 130kg
A cradle, slide rails and cassettes are included.
Service Access Front or Rear access
Number of Cassettes Up to 4 Cassettes
The deposit cassette and the recycle cassette can be configured in any combination from 1 to 4 cassettes.
Acceptable Media Range Max. 86mm x 166mm
Min. 60mm x 120mm
Capacities Approx. 8,300 New Bills
  3 Recycling Cassettes + 1 Deposit Cassette
    Recycling Cassette: Approx. 2,000 New Bills
    Deposit Cassette: Approx. 2,300 New Bills
CEN/XFS Service Providers CEN/XFS 3.0 Compatible
Interface USB 1.1
Electrical Power Requirements DC +24V (+10%, -8%) Ave. 22.5A Peak 31.0A
Temperature Operation 5 - 50℃ Stop State -5 - 50℃
Relative Humidity Operation 20 - 80%RH Stop State 10 - 90%RH

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